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Urgh... I've spent most of my evening thus far playing Cube Field on facebook... by far the most irritating / addictive / awesome game I've played in a while. I was top of my friends league until a couple of hours ago, gah! 650000 if anyone has it

Far far faaaaar too addictive. Can't remember my score but I got an epic score on my third go. Just checked; I got a score of 476k, pretty happy with that :heh:


In other news my driving licence came in the post at last :) No more taking the passport to clubs for me!


Man, I remember having to do that, with my expired passport. Got denied access once or twice, not good after lift sharing to get there and back..drivers licenses make it so much easier. Or, y'know, having an in date passport :P



Good news for once! If you don't care about the Lucy thing then don't bother reading. If you're nosy/care then go ahead and

Speller / Dyson says (22:17):

Ahh I'm feeling much better

Lucy called me about 45 minutes ago

Speller / Dyson says (22:17):

We didn't talk for long, she was at a gig! Actually there's a bit of backstory I didn't get to tell you

Speller / Dyson says (22:19):

Her and her friend are seeing cobra starship play in her university union building, and I'd love to have seen them live, and lucy told me about the gig a couple of nights before we went on our date, but we had assumed that tickets would have been sold out so didn't bother looking in to it. Last night her friend lisa tells me that tickets are still on sale and I should go along, and whilst..

Speller / Dyson says (22:20):

I really wanted to go I hadn't talked to lucy about it or anything, we havn't had a chance to speak since our date and didn't want to intrude on those two going if she didn't want me there, plus I would have had to have stayed in lucys room and depending on how she was thinking I didn't want to impose myself or anything, and it might have been awkward, so in the end I decided not to go

Speller / Dyson says (22:21):

But yeah, she called me up because they were playing a song I liked, and I apologized for not going, and she was really happy and was all "You should have come!" and I'm really kicking myself for not going! And before we hung up she said see you soon to which I said absolutely

So maybe things are going better than I thought





'swhat I typed to my friend explaining it on MSN. I'm sure it comes across just as well on here :heh:

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Ahh dear N-E. I'm just a big fail when it comes to relationship stuff. Of course it felt like we havn't talked since the night, she's been on a field trip for a week and we've been texting but I'm so used to our regular conversations online that it felt different. That's what I'm thinking now - she got back today, went to the gig, called me up, and talked to me after returning too. Perhaps I'm just looking in to it all too much. She said from the start she wanted to take things gradually and I guess that's what we're doing.


Hidey hi! On another note, does anybody need some work doing? Perhaps a visit from a random forumer? Travelling done? 'cos I'm getting pretty depressive sitting in all the time with only the internet keeping me company right now. I'll take what I can get.

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Hidey hi! On another note, does anybody need some work doing? Perhaps a visit from a random forumer? Travelling done? 'cos I'm getting pretty depressive sitting in all the time with only the internet keeping me company right now. I'll take what I can get.


You could come and clean my room for me.


I charge though.

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Fucking spiders. To cut a long story short, I'm now off to sleep in the spare room. Eurgh.


:cry: I hate nights like those you see a BIG mother f**ker and it runs down the side of your bed into the unknown. You try and find it, but can't. And you know its just waiting till you nod back off then its gonna crawl all over your face and in your mouth! I've spent a few nights on the sofa thanks to those 8 legged freaks.


Good call.

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Dyson, you're mental. Just go for it d00d. Dis chick digs you man.


Megal phailztastic @ Being at work.


Edit. Hmmm not bad. Just spoke to an American chick (hot) but she was ringing to inform of a death (phailz) but she sounded hot (mega whinz) but dead folk (lame failz)


The manager is new though......so I reckon I'll play my DS in a bit. Awesome. :)


Edit Remix. Actually got a pretty busy (mega busy) day today considering I don't usually have a life.


- Work

- Showing off my models and leanding a friend some comic books

- Pick up my comics (technically this will happen at same location as above activity...but I need to find and sort out all the comics I'm lending/leanding.

- BBQWTFLOL. A BBQ is occuring apparently. Burgers and Lamb and Mint kebabs, or mega phailzaphon.

- Cinema (hopefully) to see Drag Me To Hell

- Jamies mega leaving do. I don't think I'm gonna get too drunk.....don't really fancy it tonight.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Today is going to be a nice easy going day :)


Woke up, showered and that then went and sunbathed/read in the garden for a while. Just doing some packing for holiday now. So far got 9 tops, three hoodies and four pairs of jeans. Never quite sure how much to take. I plan to do laundry one night so I don't have to take as much stuff with me (and bring back more bwahaha) and I don't mind wearing jeans a few times. Not like they get particularly dirty. Oh and I packed my Micky Mouse shirt which says Tokyo on it for when I go to Disneyland ^_^


Waiting for the post person to come (although if we have no post I'll never know...) in case my parcel arrives. She's usually here anytime between 12 and 4 so...meh. Then off to do a tad of food shopping. May sunbathe again at some point.

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I have a pr0 stomach achings, although that being said it is dimishing... Nothing beats 7 hours work without a break, then staying up to make sure your brother makes a bigger tool of himself as you watch him and friends snort lines. Soon as he leaves the laptop unattended I'm going to turn the wireless off, to make good on my threat of doing so when he wouldn't get to bed.

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Awesome times last night. Went to my mate's final degree show for his fine art show then to the pub, then to a private after party thing in the bar above DQ in town. Loads of FREE drinks followed by cheapy drinks. Dancing was done in abundance.


I was supposed to go to a house party with jay and shorty too but I ended up too busy in the day to make the early bbq and it didn't make sense to go later either because I had to stick with my mates to go to this party in the bar. D'oh. Still- it's been far too long since I was out on a big night with all my old crew. Worth it :)

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great start to the day. woke up at 11 still full of curry. got a txt about the gym and thought the hell with it, i'll go. mate who was driving there stopped to get cash, and we noticed the BNP had a stall right next to the cash point. my mate is mixed race, and im a rational human so we were obviously not taking thier flyers. instead, we loudly disscussed how any party run by a racist, homophobic halocuast denier is a joke. got hackeys off the big fat guy handing shit out. my mate said "wot do you think their polocies on fat cunts are?" i laughed like a drain. in the car driving past i wound down the window and souted "fuck off facists!" as we drove away, laughing and high fiving.


then we got to the gym and i finaly showed im back in shape by running for 20 mins without pausing. all in all a day of triumph for me. and with a bbq, and maybe a night out to come.

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big big SIGH!


i'm running entirely on coffee after last night. long story short - went to ask my new housemates to STFU last night when they came home from the pub with some randoms at 2am - only to find them all in the kicten huffing coke off the counter.



being around people on uppy drugs freaks me out a bit for long and boring reasons so it took me a pretty long time to get to sleep after that...


on the plus side of today - i found an old, rather battered blackberry phone that looked like it'd been abandoned outside the shop thismorning. it has no back and the front cover is scratched to hell.. there's no SIM card, which is why i think it's been chucked... but it works (all in french?) even if i cant savlage it i can use the micro-SD card inside for my R4 :grin: small win..?

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Just been relaxing in the garden for the past hour or so. I opened my eyes to see one of the neigbbours just glaring at me, it was terrifying. Obviously they couldn't get enough of my manly torso (*cough* I wish *cough*).

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lol Haggis. Pervy neighbours. We all have them, for some strange reason.


Sunny outside again, with there not being a single cloud in the sky. It's brilliant. One bad thing: I have writing to do. Crap. Sucks as I want to go outside. Perhaps I'll just leave it till later seeing as the site has had 6 reviews from me in the last week so I think I should go outside. Need to find some sun screen stuff though as my left arm is a little nippy after yesterday's sun soaking.

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great start to the day. woke up at 11 still full of curry. got a txt about the gym and thought the hell with it, i'll go. mate who was driving there stopped to get cash, and we noticed the BNP had a stall right next to the cash point. my mate is mixed race, and im a rational human so we were obviously not taking thier flyers. instead, we loudly disscussed how any party run by a racist, homophobic halocuast denier is a joke. got hackeys off the big fat guy handing shit out. my mate said "wot do you think their polocies on fat cunts are?" i laughed like a drain. in the car driving past i wound down the window and souted "fuck off facists!" as we drove away, laughing and high fiving.


then we got to the gym and i finaly showed im back in shape by running for 20 mins without pausing. all in all a day of triumph for me. and with a bbq, and maybe a night out to come.


I wuv you. That's brilliant.

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Although it's sunny outside I'm inside. There's no point sunbathing, I burn. I think I once tanned mildly, due to some twist of fate, about 3 years ago. But no, I'm a pale bastard with no absorbance of sunlight.


I've had dark brown hairdye lying on my desk for ages, but my hair is back to brown colour anyway, maybe using it would make it look a bit less strange (randomly differentr shades of brown in my hair), but I think I want to dye my hair blonde/white. It is study leave after all.

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