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Mhm apparently all the rest did (except my friend's MILF who apparently did know someone called Jack (her uncle) but didn't remember til later so didn't 'contact' them) except my friend's, which he also picked up on other points too.


But yeah, you shouldn't do linguistics Grunchy, you suck at it :p I mean Supergrunch isn't even a word.

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... Woah. Wtf! Ok so, like, how did you guys get together? how old are you? Are you considering moving over there? maadness!


Me, i'm 24 and we met on the net, about 5 year ago, friendship turned into a lot more things, I finally managed to save up a good chunk of cash and I went over april/may just gone, got back Monday, was there for a month and loved every damned second of it, and if I could I would move, just getting everything sorted dunno how long it'll all take, but who knows what'll happen, i'm gonna try get there for when the baby is born dunno how well that will work seeing as i've only got like a week holiday left at work *Shrug* we'll work something out, and thanks all ^^

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and in my mind I'm screaming 'I WANT TO GO AGAIN'.


Also out loud.


FOOLISH GET! I saw that coming, honest.




*takes back his dance from moogle*


Huge lolzaphon.


Picked up ma stash (comics) yesterday. Got back in the car and it wouldn't start. Rang the comic guy (cos he knows a lot about cars) and he was able to show me how to start it. Whinzominge.


Did you know you should start the engine with the clutch down? It halves wear....somewhere in the engine or something.


From the thread with that bloke pretending to be a bi-lesbian-16-year-old.


Ashley ninja edit

Just to clarify things, Maase created a topic asking people to talk about their homophobic and racist views which is a tad more than "expressing discomfort". But the past is the past, as long as we're clear what happened I'm fine with putting it behind us


Thats what she said.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Just got back from the doctor. Not so great news about my leg. Seems part of my bone is dead, and that has started to become infected. Apparently it's something that I may have had for yearsssss already but is only becoming a problem now.


I'm also a bit of a rare case as normally you really need to have been wounded there (like, deep wound) to get something like this, or have been ill really badly. Nothing like that ever happened to me, so the doctors were a bit amazed by it.


But yeah, it's likely they'll have to remove it. Cut open my leg and remove part of the bone. =(

I'm put on more antibiotics for a couple of weeks, then I have to go in for a CT scan so they can see if there's been any improvement. If not (which the doctor said is likely), I'll have to go into surgery. >.<;



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Just got back from the doctor. Not so great news about my leg. Seems part of my bone is dead, and that has started to become infected. Apparently it's something that I may have had for yearsssss already but is only becoming a problem now.


I'm also a bit of a rare case as normally you really need to have been wounded there (like, deep wound) to get something like this, or have been ill really badly. Nothing like that ever happened to me, so the doctors were a bit amazed by it.


But yeah, it's likely they'll have to remove it. Cut open my leg and remove part of the bone. =(

I'm put on more antibiotics for a couple of weeks, then I have to go in for a CT scan so they can see if there's been any improvement. If not (which the doctor said is likely), I'll have to go into surgery. >.<;



That's crazy mad. When you said 'remove it' my heart skipped a beat as I thought my god, the whole leg?! ... thankfully not!


So if they remove a chunk of your bone, do you get a metal plate, or a pin put in?

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Thanks guys. It'll be fine in the end, heh. I hope. =P


That's crazy mad. When you said 'remove it' my heart skipped a beat as I thought my god, the whole leg?! ... thankfully not!


So if they remove a chunk of your bone, do you get a metal plate, or a pin put in?


Haha if they had to remove my whole leg I think I would've died in the doctor's office after hearing that. Though it was a thought that had been going through my mind, so I'm happy they won't have to do that.


And no, they just remove the part, and he said it would slowwwwwwly heal again over time or something. Though I bet my bone will never be as strong again as it was (well, seems it was never strong in the first place, heh).

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Sorry to hear that Eenuh, sure it will all work out :)



I'm possibly regretting what I'm wearing today, the colours are bordering on...bargain basement airline air hostess (bright yellow and electric blue).

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Let someone join the mile high club ;)


That wasn't funny. I'm sorry!


Sorry to hear about your leg as well Eenuh but at least its not going to be a problem soon enough! :)


Got up for work for 1.5 hours, pointless. Now to spend a day pretending I'm going to revise. Not gonna happen.

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Got a job interview for a job I don't want later today doing door to door sales. On the plus side, it can go on my dole form. I think I'll just go in trainers.


So you're turning down a job to stay on the dole? That is disgusting. If you're claiming jobseekers then you should take any job (within reason, and yes door to door salesman is within reason) not sponge off of the taxpayer until something better comes along.

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I'm possibly regretting what I'm wearing today, the colours are bordering on...bargain basement airline air hostess (bright yellow and electric blue).




Might mean you're a member of the X-Men.

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So you're turning down a job to stay on the dole? That is disgusting. If you're claiming jobseekers then you should take any job (within reason, and yes door to door salesman is within reason) not sponge off of the taxpayer until something better comes along.


For a job with no basic wage? I could work for a week and get nothing. It's selling fuckin' windows, who in their right mind would buy windows from a door to door salesperson in the current economic climate anyway?


I wasn't going to bother going but my friend persuaded me to go for it anyway. On the plus side it's also job interview practice, something I could do with. Don't get me wrong; I can't stand being on the dole, but for a job that has no basic salary? I'll wait until I can get something that means I might actually get paid for my work.

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Or Bananaman.




For a job with no basic wage? I could work for a week and get nothing. It's selling fuckin' windows, who in their right mind would buy windows from a door to door salesperson in the current economic climate anyway?


I wasn't going to bother going but my friend persuaded me to go for it anyway. On the plus side it's also job interview practice, something I could do with. Don't get me wrong; I can't stand being on the dole, but for a job that has no basic salary? I'll wait until I can get something that means I might actually get paid for my work.


What it's 100% commission? Fair enough then. Apologies for jumping to a conclusion.

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Did you know you should start the engine with the clutch down? It halves wear....somewhere in the engine or something.

I've not driven for about five years and I know that :blank:

So you're turning down a job to stay on the dole? That is disgusting. If you're claiming jobseekers then you should take any job (within reason, and yes door to door salesman is within reason) not sponge off of the taxpayer until something better comes along.

Trust me, even if it wasn't 100% commission it wouldn't be worth it. But for a fast track management scheme, check this shizzle out:




This is the thing which tried to grab me. I'm sure they'll have one in your area. Note, this is the closest thing they seem to have to an official website:


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