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Because you had the perception (often through parents) that they were something to be feared when you were younger. This irrational fear was then passed onto you.


I'm aware of this (Psychology A-Level etc etc). :) Though, it's actually not. According to my mum, some Spider crawled on me whilst I was playing with some toy as a toddler, and I got all hysterical. So I'm thinking that's probably why I've got the irrational fear. I hate having such a cliche fear. A teacher I used to have was petrified of Lolly Sticks. He would literally be sick at the sight of one, it was incredibly wierd.

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My Day, not too bad


my Month...fucking amazing, been in Sydney for the past 4 weeks, living with my GF who lives here, Sunday is my last day and I don't even want to go back home, it's too damned nice here.


I'll definatly be coming back, just want to make it a permanent thing =p


And i've bought loads of goodies w00t, i'll post a piccie when I get back home of it all.


all in all..Time sucks...takes all the fun away from everything.

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Just got back from the hospital to get an MRI scan. Laying still for about 20 minutes (or however long it was) is nooooot easy, haha. The more you try not to move, the more your muscles seem to twitch and whatever. =P

Also, that machine makes so much noise! Even with those big headphones on it still was amazingly loud. They put on music in the background but honestly you can't hear it at all. X3

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Up early! Not had much sleep, but need to be alert for the possible arrival of a DHL delivery. Turns out everyone's up so we're gonna plonk on the smallville finale!


Then I predict I'll stay up 'til x11 results come out, then grab a nap before Dan Dare comes over tonight for CATAAAAN. We're so cool.


I like to think of myself as a selective perfectionist :heh:

As opposed to a random one? :P

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Nooooooooooooo! I'm no longer a teenager! :cry:


Actually, I never felt like a teenager anyway, always felt older than I was so now I guess being 20 matches who I am now. Stupid HMV. Mother asked them to order some CDs instore for me at the start of the week and when she went in yesterday to pick them up, she was told they hadn't gotten around to ordering them. Idiots. Oh well. Got two of the ones I wanted (Silent Force by Within Temptation and Highest Hopes by Nightwish) :yay: Apparently one of the ones I want is discontinued but I know I've seen it places so the mother is going to be giving me money so I can go and buy the rest of the CDs tomorrow when I go out.


Now to try and dodge the bullet of going out for a meal with the family this evening although I wouldn't mind going to Nando's which is where we'd be going. Hmmm...


edit: Also, thank you Hero_of_Time for the PM'd birthday message.

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^ That'll be me in 4 months and 2 days. :(



Yesterday was usual shit. Tried to do Everlong on Expert Drums on Rock Band 2 only for my arms to spasm and seize up every bastard time Lord Grohl sang "Come down and waste away with me." so I stopped. Keh!


Today, woke up at a tasty time of 10am because brother's gone to work and so the PC is free. Have to sign on for the dole today, though.


They really do make signing on a miserable experience. Almost makes you want to actually look for a job...

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I lied. That "spider" that dropped on my arm wasn't actually spider, it was a freaking fly. I saw it this morning under the book I'd thrown on it and just burst out laughing. All that freaking out, over a fly.

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Woke up with a 5p attached to my nipple, which is quite win.


I enjoy this.


I only have 3 weeks of my course left, feeling kinda sad! On the plus side Nethy passed his driving test! Now I've got someone to drive me home at 5am :D

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They really do make signing on a miserable experience. Almost makes you want to actually look for a job...

You might want to have a word with them about that, it might not have been what they were going for.


Signing on wasn't bad when I did it. It was just weird seeing some proper pikey chav's there and pitying them, I know that sounds bad for considering myself better than them. But for some of them, I do.

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You might want to have a word with them about that, it might not have been what they were going for.


Signing on wasn't bad when I did it. It was just weird seeing some proper pikey chav's there and pitying them, I know that sounds bad for considering myself better than them. But for some of them, I do.


"It's not that I'm better than this, it's just that I'm much smarter than you need to be to work here"



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"It's not that I'm better than this, it's just that I'm much smarter than you need to be to work here"




"I'm smaht, unlike someone we know"



Apparently that movie is on tonight [Red Heat], I'm yet to see it and will sadly be at work. Thankfully my brother has set up the V+ in anticipation.

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Signed on...goddammit...I've seen more life at a Birmingham City football game (when they're in the Championship) than in that place...


Fucking buses annoyed me as well. They both stank of piss, and were late so I got home a hour later than usual.


Well why don't you look for one then?


The fuck do you think I'm doing? Apart from "that".

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Urine trouble having said that comment.




You wait for one bus gag, and they all come at once.




Chinese food for the fucking whinzo.




Parcel force are sooooooo gh3yzz. Delivered a parcel to the PO down town...I'm not going down town or rather I wasn't this weekend. But then if it was a Monday-Thurs then they would deliver it to the PO outside of town, which is a longer walk from work. You can't win.




Amaretto ftws.zx

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Guest Captain Falcon

After what could only be described as a rather frustrating day at work yesterday, i wasn't looking too forward to going in today. There's nothing worse than people turning a blind eye when you are clearly rushed off your feet and your phone won't stop ringing.


I know the saying goes that you don't get if you don't ask but the point was I had asked and it was bloody obvious I needed it too.


Anyway back to today...


I knew I had a meeting that I needed to attend and I'd not prepared for at all - and even if I had, it's not one I would attend by choice. And it's not like I'd have much time during the day to do anything about so I was a bit anxious about it. Luckily, the other party couldn't make it, so I have a small reprieve until Monday.


So between being exhausted from to many late nights and working too hard during the days, I've done nothing but focus on finished the day and week out.

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More packing and saying goodbye to people. Everyone keeps making grand plans ("oh lets get together during the summer!", see how that pans out). Went out for a meal with some friends who hadn't seen in ages which was nice.


Also found the new tenants for our flat, some friends of mine. In fact one (who I'd slept with and until a few months ago his boyfriend hated me) referred to me as his closest friend. I was actually suprised and uncharacteristically silent. Anyway yeah they're moving in here Sunday. Which means we don't have to find new home for certain things, can just leave them here.


Oh and I set the building's fire alarm off. Was steam cleaning in the hallway and the fire alarms went off and everyone evacuated. Phoned the landlord and he just told me the code and after much faffing got it silenced but it still thinks a fire is going off (fire people never came though, safe!). I angered the Polish women downstairs as it woke their kids.


And tomorrow we move out. Three years of uni over, I am leaving the country for the first time ever (as in won't be living here, obviously I've gone other places) and hmm. Going to be a weird day.

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Spent the last two days playing Wolverine. I've got an exam on Tuesday. I'm all set for it but it doesn't make me feel less guilty.


In other, incredibly distressing news, my good friend's birthday party is on the 1st of June. The SAME day my other friend got us tickets to see Matt & Kim. How incredibly lame. What to do...


I think I'm just going to have to go to his party after the gig. This is a good idea, no? :hmm:

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