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There could be a chance i could lose my job over the next few weeks, about a 5% chance to be close enough at a guess. If this new plan of company reform comes into effect which could combine two factories of work to keep each other going. Where i am, we are on a high profit.


Apparently where i work, redundancy is the last thing they want to do so will try and keep as many jobs as possible. And as i am a Programmer, i may be ok as being one of a team containing 3 who can program for the machines we have.


On a plus note, Banjo Tooie has arrived and i downloaded it.

Edited by Jimbob
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I would Chris but I don't really like to touch people sorry.


Went to go see my grandparents because its been ages since I've seen them. Was nice to just chill out a bit (because I've spent all weekend not doing uni work...) and chatted to them about my trip and everything. Although my nan informed me my brother isn't going to our other nan's on Sunday, which means its just me and my dad. Funtimes...


Finishing off my dissertation tonight. A few more bits to do, including read through it all. Exciting. Just writing the acknowledgements now and its mostly filled with forum members which is kinda lame :p Other than my marker and housemate nobody has really helped (although I included mother and grandparents for general support). Then as I've asked various members at various stages for help/advice/feeback/checking through stuff I'm thanking Supergrunch, Shorty, jayseven and Dan Dare. If anyone else has helped remind me now :p Also going to include Nate Reuss (from The Format) because its about how music (arguably) helps in the process of identity formation and they were the first band I really connected with in that way.

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Of course, *gives Chris teh great a Hug* feel any better? :smile:




urgh, i just want this stupid job course to either give me results, or end. its pointless. we learned how to do an application form and covering letter over the past few days. its so bloody easy. we got an hour to write a mock covering letter, AN HOUR! i took my time and was done in half an hour. i spent the outher half sitting quietly, contoemplating how this could be of any help to me.


fair enough, covering letters arnt easy, thats why i looked up how to write them months ago. thats why i have a template saved that i subtly alter to suit the job im going for.


by and large the people on the course are ok, even the ones who dont wanna work just keep quiet. its all a bit chavy but to be honest, we all wanna be gone so every one gets on.

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This isn't right. I'm not supposed to get ill. :( Constant running nose and coughing. Urgh.... not nice. My mother and I joked about it being swine flu (my god what's wrong with me? I'm ill and I've spoken to my mother? :nono:) and in retrospect I think it was apt. Would be funny if it turned out to be that but it's probably just a cold.


Erm... went out although probably shouldn't have. Was really tempted to buy some things (the Within Temptation DVD thing. Was really close to buying it) but didn't buy anything. Not even lunch. Have to sit down with my english exam paper tomorrow and look at what I'm going to be doing in the exam. Thinking about writing on how Dubliners had publishing difficulties due to sexual and nationalist content and perhaps a poetry essay, although all of the questions are pretty awful. It's either that or writing on Harold Pinter and the play is so boring that it'll just be a chore to write about.

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Today has been ok, heh. I walked to Sainsburys in the sunshine to pick up some razor blades and shaving foam, and sat outside the house with a housemate, and had a chat about many things whilst enjoying the weath-arrrrgh.


If you had to summarise the conversation, it included aeroplanes, space travel, our housemate who took the tin opener home without telling anyone, surfers and rock music. One thing linked to another quite smoothly. I love it when a plan comes together.


We went to a pub in town and ordered lots of food (including a Belgian chocolate fudge cake desert - Hi, Eenuh/Ine) and I'm still waiting to give birth to the food baby. I sat in the pub, which was 90% full of Arsenal fans, wearing my Manchester United top, haha. I felt pretty brave. As far as I know, I was the only person in that place wearing a United top, and I got high fives off other fans when the game was on. Also, an Arsenal fan shook my hand and hugged me on the way out, haha.


My housemates also think I'm a bit crazy, because nothing much seems to bother me. They say "Do you ever get annoyed or show it?" and I just said "naaaah, it's never anything huge so what's the point." I do have a fierce side, somewhere, but it rarely surfaces unless need be.


I'm sat in the living room, in the dark, whilst my candle is burning brightly. I've tried to burn the edges as it seems to have burned hollow through the middle. But, it kinda looks cool, too. :)

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Flinky - I never asked - did your housemate ever notice the broken statue thing? I must say you kept your cool through all that.


Essay's going alright! Got my head around postcolonial/post-colonial/postcoloniality/postcolonialism, adjusting my set to subaltern cultures and steering my boots towards the therapeutic notion of re-membering (as opposed to dismembering O_o)


Just got to, uh, read a 225-page book after the introduction here is done, then crack on. I predict stress levels to begin around 2am and peak increasingly every two hours after that.


Am buzzing from energy drinks already, too. Must resist temptation to BUY MOAR!

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Had a blood test after college, and the fucking nurse used the wrong needle (a re-eeeally thick one). When it didn't draw much blood, she goes "Oh. I used the wrong needle. Hope it didn't hurt to much! I'll have to try the other arm". Bitch needs a slap.


Because of the blood test, I felt amazingly tired and fell asleep, only waking up at half 9. So I wasted an entire evening due to an incompetent nurse. Cow.

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Flinky - I never asked - did your housemate ever notice the broken statue thing? I must say you kept your cool through all that.


Essay's going alright! Got my head around postcolonial/post-colonial/postcoloniality/postcolonialism, adjusting my set to subaltern cultures and steering my boots towards the therapeutic notion of re-membering (as opposed to dismembering O_o)


Just got to, uh, read a 225-page book after the introduction here is done, then crack on. I predict stress levels to begin around 2am and peak increasingly every two hours after that.


Am buzzing from energy drinks already, too. Must resist temptation to BUY MOAR!


Haha, I don't think I kept all that cool with that. Probably one of the only times you'll see me panic. :D


Well, the statue stood up...when leaned against a table. When he came home, I revealed the truth to him, and he sounded very disappointed in me. He actually thought that I had broken it on purpose! When you were there, did you see what happened? It just seemed to "give way", and I don't think I was even anywhere near touching it.


When is your work in, dude?


Had a blood test after college, and the fucking nurse used the wrong needle (a re-eeeally thick one). When it didn't draw much blood, she goes "Oh. I used the wrong needle. Hope it didn't hurt to much! I'll have to try the other arm". Bitch needs a slap.


Because of the blood test, I felt amazingly tired and fell asleep, only waking up at half 9. So I wasted an entire evening due to an incompetent nurse. Cow.


Hahahah, that reminds me of the blood test I had at a sexual health clinic. The doctor dude rolled up my sleeves and placed a needle in my left arm. Couldn't find anything. So, he used a smaller needle, and said I had small veins. Still nothing. So, he tried the other arm. Nothing. Finally, he used another needle and hit it. Four times.


When he did take the blood, I was humming a choon and looking around the room, until he asked "Are you ok?" I replied and then at that second I just happened to look at the needle and feel the blood being pumped from my body. I started to feel a bit dizzy then, haha. I swear the blood was exiting my head.

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Haha, I don't think I kept all that cool with that. Probably one of the only times you'll see me panic. :D


Well, the statue stood up...when leaned against a table. When he came home, I revealed the truth to him, and he sounded very disappointed in me. He actually thought that I had broken it on purpose! When you were there, did you see what happened? It just seemed to "give way", and I don't think I was even anywhere near touching it.


When is your work in, dude?


You were leaning on it a little - but not much! - and it just went. I still think it was already broken.


Work's due in by 4pm tomorroooo!

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You were leaning on it a little - but not much! - and it just went. I still think it was already broken.


Work's due in by 4pm tomorroooo!


You know, I reckon he broke it way before I did that. Bluddy bastard, and he had a go at me for trying to fix it! Can't please some people.


Aww man, I feel bad for making you reply to this. Do your bluddy work!


May the force be with you. Always.

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Had a blood test after college, and the fucking nurse used the wrong needle (a re-eeeally thick one). When it didn't draw much blood, she goes "Oh. I used the wrong needle. Hope it didn't hurt to much! I'll have to try the other arm". Bitch needs a slap.


Because of the blood test, I felt amazingly tired and fell asleep, only waking up at half 9. So I wasted an entire evening due to an incompetent nurse. Cow.


Should have worn a condom.


Read half of my dissertation now. Going to read another section before bed and leave the conclusion (the part that needs most thorough checking) for the morning.


But Flink has allowed me to include his full name in my acknowledgements which makes it the best acknowledgements page ever.

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Nice one, dude.


Although, how much more do you need to write before it's finished? The whole thing, I mean.


3,000 in total. primarily I'm focusing on the cultural identity aspect of postcolonialism (in regards to the therapeutic nature of unearthing the colonial repressed 'memories') in J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace, but that'll encounter subjectivity, memory, history, fantasy, landscape, childhood, sexuality, in whimsical, glancing or paddling amounts, waxing each topic with the problem of authoritarial representation.


Then I ought compare all that to the postmodern's own self-identity issues in regards to modernism/futurism in the novel Waterland by Graham Swift, and argue that in both theories, the prefix of 'post' infers cultural contest and resistance through a sort of symbiotic relationship of almost oedipal grandeur with the previous period/ism.


Or that's the plan! Realistically, who knows.

Edited by jayseven
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Why am I awake? Nobody knows!


Not doing anything. One of those nights where I know I need to get to sleep but can't be bothered and then before I know it it's 5am. I can feel it in my bones!


Not good either; I have to sign on tomorrow and whilst I've had an interview and enquired about jobs in store, my agreement says I need to call 3 employers and write to one which technically I havn't done. I wonder if they'll let me off with the interview and in store enquiries as opposed to telephone calls? And maybe I'll fill out some application form in the morning. I think it's all useless as I'm fairly sure (read: got my fingers crossed) I'm gonna get that job in the call centre. I havn't even seen any money from my Jobseekers claim yet. Ho hum!


Edit: Also..


"Vegeta! What does the scouter say about Dyson's post count?"




Perhaps a sign I ought to go to bed after all.

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Guest Jordan

Well, i got home from work yesterday to find my entire network was fucked... its still not fixed due to me being lazy. But Rhythm Paradise turned up so i played that instead, till around 6pm.


Then my mate came over, we went out on a man date (XD) to a local cafe/restaurant thing, had an alright dinner then we came back to mine, had a few games of Mario Kart Wii (schooled his ass) then went to a local pub to watch the football.


I don't actually like football, so I just watched it nearly falling asleep half the time. Also, the cheap bastards at the pub had HDTV's with SD Sky, which i thought was pretty shit because i'm a tech whore.


Anyway, afterwards we came back, had a couple of games of Smash Bros. and Mario Strikers Charged. By then it was around 12, so he went home and i went to bed.... Then I woke up at around 4am. Obviously my body wasn't a big fan of the pizza and did a nice purge of whatever was inside me at the time :p. Thankfully, it wasn't through the mouth.


Went back to bed, woke up around 7:30 and i've been browsing the forums and other sites since. Gotta get ready for work now, tough day ahead i bet.


Also, annoyingly, I keep dreaming every night about myself and you know who getting back together. But the weird thing is, my entire day is acted out in these dreams but instead of whoever i'm with at the time, she's there and we have a lot more fun... *sigh*. Last nights was pretty messed up, in my dream she walked up to me and said "I was only kidding, I love you really." Which sucked balls, thats obviously what I want to hear. Obviously awake Jordan is trying to forget about all this bull shit and asleep Jordan isn't! Or rather my own body is trying to fight itself. Could be worse though. I guess i'm totally going out of my way of avoiding her as much as possible so I don't start any negative feelings/thoughts and thats the last thing I need right now.


Anyway, running late... *gets ready for work*

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