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I went to canterbury (kent, my uni blah) to stay with mah friendlys who are there and not here and that is why i went, to be with them there and to not be with not them here.


I also met up with this girl i had been interested in/making out with at the end of term. But first things first



I got the train down and met my friend who i was to be staying with, dropped my stuff off and walked him to his work, was walking back when i met other friends from uni so i hung out with them. Got back to the flat i was staying at and a couple hours later i was texting my friend saying i would walk down to pick him up when i fell asleep mid text. seriously. Woke up 45 minutes later and was like fail. Me, him and his new squeeze and our friend called faye watched a movie. woop


My new girlypersonsoontobefriend was due to appear at the flat at 1, me and the guy i was staying with got up at 1230, he got in the shower at 1245 and by the time it was my turn it was like 1255, when i got out she was there i was wearing my trusty towel and was like um..i'll grab my clothes and go change...We had a bbq on the field with the people from before and i walked dasgirly back to hers at 530 in the morn. It was light when i got back, so not cool.


Girly and people met me and my friend at 12 this time, we went to the local beach and had fish and chips by the harbour :D then went back to uni and laid on the field till i had to go at 6


All in all a smashing good weekend!

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Got up at 11. Went to work, till 6. A fun day - we spent the whole time shouting "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THESE DAMN CALLS!" in an American Accent.


Got picked up by mum - a lovely surprise. Had meatballs for dinner.


Went to PJ Harvey And John Parish at 7. A brilliant show. A lovely intimate sit-down venue. It was superb. Peej is my fave. I got the set-list, after ripping it away from a mad-fan's grasp.


Went to see my work mates at the pub for 45 minutes after. General banter, including discussion about the salmon fish-fingers advert (Natalie found it really distasteful - but I pointed out you'd have to know what it was referring to and make the connection for it to be distasteful) and back, sack and crack waxage (which was really funny).

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Guest Jordan

Oh hey, look what page we're on...




Some how, i managed to fall back to sleep and i've had an extra 45 minutes. But, no biggy doesn't take me long to get ready for work.

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This morning I woke up to my friend singing ''She's a naughty girl with a bad habit, a bad habit for drugs''


Brilliant. Although now I'll be singing it in my head all day.


watched the whole of The Inbetweeners series 1, which I hadn't seen. Very funny, I swear the main guy is just a younger David Mitchell.


Coincidentally so did I (and 3 episodes of season 2) I absolutely adore it of course. So bloody amazing and I can't think why I didn't watch it originally. Its just brilliant how they manage to get in these crazy situations. :bouncy:

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Well that all nighter wasn't too bad. Nice and light early on, so that's good. Saw two people having sex... I think. Also saw an ambulance outside the block opposite mine, which was weird. Oh, and lots and lots of idiots drunk. Soooo many drunk people outside my window as well.


But, all my work is done. I just need to go shower and hand it in... I'm guessing I could hand it in at like, 3... so I could have a chance to read over some stuff. But... I don't want to, I just wanna go hand it in, but a lovely salad (maybe two and pretend one is for my girlfriend if anyone asks), come home, eat one, then fall asleep.

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Had a troubled sleep last night. Couldn't get comfortable and my neck is now killing me, along with my head and my eyes. Nose is also blocked and it's not being helped by the fact that the heating magically came on and won't go offer, even though I've turned the radiator off. Not a great way to start a day and not a great way to carry out a few hours of revision. But I'm done now for today. Getting on alright with it. Understanding everything so at least that's something. Need to start my English exam prep later in the week as I need to go searching for critical sources and figure out how I'm supposed to work them into an essay because I don't know ho and I've been getting marked down for not incorporating it in essays this semester.


So, think I'll grab something to eat, watch some more American Dad and then do nothing for the rest of the day. Christ, the summer is going to be so long and drawn out if I can't find a job. Absolutely nothing going at the moment. Hopefully something'll appear during the summer as there are normally a whole load of part time jobs that appear at the start.

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It's my brother's 25th today; the restaurant we were going to burned down over the weekend. I also haven't been paid for April for some reason. AND I'm at work :angry:


That sucks Molly :( I wish your brother a Happy Birthday and I hope that he has a good day :) as for the pay thing... it's the end of the Tax year - or just after that time - at work I get paid differently during April - same amount just spread out - so maybe it's to do with that?

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Everywhere seems to have weird pay around this time. At our place our bonuses and pay rises are decided in April but we're paid very strangely:


April: Old Salary + Half Bonus

May: Old Salary + Half Bonus

June: New salary backdated


Means we end up with no idea as to how much we should really have until July, cant complain as long as it comes in though!


Had a great weekend, wondered about in central London on Saturday then a few drinks in the evening. Sunday watched the GP and then took the roof off my car for a drive round watching the runners and generally enjoying the sights/sun.


Today it's wet and I'm at work, not too busy though so it's not all bad.

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Everywhere seems to have weird pay around this time. At our place our bonuses and pay rises are decided in April but we're paid very strangely:


April: Old Salary + Half Bonus

May: Old Salary + Half Bonus

June: New salary backdated


Means we end up with no idea as to how much we should really have until July' date=' cant complain as long as it comes in though![/quote']


We usually get increases in pay around October time, we get informed via letter and it tells us what new figure we get p/y. Its one of them cost of living increases and a payrise. Then in December, the bonuses arrive at a percentage of our yearly wage.

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That sucks Molly :( I wish your brother a Happy Birthday and I hope that he has a good day :) as for the pay thing... it's the end of the Tax year - or just after that time - at work I get paid differently during April - same amount just spread out - so maybe it's to do with that?

Thanks! Hopefully he'll still have a good one, I guess we'll find somewhere else to go for dinner. He's having a big night in London sometime too.


Paywise, it's so strange. Opened my payslip this morning and it showed my basic as the normal figure but minus and then the net as 0.0. I need to call them, I'm slightly worried.

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At least there's some sort of reason then! Seems like a simple admin error that should be pretty easy to sort out. Has anyone else had the same thing happen? As long as it's just you everything should be ok... Hopefully!

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Heheh just had one hour nap, wheee. Decided to give myself a tiny break from work for a bit, though only a couple of hours. Will have stuff to do for tomorrow.


But got some pretty good comments on one of my papers, which apparently wasn't supposed to contain as much text as mine already has, but more a focus on an analysis of your own work... though I'll be doing that as well. So the teacher said he was really interested to see the end result, and said it all looked really good so far. ^_____^


We recently sold our old kitchen on ebay, since we'll be getting a new one placed at the end of May. Dad has already removed the wooden ceiling and half of the cupboards, so our kitchen/house feels like a work construction site, hehe.

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Thanks! Hopefully he'll still have a good one, I guess we'll find somewhere else to go for dinner. He's having a big night in London sometime too.


Paywise, it's so strange. Opened my payslip this morning and it showed my basic as the normal figure but minus and then the net as 0.0. I need to call them, I'm slightly worried.


Its that new pay scheme where you have to be a good worker to get paid....

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Turns out it was less of an interview and more of an aptitude test session. Listened to a few customer service calls. Didn't seem too bad, but I'll have to have another interview if I've passed these apt. tests. Fingers crossed.


Also, something mega awesome happened today. I was expecting £300 to be coming my way shortly, but it turned up today. With an extra £200 on top that I wasn't expecting. <3

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