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Guest Captain Falcon
How dare you! Wii is second to none!


The Wii maybe, but Wii Fit?


And what about your love for the N64?

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Creed aren't christian rock. The band was never signed to a contemporary christian label, never played in christian music venues nor did it get widespread airplay on christian radio. Yes, the name is synonymous with religion but thats about it.


I thought the band focused on religion or Christianity through their lyrics? More than just the name.


Today has been ok, but again the evening has pretty much marred the rest of the day. My sister gave birth to a baby, and I'm going to ring her tomorrow for further details, hehe. Went to the pub to watch the football, and been playing muchos guitar, again.


Watching Goldeneye on ITV1. Hehe. :D

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Thank God you're here, Grandma's been raped!


Oh, and I babysat for the night, the kids are so amazingly cute. Love them to bits. The family moved over from the caribbean about a year ago, so the kids have such an adorable accent. It's not possible for me to leave the house, without their mum shoving masses of (amazingly lovely) food in a bag for me to take.

Edited by Slaggis
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Guest Captain Falcon
There really are no words to describe how shit I feel. Plus drinking alcohol seems to create an emotional car crash in my head.


Back to bed i go..


This makes Captain Falcon feel sad. I hope whatever it is, that it works itself out sooner rather than later for you.

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Guest Captain Falcon

After 24 hours without the internet (though I swear it felt like a life time) due to swapping provider, it's finally back up and running.


Had to use a different router though which took a bit of fiddling - automatic my backside. And would it have killed them to put the username and password for it in the manual. Soon sorted it out though and got the various laptops working as well once I got round to looking at it properly and gave it some attention.


And the best part is I've got my DS working with it - it didn't work with the old router - so I'm quite pleased.

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I got up, and went to work.


Up till 5, it was supremely uneventful. I went into town during my break, browsed, then got a random bus - not knowing where it would take me, and spent 30 minutes walking back to work from the stop I got off at.


Then the last shows of State Of Play, Slumdog Millionaire and The Boat That Rocked were all sold out. Madness. Pure madness. So many tickets went missing, so many shifty clean-up jobs because we were just too pressed for time to actually clean properly. Very stressful.


I then had planned to go Paj's house, but Calum showed up at 9, and made me come back to his flat because he was lonely. I went back with him, and genuinely felt guilty because I had arranged to go to Paj's. I logged onto facebook to tell him I would be there later, but Calum whisked the laptop off me, and then trapped me in the room while he comandeered my facebook. Genuine fun ensued as he pretended to be writing lots of stuff.


We ended up sitting on his bed for about an hour and a half, talking about stuff. I feel like I know him alot better now - we were talking about our first impressions of each other, and how he thought I was a lazy shit when he first met me (which is true - I am so lazy lol).


After a period of about 2 minutes of quite reflection, I managed to say "I really like you.", to which he replied "I like me too.". He confuses me.



I then mustered up the energy to get up and get a taxi home. Then I had an interesting chat with my dad about penicillan/antibiotics. Funny that I always bond best with my dad at 2 oclock in the morning, usually slightly drunk, talking about random crap.

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I then had planned to go Paj's house, but Calum showed up at 9, and made me come back to his flat because he was lonely. I went back with him, and genuinely felt guilty because I had arranged to go to Paj's.


We waited for an hour, in anticipation, unable to start eating until the guest had arrived. My mum cried when I told her you weren't coming.


Though even if you had come, I had to watch Scream 3 with my sister. So I would have been unaware of your appearance either way.

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I'm panicking over my art..no idea what to for my exam on wednesday...done nothing worth looking at in my sketchbook. Can't believe I just left it so long. The past week and a bit have all been DT focused, but I should have done more in half term...

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I'm panicking over my art..no idea what to for my exam on wednesday...done nothing worth looking at in my sketchbook. Can't believe I just left it so long. The past week and a bit have all been DT focused, but I should have done more in half term...


Haha, I know how that feels... 11 hours into our 15 hour exam now

I literally started again after an hour in

And it took until about 6 hours to really work out what I was painting.


Now I need to do about 20 pages of sketchbook by Wednesday as support work... not really gonna happen :S :S fml

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Haha, I know how that feels... 11 hours into our 15 hour exam now

I literally started again after an hour in

And it took until about 6 hours to really work out what I was painting.


Now I need to do about 20 pages of sketchbook by Wednesday as support work... not really gonna happen :S :S fml


I think we have to hand everything in after the 15 hours...maybe not, actually. I recall adding pencil bits to my exam painting for a whle afterwards...

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