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I uploaded a new article to the Gringo Asylum. Please read it people :)


Where's my coming out thread?!

Yo' wanna be gay?

Little riddle for yeee;


"A little math problem.

There are two lengths of rope.

Each one can burn in exactly one hour.

They are not necessarily of the same length or width as each other.

They also are not of uniform width (may be wider in middle than on the end), thus burning half of the rope is not necessarily 1/2 hour.

By burning the ropes, how do you measure exactly 45 minutes worth of time?"



You cut the shit off each 15 mins?

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Little riddle for yeee;


"A little math problem.

There are two lengths of rope.

Each one can burn in exactly one hour.

They are not necessarily of the same length or width as each other.

They also are not of uniform width (may be wider in middle than on the end), thus burning half of the rope is not necessarily 1/2 hour.

By burning the ropes, how do you measure exactly 45 minutes worth of time?"




I love riddles!


Took me a while to work out, but I did


If you take one rope (let's call it 1) and light both ends of of it, that will take half the time (30 minutes). As you light rope 1, also light rope 2, but only one end. When rope 1 finishes burning, rope 2 should be at the halfway mark (30 minutes) so light the other end of 2 and that should take 15 minutes for the rest of the rope to burn, totalling 45 minutes.


I think I explained that right, at least, it makes sense in my head...


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Little riddle for yeee;


"A little math problem.

There are two lengths of rope.

Each one can burn in exactly one hour.

They are not necessarily of the same length or width as each other.

They also are not of uniform width (may be wider in middle than on the end), thus burning half of the rope is not necessarily 1/2 hour.

By burning the ropes, how do you measure exactly 45 minutes worth of time?"




1. Burn Rope 1 from one end and rope 2 from both ends right away

2. When rope 2 has fully burned there is 30mins elapsed and 30mins left. At this point, start burning rope 1 from the other end aswell.

3. When rope 1 has fully burned, it will have been exactly 45mins.


Edit: Beaten. Why is N-E being so temperamental today?

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Why do I always have to be the one making an arse of himself? :heh: It was the year 13 year group picture today, and low and behold I turned up just as it was about to be taken. We were meant to be going in via height, but considering I was late I ust jumped in and ended up being the only guy in a group of about 20 girls standing infront of the entire year. I was so embarassed!


Then, after the proper picture had been taken, they wanted to do a "casual" year group one. No one had any idea what this meant, so we just stood there chatting. He was about to take it, and this douchebag behind me decided it would be hilarious to poke me in the back just before it got taken. So, my usual defensive self turned round and went "How about fucking off, yeah?"...and he took the picture. Wanker.

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Its been ok today, apart from this morning really when i stormed out of the office because i had enough of my boss's attitude as such and the way i am spoken to. I left at 9:40am, returned at 10:40am once the CAD boss found me (he's above the department boss).


Then when i need a laugh, Yes Man didn't arrive today. In its place, was a card stating "Attempted Delievery". Whats that, the postman got halfway up the driveway, ran out of breath and decided to put down "Attempted".

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My friend was driving today with us, and it was super rainy. She tried to brake as the car in front stopped, and we aqua glided.... INTO THE CAR IN FRONT!! It was a big impact considering how slow we were going :( Poor girl has to get her front bumper replaced and get a new number plate too. It was pretty scary!

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Fuck you flat thieves! Just heard someone come into the flat... thought it was strange someone coming back during the Easter Break at half 10 at night... but I didn't want to jump out and be nosey in case it was someone in the flat that I wasn't complete buddies with. Then I heard something loud drop and the door as if they ran out of the flat.


I went into the kitchen to find shocking evidence. A cupboard open, a pack of buscuits out, alcohol spilt on the floor and a jar of Nutella in the sink (which explains the loud noise of falling jars!). Then, outside the key code main flat door, I find biscuits on the floor....


What is the world coming to.


Also, insulted. None of my stuff stolen... obviously I'm a bit too boring with my rip-off Weatabix...


Maybe a racist attack, the cupboard belongs to an asian girl. Racist flat thieves.

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Fuck you flat thieves! Just heard someone come into the flat... thought it was strange someone coming back during the Easter Break at half 10 at night... but I didn't want to jump out and be nosey in case it was someone in the flat that I wasn't complete buddies with. Then I heard something loud drop and the door as if they ran out of the flat.


I went into the kitchen to find shocking evidence. A cupboard open, a pack of buscuits out, alcohol spilt on the floor and a jar of Nutella in the sink (which explains the loud noise of falling jars!). Then, outside the key code main flat door, I find biscuits on the floor....


What is the world coming to.


Also, insulted. None of my stuff stolen... obviously I'm a bit too boring with my rip-off Weatabix...


Maybe a racist attack, the cupboard belongs to an asian girl. Racist flat thieves.


Motherfuckers. I remember that happened to me once. One of my former flatmates walked into the kitchen in the middle of the night to find a random guy eating some of my sliced cheese and her mushrooms. Very bizarre.

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I wouldn't take it in the spirit of uni life though. I'd use it as an excuse to smash someone's face in.


I'm a bit violent about some things. Getting head butted randomly... I'm cool with that, but someone stealing my butter... now it's own!

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