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You will need a talking donkey and you'll be fine!


For some reason I just felt like I haven't seen various members post for a long time. Where has nightwolf gone? Has she just disappeared :o And gaggle64? Or am I just being dense and you lot just changed your signature so I don't recognise you :o


Last night was sweeeeeeeeet. Went to a couple of pubs, drunk some pitchers, and then 1.25 a pint in another. Was fun. Hung around with quite a random bunch since usually half the group can't get to us easily as they live ages away but I managed to persuade them to come out. Which was good because I gotsssss a kiss from the girl I like. We were getting together before but then it didn't work because I ended up with my ex. Somehow one of the other girls got a little bit angry at me and I have no idea why. She said I won't say hi to you on msn anymore I was just like wtf O.o. Then a very recent ex of a mate of a mate from my group who I don't like started texting me. Not sure where that has come from.


I quite like being single. More fun that I thought it would be. Random post I know, apologies!

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Well this day has started out absolutely f*cking peachy!


Looks like ive had my debit card cloned and some f*cker has used it to rent a car from streetcar.co.uk so now I have to wait for a new card and my dispute forms to get it sorted which means I have no money for about two weeks.


You know, the more I think about this the weirder it gets.


On Monday I checked my online banking and found I was missing about a fiver, I couldnt remember spending it so I thought then that it had been stolen.


I checked back yesterday to see if anymore had gone, which as you now know it had. Later in the day though I remembered where that original fiver had gone and it was infact me that spent it.


Its just very weird that I spend the day thinking ive had money stolen, find out it was just me forgetting where I had spent it then the next day I do infact have money stolen!

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After sorting some software out to allow me to save the videos on my phone onto my PC and upload them (i.e. see Post Your Room thread) i can now allow more insight into my life for all to see.


Coming soon: A drunk day out

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WTF. Just received an order from Gameplay, and two of the games are in used, clearly pre-owned conditions, with GAME return 28 day blah blah stickers on. WTF is this shit? How can they get away with that.


I feel a letter/email/shit storm of complaint coming on.

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WTF. Just received an order from Gameplay, and two of the games are in used, clearly pre-owned conditions, with GAME return 28 day blah blah stickers on. WTF is this shit? How can they get away with that.


I feel a letter/email/shit storm of complaint coming on.

Wtf? An order from gameplay came with GAME preowned stickers? That's retarded - you should definitely take pictures and try and get more than the game back from them (e.g. vouchers). Say you'll never use them again.

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Wtf? An order from gameplay came with GAME preowned stickers? That's retarded - you should definitely take pictures and try and get more than the game back from them (e.g. vouchers). Say you'll never use them again.


Word. Even if they own them (fuck knows if they do) they can't advertise stuff as new and send you second hand. I don't know what the hell kind of policy that is.


Its unfathomable to my mind. I'm actually in shock.

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They're all part of the same company (and at work we sometimes got stuff with Tescos stickers on because its the same supplier but thats more an anecdote than relevent).


Customer services are usually pretty good, im sure they'll get it sorted out for you ReZ. Probably just a packing error, kick up a fuss and they'll exchange then and maybe throw in something extra if you kick up that much of a fuss.

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They're all part of the same company (and at work we sometimes got stuff with Tescos stickers on because its the same supplier but thats more an anecdote than relevent).


Customer services are usually pretty good, im sure they'll get it sorted out for you ReZ.


Coolio. I'll hit them up on the phone tonight.

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Guest Jordan

I cannot actually get over how incredibly pissed off I am right now. I'm having a go at everyone... Like everyone.


I know I probably shouldn't be talking about Letty, considering this is A) Pretty private to her and B) Bitchy as fuck. But honestly? I've gone beyond caring. I'm past the cliff edge now.


I'm an idiot. I told someone I didn't mind them getting off with Letty. Of course I fucking minded, I know shes not going out with me any more but fuck I can't get over this shit. How the hell, after three weeks can someone be completely over a relationship that lasted almost 3 years? How?! HOW?! She went to some concert last night and got off with said guy.


My life feels completely fucking meaningless at the moment, I have no one around me that actually gives a rats ass about me and the only reason I actually had to ever be happy is now getting on with her life. I think I'm actually slumping back into my old ways of constant depression/suicidal thoughts. Plus if anyone says to me "be happy you're single" or "it'll take time" or whatever I think I will actually break their and/or my neck.


I am not happy. I'm not happy at all. I feel like my happyness has been dragged out of me by force. I thought I could move on, I felt like things were better. I think I might just spend the entire evening when I get home sat in the corner of a room wallowing in my own self pity and utter regret that i've basically ruined my life in the short term by... being myself.


To sum up, i'm turning into an emo-retard who needs a MySpace page or something.

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My life feels completely fucking meaningless at the moment, I have no one around me that actually gives a rats ass about me and the only reason I actually had to ever be happy is now getting on with her life. I think I'm actually slumping back into my old ways of constant depression/suicidal thoughts. Plus if anyone says to me "be happy you're single" or "it'll take time" or whatever I think I will actually break their and/or my neck.


They're your gringos and amigos bitch! Course they care. What would you do if you were fineings and you had a fellow going through this?

[Wedding Singer]"You need a prostitute!"[/Wedding Singer]

Temptedings, but maybe not.


I broke up with one missus and shortly afterwards [less than three weeks I can assure you] she was with this guy who was practically stalking her whilst we were going out. We may have been going out for just over a year, but time is irrelevant.


Bollocks to the be happy you're single and crap, but it will take time [brawl. :blank:] and you're going to need the stones to get through this. You need to get out and do something, anything but start giving the "I'm suicidal/depressed" excuses. It's not helping noone. It's not helping you and noone's going to help you if you keep pushing everyone away. To quote something someone told me on a vaguely similar issue:

"It's all well and good saying you're going to do it, but you need the balls to actually get off your arse and fucking do it"

This is what you need.


A change of location would seem beneficial.

Jesus is on my side arguing against someone on my Facebook link about the G20 policing.


I feel blessed.


Update!: Jesus just owned. :heh:


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I cannot actually get over how incredibly pissed off I am right now. I'm having a go at everyone... Like everyone.


I know I probably shouldn't be talking about Letty, considering this is A) Pretty private to her and B) Bitchy as fuck. But honestly? I've gone beyond caring. I'm past the cliff edge now.


I'm an idiot. I told someone I didn't mind them getting off with Letty. Of course I fucking minded, I know shes not going out with me any more but fuck I can't get over this shit. How the hell, after three weeks can someone be completely over a relationship that lasted almost 3 years? How?! HOW?! She went to some concert last night and got off with said guy.


My life feels completely fucking meaningless at the moment, I have no one around me that actually gives a rats ass about me and the only reason I actually had to ever be happy is now getting on with her life. I think I'm actually slumping back into my old ways of constant depression/suicidal thoughts. Plus if anyone says to me "be happy you're single" or "it'll take time" or whatever I think I will actually break their and/or my neck.


I am not happy. I'm not happy at all. I feel like my happyness has been dragged out of me by force. I thought I could move on, I felt like things were better. I think I might just spend the entire evening when I get home sat in the corner of a room wallowing in my own self pity and utter regret that i've basically ruined my life in the short term by... being myself.


To sum up, i'm turning into an emo-retard who needs a MySpace page or something.


What Eevil said...in perhaps not so many of the same words. Just don't think about her (easier said than done I know) and do that by doing other stuff - coming on here and complaining about it isn't constructive for you plus I imagine she probably wouldn't be too happy to see that the hundreds of people who visit this site reading about her personal life. Plus all us nosey douchebags giving you advice and condolences will only reinforce the thoughts that you're thinking! - not good btw!


Sure, it might not be kosher but as all blokes tend to say, fuck her man, go have some fun and leave her to own devices. Heck, fly a kite or kill a plant or something.

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Guest Jordan

I get what you guys are saying. But isn't it a little cold that she doesn't even give a crap about what i'm going through? If i'd hurt someone like this i'd at least attempt to sympathise with them.


I guess I'm making her come off as a complete bitch right now. The fact is, I can't stop thinking about her. I still love her, right now it just feels like this is sick joke or something when I know its her getting on with whatever she wants. I just can't believe someone is hurting me like this... I guess.


Plus i've tried the whole "go out and do shit" thing. Its not helping, I'm constantly talking about her or the situation about us and work isn't keeping my mind of things (evidently). I've never lost anyone whos been close to me. I don't quite know how to cope and my head is trying to find the fastest way out of this, like always.


EDIT: For example, last night. I almost cried whilst playing Rock Band 2 with my friends over. We hit random, YYZ came up. Me and Letty always used to play that song. Both on guitars on hard mode and just own it... I could hardly move my hand during that song and we ended up failing pretty badly. Shortly after I had to ask everyone to leave because I wasn't in a good place.

Edited by Jordan
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Are you sure? Or are you just yanking our chains AGAIN?!


I felt sympathy the first time, you'd be hard pressed to get it again :blank:


No the first time I never actually mentioned on here, its only actually happened once which is the one I moaned about yesterday. Its the fact that I thought it happened, realised I was wrong but then the next day it actually did happen.

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I cannot actually get over how incredibly pissed off I am right now. I'm having a go at everyone... Like everyone.


I know I probably shouldn't be talking about Letty, considering this is A) Pretty private to her and B) Bitchy as fuck. But honestly? I've gone beyond caring. I'm past the cliff edge now.


I'm an idiot. I told someone I didn't mind them getting off with Letty. Of course I fucking minded, I know shes not going out with me any more but fuck I can't get over this shit. How the hell, after three weeks can someone be completely over a relationship that lasted almost 3 years? How?! HOW?! She went to some concert last night and got off with said guy.


My life feels completely fucking meaningless at the moment, I have no one around me that actually gives a rats ass about me and the only reason I actually had to ever be happy is now getting on with her life. I think I'm actually slumping back into my old ways of constant depression/suicidal thoughts. Plus if anyone says to me "be happy you're single" or "it'll take time" or whatever I think I will actually break their and/or my neck.


I am not happy. I'm not happy at all. I feel like my happyness has been dragged out of me by force. I thought I could move on, I felt like things were better. I think I might just spend the entire evening when I get home sat in the corner of a room wallowing in my own self pity and utter regret that i've basically ruined my life in the short term by... being myself.


To sum up, i'm turning into an emo-retard who needs a MySpace page or something.


I remember when I was miserable at work. I know it's not the same thing, but I was in a bit of a rut. I just remember thinking one day "I could either spend the rest of the day being miserable, or I could cheer up. And I know which will be more enjoyable". I decided life was too short to be miserable and started focusing on the good things. It was like a revelation or something. Most people stay miserable because they can't be bothered to make the effort to be happy. It's a vicious cycle. You're miserable because you can't be bothered to do something to make you happy, and you can't be bothered to do something to make you happy because you're miserable.


Excercise helps too. Go do something that makes you tired and you'll be too tired to be miserable. It works a treat for me.






And in my life: I've got another interview with the photography place I applied for before. I'm still waiting to hear about a second interview about the original job (photographer), but I've applied for another job too ("Lab Technician). It was really strange though, the reply I got via email was "when could you pop round for a quick chat?", which seems really informal and a little odd to me. I guess I should be greatful though.

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But isn't it a little cold that she doesn't even give a crap about what i'm going through? If i'd hurt someone like this i'd at least attempt to sympathise with them.

I'm not sure what you're expecting her to do, sit around and be emo like you said? Come round and watch a movie sharing a blanket, just as friends? Just because she's going out and having fun doesn't mean she doesn't give a crap. She's getting on with her life, which you must now do.

I guess I'm making her come off as a complete bitch right now.

To be honest, no. I personally commend her.

The fact is, I can't stop thinking about her. I still love her, right now it just feels like this is sick joke or something when I know its her getting on with whatever she wants. I just can't believe someone is hurting me like this... I guess.

A little selfish perhaps, it isn't all about you. Just because she's out doing whatever she wants doesn't mean it isn't affecting her any less. She's just reacting to it differently.

Plus i've tried the whole "go out and do shit" thing. Its not helping, I'm constantly talking about her or the situation about us and work isn't keeping my mind of things (evidently).

Well it is helping her, and work may not be keeping your mind off things, but "constantly" talking about her certainly won't.

I've never lost anyone whos been close to me. I don't quite know how to cope and my head is trying to find the fastest way out of this, like always.

Speaking from someone who has lost people close to them, I personally heal a bit firstly by getting drunk. Then just random day-to-day activities and you soon learn to adapt. Sitting in the corner of your room listening to How Can I Live Without You on repeat is going to do fuck all.

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Knackered, but a good sense of being knackered. Spent the day out and about at the shops. Started out cold so put on a long sleeve top and big jacket on top of my t-shirt but quickly warmed up and so that turned out to be a bad idea. But anyway, just sort of wandered around the shops, bought a few things to help me pass the easter holidays away and had lunch at about 3pm.


I'm now sitting on my laptop, enjoying the sunshine. Such a nice day now compared to this morning. Might go out to buy some ice cream (Ben and Jerry's Phish Food or Fudge Brownie. I can't decide) and some drink although I'm unsure what age you have to be to buy in Morrisons. It says if you look under 25 they'll ID you but it doesn't say you need to be 21 or 18 to buy the stuff. Better be 18. So want some Cobra beer.

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