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On a lighter note, off to see the Grindhouse films on Monday with J7 :)

And Shorty's coming! Plusotherpeopleprobablycooltoo...

Ugh, went through about 2.5 litres of Heineken today. I feel ill.


I thought you could drink ten pints an hour? :P I had three litres of Blackthorn cider before I even hit the pub yesterday! Bought two pints when I got there, and ended up having four more bought for me for various reasons. I was pretty drunk, so my blind side played up and I walked into a door as someone was closing it, and now I have a split eyebrow which should become a decent scar. Hooray for ridges!

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Guest bluey
Today someone called me their princess, that made me feel good.

sheesh all i got today was "baka gaijin"* from some obachan** on the train

:nono: stoopad japan..


* stupid foreigner

** old biddy

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sheesh all i got today was "baka gaijin"* from some obachan** on the train

:nono: stoopad japan..


* stupid foreigner

** old biddy


Heh, if I was in Japan, and I was called that by a local. I would walk up to them, look down at 'em. Watch them yell "Gojirra!" and run off.

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Guest bluey

nandemonai ne!

exciting updates in the life of bluey:

  1. my guest house got one of those american style pigeon-hole mailboxes installed in the hall today.
  2. one of my housemates is moving out soon to go traveling around china, russia and then europe with nothing but a push-bike and a backpack (with a tent in it!) whe i got home today i helped him set up his new tent. it's super awesometastic. (i want it)
  3. i'm kicking ASS in phoenix wright...
  4. soon i'll be able to buy my tickets home for summer vacation


OH! and one of my kids started crying in class today - because she messed up her homework - but i TOTALLY handled it. like the professional trained teacher with lots of experience that the school director lied and told all the parents that i was. :laughing:

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Guest Jordan

I just overclocked the shit out of my C2D E6600 thanks to my new Scythe MINE fan that came in the post today.


Stable at 3.3Ghz from 2.4Ghz, thats an increase of like 900mhz.

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And Shorty's coming! Plusotherpeopleprobablycooltoo...



I thought you could drink ten pints an hour? :P I had three litres of Blackthorn cider before I even hit the pub yesterday! Bought two pints when I got there, and ended up having four more bought for me for various reasons. I was pretty drunk, so my blind side played up and I walked into a door as someone was closing it, and now I have a split eyebrow which should become a decent scar. Hooray for ridges!


Hard to teh core. Yes. I'm a lightweight. Roffle.

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I'm happy because of what I've just been told which I'm hoping is true so I'll ask my tutor monday.


Apprently only our assignments that haven't been marked yet have to be on the tracker (we get referals which is like a re-do ) so that means i only have two assignments to do not 7, the rest I have until june when we go through clinics which means.


I'm a very happy wolfy.

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My day has been great so far! :D


very relaxed! (perhaps a bit too much....)


Went to an English revision session this morning which was highly useful and then spent the rest of the day playing Super Mario Galaxy!


I forgot how fun that game is. :grin:


Tonight I'm having chinese. :yay:


I'm slightly worried as I have a Snorlax on the edge of my table looking as if he is contemplating suicide! :S

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Up too early for my liking. Work experience was alright. Was there for about...four hours? The Turnip Head keyring I ordered yesterday turned up today (which I kinda want myself...). As did a cheque for £87. Bought some DVDs. Went to the library and did a bit of research but it was making me feel like shit so I came home, rested, ate and feeling better now. 500 words, 2000 left. Such a shit essay and I'm filling it with overly elaborate talk.


Tomorrow i need to tell my mom I don't want to move back home over the summer. Awkward.


And I should give myself a break but meh. Want to get this assignment over this weekend.


Although today I was inspired by a quote; "If you can't be beautiful, make beautiful things." Which is what I want to do with my life. (I am beautiful anywho :P) but I want to be more creative, give the world something to appreciate.


Lol phoned my brother; "Wanna go for a drink on Wednesday?" "Dunno." "I'll pay." "Probably."

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Jesus. Fucking. Christ. My ISA has grown 10% in 6 weeks. 10%. In 6 weeks. Crazy.


Is anyone else experiencing technical difficulties with N-Europe today. I am often getting Page cannot be displayed etc.


Anyway, yeah.


I've been having problems with a few different sites... The internets is broken!

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*raises hand*


My bad!


*Grabs hand and slaps it thrice*


Don't do dat! Ever again! :angry:


Anyway...*topic resumes*


It's been great not having my hair getting in my eyes, in my mouth or up my nose whenever I look down. Decision to get a haircut for the win! :smile:

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As always seems to be the case on weekends, I'm home alone again. Could go to some party thing later tonight for some people's 18th birthdays, but only people I will know there are some of my family (sisters, cousins). Plus I don't drink beer.

So I guess I won't be going.


Instead, I'll have to look for something to do (other than my school work I'm working on right now).

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Dyed my hair, its a bit cool :D


Today I had work, it was actually mental, all day. I made 517 drinks.

I also didn't get my lunch break till half 3, but when I did, I saw this in a shop window!!




World's most blatant rip-off.

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