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Feeling that you would be happier if you weren't alive any more is a bad thing, right?


It's a scary thing :sad:

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Feeling that you would be happier if you weren't alive any more is a bad thing, right?

It's terrible logic and I expect more from you. Check your working in the morning and I'm sure you'll see what you've overlooked.

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Lets all have a great biiiiiig forum hug, ne?



Aye, so many people seem unhappy with their lives at the moment. It makes my own problems feel like minor obstacles in comparison.


I feel these are appropriate.


Broadcast Yourself

Broadcast Yourself

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It's terrible logic and I expect more from you. Check your working in the morning and I'm sure you'll see what you've overlooked.


That's what I told myself.

Last Monday.


I can't quite pin down why I feel like this, but it all the little reasons share a common theme - feeling rather useless. I've put the most work I ever have into exams, and I've finally gotten the extra time I should have had all through school, and I'm fucking them up. I'm in the best position ever to well at what I'm best at, and I'm failing - If I can't do that, what can I do?

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Had today off work, went out on the piss last night and didn't look great this morning after not having much sleep [around 3-4 hours I think] and Mummy was suspecting I'd probably end up having another fit at work again, so she phoned in sick for me whilst I was getting more sleep.


Just got back from pub quiz at Dads, didn't win the quiz but won one of the Sticky 13's and come out £60 in profit. Now going to play some more Mario Galaxy 2 and possibly have Fellowship of the Ring playing at the same time.

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That's what I told myself.

Last Monday.


I can't quite pin down why I feel like this, but it all the little reasons share a common theme - feeling rather useless. I've put the most work I ever have into exams, and I've finally gotten the extra time I should have had all through school, and I'm fucking them up. I'm in the best position ever to well at what I'm best at, and I'm failing - If I can't do that, what can I do?



Pull yourself together really. Things aren't going to plan so don't whine about it, do something about it. I don't mean to sound harsh but I used to have a similar attitude in life and it didn't get me anywhere. I learned the hard way how preciously life is and it shouldn't be wasted thinking you'd rather not have it.

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I can't quite pin down why I feel like this, but it all the little reasons share a common theme - feeling rather useless. I've put the most work I ever have into exams, and I've finally gotten the extra time I should have had all through school, and I'm fucking them up. I'm in the best position ever to well at what I'm best at, and I'm failing - If I can't do that, what can I do?

Failure isn't a problem, it's a symptom. Rather than a lack of ability, perhaps its your method that's letting you down; you can put a lot of effort into pushing a pull door, that doesn't make it any more likely to open.


Honestly I'm not really the best person to advise on such matter as I'm a C-grade student through and through, but I do know that being ashamed of failure will only drag you down. Trying to sweep failings under the rug doesn't help anyone, better to acknowledge it as much as any accomplishment — at least internally — and see what you can learn from it. Perhaps you find that you've been going about things all wrong, or maybe you realise that you aren't really doing what you want to do, just the thing that you naturally slipped in to. Those are your answers to find, I can't give them to you.


Perhaps, though, I can give you a different take on things: life is not a string of happiness and success, nor should it be. Unhappiness, failure and mistakes stitch things together just as much as everything else; they aren't marks against your character, they are your character. I'm not suggesting you actively seek such things out, but at least accept that they're going to happen: you're going to feel unhappy, you're going to mess things up. But that's okay, it isn't the end, just a memory to look back on when hindsight let's you see the bigger picture: "I wouldn't have believed it at the time, but if that hadn't happened I wouldn't be where I am today."

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Gah! I still haven't found anything to buy for my Mum's 40th on Friday.


If all else fails I may have to go for something like a necklace.

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Thanks to various people to offered me support in some way earlier - it was a particularly low 24 hours in my most depressing week to date.


My plan for Monday - power-learn soil mechanics and concrete. My main motivation for it is, to be honest, to prove that I can.

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My right eye lid is slightly slightly swollen for the lulz, and a bit painful. That is fine though.


Back to work for a full week which sucks. Actually my last full 5 day week at work....ever (at my current employer) so that should be the lulz. Ooh its Mollys last week in the building too. Will have to make it extra special by sending many more emails.


Going to see Brooklyns Finest after work which looks of reasonable lol. Means I will miss Microsofts conference? Good thing it'll be shit I guess. :p

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Man, I feel like I'm in zombie mode right nowwww. Been getting way too little sleep lately, and it's starting to affect me. One more weeeeeeeek, then I can sleep again haha.


I tried binding my own book last night (well doing a test version of some papers I cut), only to be utterly confused by the instructions on how to bind the different signatures together. So at 3:30 am I gave up.

Also gave up on trying to find out how to print the book properly. I hope my teacher knows how to do it. Will be going to school in a bit, so fingers crossed.


Might also have found a place that will bind my book for me. I think it's done by (mentally) disabled people or something. If they can do this for me, it would be a heavy weight lifted from my shoulders! And would give me time to work on other stuff.

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My right eye lid is slightly slightly swollen for the lulz, and a bit painful. That is fine though.


Back to work for a full week which sucks. Actually my last full 5 day week at work....ever (at my current employer) so that should be the lulz. Ooh its Mollys last week in the building too. Will have to make it extra special by sending many more emails.


Going to see Brooklyns Finest after work which looks of reasonable lol. Means I will miss Microsofts conference? Good thing it'll be shit I guess. :p


So many undeserving "lol" and "lulz" in that post. You make it sound like you made your eye swollen to laugh out loud at?

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Failure isn't a problem, it's a symptom. Rather than a lack of ability, perhaps its your method that's letting you down; you can put a lot of effort into pushing a pull door, that doesn't make it any more likely to open.


Honestly I'm not really the best person to advise on such matter as I'm a C-grade student through and through, but I do know that being ashamed of failure will only drag you down. Trying to sweep failings under the rug doesn't help anyone, better to acknowledge it as much as any accomplishment — at least internally — and see what you can learn from it. Perhaps you find that you've been going about things all wrong, or maybe you realise that you aren't really doing what you want to do, just the thing that you naturally slipped in to. Those are your answers to find, I can't give them to you.


Perhaps, though, I can give you a different take on things: life is not a string of happiness and success, nor should it be. Unhappiness, failure and mistakes stitch things together just as much as everything else; they aren't marks against your character, they are your character. I'm not suggesting you actively seek such things out, but at least accept that they're going to happen: you're going to feel unhappy, you're going to mess things up. But that's okay, it isn't the end, just a memory to look back on when hindsight let's you see the bigger picture: "I wouldn't have believed it at the time, but if that hadn't happened I wouldn't be where I am today."

Brilliant advice. Thank you, Aimless, I can use this myself. :)

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We all were painting the college white/cleaning it, in preparation for the exhibition. I hate how because I'm one of the 6 guys in the year that all the heavy lifting comes down to us :p But then again you feel so great once you work out how to get things through doors.


I dyed my hair brown last night and too many comments (mostly good) were thrown at me today. I was just like:


Went home after lunch to change then went into town/around my old school to get some colour copies of stuff made. Couldn't find anything of interest in the charity shops of Stockbridge except a few Millar F4 comic books, but they were too dirty for me to look at.

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It's been an alright day.


Decided to go and get myself a new phone. Whilst i was there, i asked why i was being charged £41 a month for the N96's monthly bill. Found out £6.50 of it was for a Blackberry e-mail add-on pack. Stopped it finally. I was going to pick the X6, but it crashed 3 times in the test i had. Decided on the N97 mini, probably because i didn't want a Blackberry or a I-Phone. Now, i'm paying £25 a month, which is nice.


Looking to recycle my N96, the sites offering £86 for it (on average).

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Gah! I still haven't found anything to buy for my Mum's 40th on Friday.


If all else fails I may have to go for something like a necklace.


Buy her a really floaty scarf :)


My past few days have been ok, which is shocking given I was at download.


Mostly it was a bit crap, specially to spend the birthday for various reasons:



- All four of us got ill, chest infections, flu, hayfever, being sick etc.

- It rained, so badly

- My boyfriends car battery died

- The bands we saw weren't that good.

- We had to leave early because of how ill we all were


I was so disappointed, I missed stone sour and aerosmith and I wish I had stayed, but there was no way we could have done without causing ourselves misery.


Otherwise it was really good, we camped with the people from last year and had a bit of a giggle. The food was good and the company was awesome, although sicky.


Completely fed up at the moment, back home with the parents, which is cool, but I miss my friends and my boyfriend right now and I wish I had that £50 that that stupid job took off me and they didn't have the bloody decency to give me a damn straight answer about the job, complete fuckers the lot of them.


So yeah trying to stay positive. I'm sorry the n-e crowd is so miserable! Hugs and tea for the lot of you. :(

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Lesson learnt today. Never say to a woman you don't like something about their appearance. She normally asks over and over and is paranoid, and I am honest, and say I like it. I be honest for the one time I say I don't like it, and she goes the over way, like practically not believing me. Thats fine though. :p


I had a private screening of Brooklyns Finest in the end.


I am currently shitting myself for Nintys conference tomorrow and I have just drank a pint of Vimto in preparation.

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Been here a little while now and really enjoy using this forum. Ok I tend to stick mainly to the Mario and Zelda topics but you all seem like a great bunch, so cheers for the banter and hopefully lots more after E3 tomorrow! :)

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Been here a little while now and really enjoy using this forum. Ok I tend to stick mainly to the Mario and Zelda topics but you all seem like a great bunch, so cheers for the banter and hopefully lots more after E3 tomorrow! :)


No problem, we aim to please.

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Got 'bout 2 hours sleep last night as I've been stressing my pants off for a few days. So today I'm Getting Shit Done. Done the washing up, put some washing on, tidied the lounge and it's not even 8am yet. Going to head to work for 9am to hit them as they open and talk to the manager about getting a transfer/quitting because I can't get enough hours to live on so I've been in two minds about where to live and now I have to go back to brighton and if they'd be so kind as to transfer me it'd be much appreciated yes I know I missed my shift on saturday but as you can see I'm very stressed right now and besides it's only a 6-hour contract, everyone wants more hours, you won't miss me here and I could do 6 hours a week from home without having to worry about rent and blahblahblah!


Then once that's done I'll probably feel like I've done enough for a week. Even though I've been having nightmares about how depressing my bedroom is back home (two cents: I've been depressed in every bedroom I've had anyway, and besides I'll be sleeping on the fucking sofa so it won't even matter) I've still got no braincells to make any other choice.


Next I have to pack up as much stuff as I can to visualise how much space it will take up (i.e. there will be no room for any of it at home) and call my bro-in-law to try and bribe him to drive from bournemouth to sheffield to pick me and the stuff up in his van and drive me to brighton with it. If he can't do it (I'm flexible for date/time) then I have to call a family friend I've not spoken to for 4 years (kev? Ken?) who will charge a small fortune. If that can't work then it's going up the road to the self-storage and getting a pod there, then sorting transportation out at a later date. But if I'm storing it in sheffield then I may as well take my friend's advice and kip about on sofas until I sort myself out for a job/place to live, but by the time that option becomes apparant I'd have to unconfirm my moving to brig... Ok, too many ifs and buts. ONE THING AT A TIME!



Football, x11, lie to me, true blood, breaking bad and, no doubt, some cider will comfort me this evening.


EDIT: Post-Traumatic Stress jayseven:


Today, so far;


- Wrote part of my story

- Did the dishes

- Had a shave

- Put washing in the machine

- Went to work

- Got forgiven

- Called brighton store

- Got offered an informal interview/job

- Helped an old man carry his shoppping

- Did some of my own food shopping


.... And I'd normally still be asleep...


To do;

- Making a salsa for brunch/football

- Phone mum, figure out the next step

- Make bolognaise for tea

- have a drink well earned

- Watch stuff, well earned

- Do nothing for the rest of the week.

- Except plan some sort of massive leaving party

- Must make people cry


I also think I have RSI from playing Plants Vs. Zombies on my laptop. Ouchies.

Edited by jayseven
Autotwerged Treblepost

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Been a busy morning already. Since about 8am, I've been sifting through press releases and what not, getting to grips with posting news for website I write for and generally cleaning up after a few others. Only going to get more hectic as the day goes on. :laughing:


So it's break time now anyway. Thinking I may head into town, get some lunch and do some shopping. Would have done the same yesterday but I just never got the chance to.

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Ah Jay I hope you get it sorted! I'd offer you a lift down (as I regularly drive towards Essex) but you'll have too much stuff for my car I imagine.


Yesterday today:


- Stressed about not having a job

- Found a new charger for my sat nav, costing me £20

- Getting upgrade for phone, either HTC or blackberry, very excited.

- Complained on the download forums, in the feedback bit.


Basically I need a job, badly, well not badly, but I need one in september so I can earn enough cash to move for a new job, I'm praying that in december Blizzard/team 17 etc will suddenly ask me to go work for them as games testers/QA testers/GM's etc. But this has me very panicked.


Still very ill, not bought my dad anything for father's day, not so looking forward to the 17th of this month. Won't be surprised if Dad gets very down about it all, hard to believe it's been a year already.


Blah blah blah.

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It looks like I'm going on a work trip in September to the E3 of the Textile World (in Paris). It'll be a long day (plane will be leaving at 6AM, arriving back in the UK at 11PM).

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nightwolf; cheers for the offer but brighton's still a good two hours away from essex and yeah I have a buttload of stuff.


cube; MEGACOTTONNN!!! ...?

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I attempted to sync all my contacts/music/photo's back to my new phone yesterday. It worked, to a point. Now i got all my music from my PC on my phone, something i didn't want. Got no photo's at all. But at least my contacts survived (with added numbers as well).

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