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Awww hugs for all these people! :hug:

Hope things get better for all of you! =)


I'm doing quite okay at the moment, despite being dead tired and working at nearly 2 am, again. I don't even know if I'll get my work done in time (Monday morning), but at the moment I'm not panicking at all heh. Hope it's still that way tomorrow. =P


*goes back to printing lino*

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Awww hugs for all these people! :hug:

Hope things get better for all of you! =)


I'm doing quite okay at the moment, despite being dead tired and working at nearly 2 am, again. I don't even know if I'll get my work done in time (Monday morning), but at the moment I'm not panicking at all heh. Hope it's still that way tomorrow. =P


*goes back to printing lino*


And listening to the awesome music playlist I made voor jou! ;)


I hope all of you guys and woman feel ok, soon.


If not then...I will just have to create playlists for all of you to make you feel better. Either that, or Internet Man Hugs will be given out. Hope you're alright RaiNanDson.

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My face hurts.


Was jumping around on a trampoline drunk at a house party...as you do. And we all tried front flips and I did one, didn't land it obviously and instead my knee smashed into my teeth and cheek. Now my cheek is slightly swollen and bruised :(


Good house party. Only knew two people who would be there thought it would be kind of rubbish but the girl whose party it was that I knew was so drunk and on other stuff that when we said we were leaving she declared her love for us. Was lovely.

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Yes. I loved tonight. House party at the sexually disturbing 30+ year olds woman's house tonight. Too good. I'm numb from red wine. I'm so hard.

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Wow, things are not working out for people at the moment. :( Is everyone going to be all right?


I don't think I'll ever be all right again.. and I don't know what to do :(

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I don't think I'll ever be all right again.. and I don't know what to do :(

Is it something you wish to talk about, or do you simply need to vent it somewhere?

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Is it something you wish to talk about, or do you simply need to vent it somewhere?


I don't want to talk about it.. I don't want to vent.. there is only one thing I have ever wanted and it has slipped away and I don't know how I can carry on. This feels so wrong :sad:

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I don't want to talk about it.. I don't want to vent.. there is only one thing I have ever wanted and it has slipped away and I don't know how I can carry on. This feels so wrong :sad:


Oh dear. :( Well I hope something works itself out soon.

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It does indeed sound really bad. :( Whatever is the case, I hope things work out for you. Things may be pitch-black right now, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel, though it may be impossible to see at the moment.

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Yep my face is still slightly swollen on the right. Blergh.


Hope everyone else sorts out their real problems soon unlike mine which was self inflicted!

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I don't want to talk about it.. I don't want to vent.. there is only one thing I have ever wanted and it has slipped away and I don't know how I can carry on. This feels so wrong :sad:


My only advice is that if you want something back then you have to fight for it because if it's something you know that you can't live without then you've got to put all of your being into getting it back or else regret it for the rest of your life...


I hate to be blunt but you know what you've gotta do so give it your all / nando / I wish you the best of luck.

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Don't visit here for a while and suddenly it's a My Chemical Romance concert.



Spread the love people.

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My only advice is that if you want something back then you have to fight for it because if it's something you know that you can't live without then you've got to put all of your being into getting it back or else regret it for the rest of your life...


I hate to be blunt but you know what you've gotta do so give it your all / nando / I wish you the best of luck.


That's exactly how I feel.. and I would do absolutely anything :sad:

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That's exactly how I feel.. and I would do absolutely anything :sad:


Then you've got to work out what exactly this 'anything' is and then go out there and do it, I know it's obviously far simpler for me to say this than for you to probably do it but this is all I can think of right now and the only advice I can offer you, I wish I could be of more help I really do.

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If I knew what I could do to make everything right, I'd do it in a second.. I don't want this :sad:

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If I knew what I could do to make everything right, I'd do it in a second.. I don't want this :sad:


In order to 'right' something you've got to look at what you've done 'wrong'...


I'm assuming this is the case - correct me if it isn't - if you want any further help then you'd probably need to explain the situation but... I can understand you not wanting to do that and even then there's no guarantee that a solution will be found but I'm just trying to give what little advice I can on what little there is to go on.


I can guess the situation but I wouldn't want to actually say what I think is wrong - I don't think any of us would - because I don't want to be right or even half-right.


Sorry to talk in riddles, anyway I hope you're able to make things right, I just wish I could advise you further on what to do, I hope this has helped but it probably hasn't.

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And listening to the awesome music playlist I made voor jou! ;)


I hope all of you guys and woman feel ok, soon.


If not then...I will just have to create playlists for all of you to make you feel better. Either that, or Internet Man Hugs will be given out. Hope you're alright RaiNanDson.


with my awesome song suggestion! =P

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with my awesome song suggestion! =P


Whoa wait, you suggested a song? Which one?

Cause Jim made it sound like he did it all by himself. He was so proud too. The liar!





I went to vote today. Voted for the Green party. They'll never win, but I still hope they can go in a coalition (not sure how likely it is, seeing as a right wing party will probably win).


Working for school, then actual money work in half an hour. I'll probably be up all night again to finish my book. Ahhhh, I'll be so happy when June is overrrr and all this is done. ^___^

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Heyy guyyysss


So apparently it's not a good time for n-europers. Rarely as I have them, I too had a bad day today.


Today was the second day I was at work (sport direct) and it was going well enough until about 4 20, an hour before we left. My friend who also works there pulled me to one side and said he had seen my ex girlfriend that I was (sort of) seeing again, getting off with someone else, whilst hammered and out in a club. Urgghhhh. To be fair, we knew it was going to end by October when I went away to university and we had said that it wasn't 'proper', both of us. But there was the implication of exclusivity. That last hour of work REALLY dragged.


I had half suspected this as she had been acting odd the past few days. I rang her up when I got home and she said that she couldn't remember it (which given her apparent state on thursday night, might well be true. I'm not sure if this makes it worse or better) and was sorry, not that she sounded it. She had the audacity to suggest I hadn't been very nice to her on wednesday and starting trying to list things that I had done. It didn't last very long. Her excuse for getting with someone else was that she was mortal and 'just used to it, having been on my own for a while'. I asked if we could talk about it in person but she refused. She then ended the phone call abruptly. I sent her a text basically saying 'fuck you'.


So many of my friends advised against me trying anything with her again. I knew I shouldn't have. And I shall soon be off to the pub with those friends. And so life continues.


If you've trawled all the way through that, thanks for reading.


Edited by ipaul

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Had a BBQ yesterday, was a darn good one in the end. Managed to finally get the full message across, of which somebody else understood it completly. Played some poker, didn't win overall but i did win a couple of hands (bet an "All-In" on 2 Aces).


By the end of the day, started to not feel well. Had cramps (again), probably due to a chinese steak i had earlier. Couldn't get to sleep until 2am, but felt good in the morning.


Decided after cash-count to mow the lawn. Went well to begin with on the smaller lawn. Then i noticed one of the wheels was loose, so i made an attempt to tighten it. Didn't work, started the larger lawn and it fell off. So i replaced it using plyers and a spanner. Then the mower ran out of petrol (did pre-checks and thought i'd have enough to last). Went to get more out of the shed, but there be none. So had to take a mile walk to the petrol station to get more, luckly some dude gave me a lift on the way which was nice of him.


Finished the lawn finally, which was lucky as the rain finally came down. Had lasagna for lunch, shared with my sister.


Now chilling out. May go on Galaxy 2 and Red Dead later.

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Woke up at 1 with a hangover.


Sat and read more Hulk.


Watched Scary Movie with my sister.


Sat and finished Hulk.


Am here now. I've done no work this weekend, but I don't have any cause I'm finished. It feels like I've forgotten something though.


Just remembered I love Swallowed by Bush.

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A nice-ish, relax day for me. My copy of SMG2 has been staring at me intently, begging me to play it. Might be able to tomorrow as my mother walked into my room earlier and said she'll see about getting a new Wii tomorrow which I wasn't expecting. So that was kind of nice.


Putting together a list of things I need to do over the next week or so. Gonna be a busy couple of days and nights, what with E3 happening, and I don't even know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing for work coverage wise for it. Will need to sort that out tomorrow morning as so far, I've only been given access to the controls and stuff for the live blogging but don't know whether I'm the one that's doing it.


So yeh, should be an interesting couple of days. Hopefully, it'll be more entertaining than stressful but I'll only know for sure once I know what I'm covering.

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Slight headache, feeling the need to dig myself out of this rather drab-yet-pleasant not-really-hell hole, but I don't have to put up with that one dickhole from work for a couple of weeks because he's on holiday. I've also been feeling better about my writing after finding a book "for older readers" called "Ghost Horse", half of which is written from the view point of the horse. Joseph E Chipperfield must be a genius.

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Feeling that you would be happier if you weren't alive any more is a bad thing, right?



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