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To quote my Faceache status:


You haven't eaten crunchy nut cornflakes until you've eaten them from a Costa Coffee cup at 2 in the morning. You just haven't.


It was pretty fucking amazing. They should sell cups of cereals, it's the future of milk soaked goodness.

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Been working for the past two weeks at a kindergarten. And I love eet. The kids are awesome. It is fun as hell :D


Yesterday evening/night was great as well. Met with a girlfriend and we had good times.


I'll be enjoying the rest of the day now (:

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Really sorry to hear about your friend Bard. Guy love style man hugs.


Yesterday was good. Friend phoned me with problems and it was one of those awkward "I don't know what to say" conversations but seemed okay... Then I went to a friend's for the night and made Quasedas (sp?) and watched a film. Was nice to see another human being :p Although after not-really-sleeping on the floor all night I'm now feeling weird and tired. Gonna prep some CVs and whore myself out to a local shopping centre tomorrow. *sigh*

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I think Facebook has bought my father and I closer together? We play Mafia, and post each others walls and other such stuff, and he now rings me every single day! Its strange cos it was normally just once a week if that. Cool though. :)


Got some new work clothes today.


I've also decided that Asda in Watford is the most lucritive supermarket in the world. Despite having been there many times, I can NEVER find it. Well I've only not found it twice, but its still annoying.

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I've also decided that Asda in Watford is the most lucritive supermarket in the world. Despite having been there many times, I can NEVER find it. Well I've only not found it twice, but its still annoying.


So much wrong with that paragraph. The spelling, the fact that a supermarket being lucrative or not has nothing to do with how hard it is to find...


*cries into a dictionary*

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I think Facebook has bought my father and I closer together? We play Mafia, and post each others walls and other such stuff, and he now rings me every single day! Its strange cos it was normally just once a week if that. Cool though. :)



aw thats mega awesome. I noticed your dad had posted on your facebook before!


My dad wouldn't know what the fuck facebook is =P good thing though because I don't think I'd like my parents seeing my facebook updates heh.

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aw thats mega awesome. I noticed your dad had posted on your facebook before!


My dad wouldn't know what the fuck facebook is =P good thing though because I don't think I'd like my parents seeing my facebook updates heh.


Haha, thats true.


My sister said to him "Dad tell Mike off for his language!" and he just said to me "Your language on Facebook is a bit fruity"


Loves it. He just said to me on the phone a second ago


(Sat nav)

"Blah blah...oh why is it telling me to ...oh fuc...I mean bugger." Lol.

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Haha, thats true.


My sister said to him "Dad tell Mike off for his language!" and he just said to me "Your language on Facebook is a bit fruity"


Loves it. He just said to me on the phone a second ago


(Sat nav)

"Blah blah...oh why is it telling me to ...oh fuc...I mean bugger." Lol.


hahah classic =P Its pretty awesome that its brought you two closer though. =)

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aw thats mega awesome. I noticed your dad had posted on your facebook before!


My dad wouldn't know what the fuck facebook is =P good thing though because I don't think I'd like my parents seeing my facebook updates heh.

Unfortunately my normally not so technological mother has also got on Facebook (gets just about everyone, doesn't it? :heh:), so now I have to think once in a while before posting something. :heh:

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Unfortunately my normally not so technological mother has also got on Facebook (gets just about everyone, doesn't it? :heh:), so now I have to think once in a while before posting something. :heh:


I've got about half of my family on mine (mom, dad, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles)... so yeah you really have to start thinking about what is appropriate to post on there and what isn't. =P


My day has consisted of not getting enough sleep, finishing a new shirt for RedBubble, cleaning my room and slowly melting while it's 30°C outside. D:

I'm about to get ready to leave (well, in an hour) to take the train to Brussels to go and pick up Flinky. =)

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My aunt whose never seemed like an aunt (she's about 14 years older than me but has always seemed 'my age') is on it and so is my little brother. Oh and my elder brother but I don't talk to him in real life, yet alone virtually.


Was just watching Fantasia 2000 and they used Pomp and Circumstance and it reminded me that despite the fact that I have lived in Worcestershire all my life (up until a few months ago), and even lived in Worcester itself for three years, yesterday was the first time I had ever seen the Lea and Perrins Worcester Sauce factory. Although it is rather tucked out of the way.

(the link being P&C was composed by Elgar who also comes from Worcester)

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Went to the Pokémon TCG League in Leicester today and partook in a booster draft tournament thingy, I won and lost half my rounds, giving me a not bad pr0 place of 5th. Paid £20 to enter, got 6 booster packs, deck protectors and a prerelease Milotic [Which I wasn't allowed to use in this deck] I had to make a 40 card deck using only cards from those 6 boosters and any energy cards I needed. Then at the end we got given another 2 booster packs. Not a bad deal. Pictures going in the Purchase topic sometime soon.


EDIT: Go, go, go. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11474&page=544#post1045747

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So quiet in the house when there's only myself here. Well, it is quiet until I stick my music on which has been for the vast majority of the day. Have also been carrying around a bad shoulder. Carrying around a heavy bag yesterday has really done a number on it and it's really sore to move. Muscle is basically in a state of spasm, constantly contracted. Never mind.

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So quiet in the house when there's only myself here. Well, it is quiet until I stick my music on which has been for the vast majority of the day. Have also been carrying around a bad shoulder. Carrying around a heavy bag yesterday has really done a number on it and it's really sore to move. Muscle is basically in a state of spasm, constantly contracted. Never mind.


You aren't very lucky with your body at the mo!! Hope it gets better soon!

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Went to the Pokémon TCG League in Leicester today and partook in a booster draft tournament thingy, I won and lost half my rounds, giving me a not bad pr0 place of 5th. Paid £20 to enter, got 6 booster packs, deck protectors and a prerelease Milotic [Which I wasn't allowed to use in this deck] I had to make a 40 card deck using only cards from those 6 boosters and any energy cards I needed. Then at the end we got given another 2 booster packs. Not a bad deal. Pictures going in the Purchase topic sometime soon.


EDIT: Go, go, go. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11474&page=544#post1045747


I really want to go to something like this, but I haven't properly played Pokemon cards in about 6 years! (Apart from last week when I played Paj in a lovely game).


Angry that there's nothing happening in Scotland!

Edited by chairdriver
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I really want to go to something like this, but I haven't properly played Pokemon cards in about 6 years! (Apart from last week when I played Paj in a lovely game).


Angry that there's nothing happening in Scotland!


I love the power creep though. I was just on Pojo.com, reading their reviews of variosu cards, and things like "50 damage for 3 energy cards is rubbish" were being tossed around.


Considering in the day, Kadabra's Psyshock stunned us all.

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My has not consisted of much. Did some drawing and now doing a little texture work. My girlfriend had her first day of her new job today, a home carer. Which has brought some interesting stories. I also made her a pack-up for tomorrow. How nice am I?

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Today (Sunday) is my and / nando's / 4 year anniversary :D.... woohoo!**


**probably lots of grammatical errors in that!**


what else is new?!


Ive kinda been promoted to keyholder in work - opening and locking up tomorrow (sunday :P) + wednesday night.... awesome :D - but the pay doesnt go up! BAH!....lol....


right - im offf to bed =) worrrrrk!

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I really want to go to something like this, but I haven't properly played Pokemon cards in about 6 years! (Apart from last week when I played Paj in a lovely game).


Angry that there's nothing happening in Scotland!

To be honest this was the first "proper" game I've played since my time as a Gym Leader. Since then it's been random games, plus I've been teaching the missus how to play recently. But as mentioned all of my cards aren't allowed in the modified format.


I'm also sad to say, but not ashamed to admit, that I believe I lost to a housewife/gamers' mum. But it's the luck of the cards in what you get in the boosters. Some bell ends got some pr0 cards. Then when we got 2 boosters at the end people were pulling out Rayquaza Lv. X and Blaziken Lv. X, what did I pull out? Among others, a shiny Numel... Wank.

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