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It's only just past one and today I've already had four complete randoms follow me on Twitter. I cannot block them fast enough.


I really don't understand why people do this.


I've had three follow me today. All three accounts were suspended.

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Guest Captain Falcon
It's only just past one and today I've already had four complete randoms follow me on Twitter. I cannot block them fast enough.


I really don't understand why people do this.


It's seems odd that you don't understand why someone would follow you and yet you post on it - or is that you don't know them which confuses you?

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My PC is semi fucked. General annoyingness of Google re-putting me somewhere else (virus)? Spy bot won't load, it won't system restore, the card reader isn't working, and when I can't find the serial number (its refurbished if that contributes to the fact)



Brilliant. Any ideas


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I've had three follow me today. All three accounts were suspended.


Yeah, three of them were suspended.


It's seems odd that you don't understand why someone would follow you and yet you post on it - or is that you don't know them which confuses you?


It's that they are complete randoms. I don't mind people I know follow me. That's part of the point of it.

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Went to MK shopping, I really do hate that place; it's where originality went to die. But they have more shops, so it's swings and roundabouts really. Or traffic lights in this case.



@ Chair...cuddling in bed, that is quite a development! Do you know how he feels, have you discussed it?

Edited by Molly
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I told you, i fricking told you, won't ever be the same again, it still hurts =[


I'm gonna go shoe shopping


*any guys voice* shoe shopping sigh *any guys voice*


I need shoes :(


Know of any decent shoe shops in canterbury that possibly sell skaterish type shoes?

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Its been an alright day again. Whitewashed a mate twice on GTA IV and 3 times on PGR4, he didn't know what hit him.


Just about to go to the pub again, really ought to quit drinking so much. Not good for me. And i may take up an offer for a coffee next week with a nice young lady.

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A mehish day at work with a smidgen of train-based Japanese learning for good luck. At work some customer announced they had been to Mexico recently. MASS PANIC! Rather amusing. They came back a week before the hubub and have been checked but after they left the antibacterial handwash was bought out, the desk bleached and their cups (when I made them tea and coffee) were thrown. Appropriatly enough there was a copy of The Sun in the break room. Explained it really (amusingly they likened it to a flu in 1910 or something which had a bit of an affect in the summer "and then came back in winter with a VENGEANCE")


Just need to write a review and finish off an assignment tonight. Goody good times.

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APPARWENTLY! The new Alton Coaster is made by B&M and theres a new coaster in the Black Hole tent, and Ritas being painted green. The guy who broke the news however said


"Come from a VERY reliable source..."


but then


"But we're not even sure who said it"



What. Stupid. I'm quite skeptical, but technically plausible. Especially as B&M were heavily rumoured to be working on a worlds first coaster for a UK park. Some parts still don't make sense though.




Had to write a letter about my friends parents as they want to be foster carers. Left out the bits about being touched. For the best.

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Had to write a letter about my friends parents as they want to be foster carers. Left out the bits about being touched. For the best.


Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for the new kid in the house.

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I just finished nerding it up with my fellow commander, I mean housemate. We set up a "command centre" of sorts in the living room, 2 laptops, one of which was plugged into the TV so we were able to have a giant map screen in the awesomeness that is Supreme Commander. Our team fared well until a giant robot came and wiped the majority of my housemate's base out. Then it pretty much went downhill from there on. Good times.

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Hmm another visit to Leeds may help you change your mind. It could be a first impression that will fade with time as the way you describe the others make it sound as if you're not particularly enthusiastic about them. Although league tables are potentially irrelevent. Depends what you want to do afterwards. However considering you're doing English Lit (not a criticism, but courses like law take a look at your undergrad location, most other people don't care) it shouldn't be too much of a concern.


This is true, can't go too far wrong whichever one I choose... but still, big decision, where Im spending the next 3 years of my life... feeling pretty retarded right about now for leaving it so late. Godamnit!!


Quite enthusiastic about Southampton... if Southampton had the Leeds course then I'd be happy. Urggghhh this isn't going well!!


/on how was my day topic


Good day, woke up went and planned interrailing with my friend, went home, lunch and struggled to choose between unis, saw my girlfriend, came home, here I am.

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Today I made a list of Things I Need To Do Really Soon. I managed to tick off one thing on the list before the day was out, and that was the first thing I put on the list.


"Make a list of things-that-I need-to-do-really-soon."


And I watched about 4 movies and ate a stupid amount of chili peppers and drank some cider and stared at books longingly, but choosing the visual droning over the intercranial exercise. The Road is a really good book, btw. Propz to DareDan for the mentionings.


Tomorrow I really ought to cross something else off my list. Germany, maybe.


*laughs evilly*

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Someone was going to come and visit me tomorrow, but she had an argument with her parents and is now on her way now. Which means I will have to stay up till she arrives and then stay up and comfort her. I want to sleep. This sucks.


Aww, sleep can wait. Your friend will love you forever for this.


Or else, they better. If they don't appreciate it, look out the window as she's approaching the house, and shout "You're going the wrong way!" like the F Zero X announcer.


Today has been ok. Woke up and did some more situps, pressups and a tiny bit of weights before showering.

The highlight of the day was probably getting Skype to work with Ine. Basically, the internet connection and router of my house is fucking shit. In my room, you get about a bar or two of signal, and it disconnects or stops working every bluddy hour or 10 mins, or something. Meaning I either have to wait for it to start working again, or have to unplug/replug the plug to get it working...which means going downstairs.


In my room, the longest we managed to go without skype disconnecting was...4 and a half mins. Downstairs, next to the router, it went for about 10 times as long, but in the end it got silly there, too.


Although, it was lovely to see her face again, and it makes me miss her about a million times more. But, hearing her voice again just negates all of that. :)


I've done a tiny bit of work for uni, but I couldn't really concentrate today. I psyched myself up to work, but I probably think I'm going to do some before bed now.

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flinky thats so sweet :) I wish I was Eenuh :p



She won't be going past my window hopefully because otherwise she may crash and kill quite a few people!


I'm just going to meet her in the car park and give her a hug and let her cry or talk it out. Luckily I don't have anything except work 4-6. I should be revising but oh well.

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flinky thats so sweet :) I wish I was Eenuh :p



She won't be going past my window hopefully because otherwise she may crash and kill quite a few people!


I'm just going to meet her in the car park and give her a hug and let her cry or talk it out. Luckily I don't have anything except work 4-6. I should be revising but oh well.


If you show her that, I will actually kill you. :heh:


Ahh, a driver, eh? Well, just let her cry and talk, and just nod and smile and hug. Usually the best recipe for a happy girly.

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