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So far haven't done too much today. Got up at 7:45 to do work, but all I've done really is watch part of Disney's The Great Mouse Detective and pretty much all of The Black Cauldron on youtube. Trying to take decent screencaps of certain parts for my paper, but it's hard to tell where the CGI has been used (at least in The Black Cauldron). So haven't really gotten anywhere, heh...


Still, everyone should watch this film at least once I think. Not the greatest Disney movie, but certainly the darkest!


Do you have to do those movies? Because the DVD of The Emperor's New Groove has a video feature about the CGI used and has interviews with the folks who did it and why they were used for those particular scenes etc etc. Could be really helpful.


If i remember correctly, they used CGI for Pacha's trolly thing and for the log scenes going down the waterfall.

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A bit of Googling suggests that computers were used to create wire-frame models of scenery over which the artists would trace their work, maintaining mathematically correct perspective and dimensions. So presumably that would mean most scenes were created with computer assistance, although there would be no actual 3D rendering present in the film itself; I'd guess elements such as the boat at the end would have benefited the most from this approach, given the way it tumbles about.


Shame the film came out before the time of DVD extras, eh?


Heh yeah, I actually wrote about that stuff in my paper, what they used it for. Still, it's almost impossible to find a good screenshot of the film or a part where it could be used (I know of some but honestly they're not interesting enough to show in a paper). So now I have a random shot from somewhere in the film, haha. =P


Oh by the way, there is a DVD version out of this film, though it doesn't really have many extras it seems. And if what I read is right, there will be a proper DVD release somewhere this year maybe. Would be quite cool. =)


Do you have to do those movies? Because the DVD of The Emperor's New Groove has a video feature about the CGI used and has interviews with the folks who did it and why they were used for those particular scenes etc etc. Could be really helpful.


If i remember correctly, they used CGI for Pacha's trolly thing and for the log scenes going down the waterfall.


I used those movies because they were some of the first to use CGI back then. My paper is all about how the computer helped with advancements in animation, so I really have to talk about milestones like these films. =)


And yeah I have The Emperor's New Groove on DVD as well, but since they don't really have anything new in that film (in the ways of CGI), it's a bit pointless to mention it I guess. Thanks for the suggestion though! =D

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Chris, my friend from work, knew the waiter so I got 50% off (still cost £4.50 though - kinda a rip-off).

Wait wait wait... Nine quid a burger, is this what you're telling us?!

I had hysterics after I saw Jenn's face when I shouted "Why do I look like a complete retard in EVERY photo!?" while looking through her camera album. We all laughed for a ridiculous amount of time.

Was a conclusion reached? The hair, the eyes? The chin?!



We then went back to Calum's flat, and went up on the roof. I had a moment of pleasure, sitting there cuddling my straight boyfriend

Does that give added danger?

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Apparantly, a guy from BT is coming tomorrow to check our line as it has been reported as faulty twice in a week. Hence the lack of internet i've been getting, and why i appear online then vanish within minutes sometimes for no reason.


Hopefully he fixes it, its crap not having fully working internet and relying on the mobile for MSN.


I shoud be online tonight, if the net holds up which it won't, so sorry if i randomly appear out of nowhere and vanish in the same way.

Edited by Jimbob
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Well, had the ex over the last couple of days. Emotional playground, to say the least... Well, actually that's the most I'm going to say on the matter.


Since sunday I've had only £5! Eaten well, but only had a total of 4 cigarettes teh entire time my ex was here, which makes it 5 since monday (not had one yet today). Been awake in the MORNINGS four days in a row, too. But... but now I have 6 days to write 10,000 words. Lol. Life sucks etc.


Well anyway - I found some cheques from my nan and pop from xmas/birthday, so hopefully by saturday I'll have £50 in my account. Tonight = pub for a drink, then hopefully some spliffs and chilled out TV/movie watching/note taking.


I return to my lack of motivation, and knotted walks.


First day back at school. Actually fine. I HATE THOUGH! My English set organised a trip to go see Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan (Legends, I love them both) in Waiting For Godot, and we booked so far in advance that I completely forgot it was last night. :(


A friend said she tried to text me but failed. I smell a lie. Actually gutted about that.


But yeah. Art was fine, got some lovely drawing done. DT is anooying, have to have EVERYTHING done and handed in by the end of friday. *cries*

Man, I started out reading that post so damn JEALOUS, but ended it feeling really sad :( I would've loved to have seen them doing that play... man...


@ Paj - think of yourself as lucky that you're not having to go and see Waiting for Godot. Even with Stewart and Mckellan acting in it, it's a dire play, much like many of the so called 'modernist' movement plays from British playwrites.

WRONG WRONG WRONG. Waiting for Godot is a charm of a play. You are wrong. :P

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Back in Leeds, London trip was awesome. Little summary of my adventure:


- PDC 2009 darts Wii event was cool, met some nice people, though felt a bit small fry as there were journalists from play.tm, T3 Magazine and ONM there. Didn't get to take on Phil Taylor, the larger magazines/sites had filming sessions/mammoth interviews/waggle duels scheduled. I did meet Phil Taylor however, lovely guy!

- I saw Michael Palin. AWESOME!

- ReZ is a bitch.

- Lord of the Rings was phenomenal, it gave me goosebumps.

- I met some Hobbit girls. Also awesome.

- Howard Shore and some other guy signed a copy of the Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack for me. Howard didn't say much, the other guy was nice though.

- The long wait for Howard meant we missed the last tube out of South Kensington, and stranded miles away from the hotel at about 12.30am. Cue an £8 bus journey, much Scooby Doo-esque running to get the last tubes, and a high speed chase with an elderly alcoholic before we eventually got back. Fun stuff.

- The gay bartender from Emmerdale was on the same train as me today.


Uh, that's it.

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Some Christians knocked on my door today.


They left enlightened.





Also read a lovely poem,



If Time and Space, as sages say,

Are things which cannot be,

The sun which does not feel decay

No greater is then we.

So why, Love, should we ever pray

to live a century?

The butterfly that lives a day

Has lived eternity.


The flowers I gave thee when the dew

Was trembling on the vine,

Were withered ere the wild bee flew

To suck the eglentine.

So let us haste to pluck anew

Nor mourn to see them pine,

And though our days of love be few

Yet let them be divine.


If Space and Time, as sages say,

Are things which cannot be,

The fly that lives a single day

Has lived as long as we.

But let us live while yet we may,

While love and life are free,

For time is time, and runs away,

Though sages disagree.



T. S. Eliot

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Up bright and early(ish) and off to town to pick up Sarah Connor S1 for housemate's boyfriend's birthday...and I want to keep it. Waited around for the always late postman who didn't come. Then went to uni to meet friends and do work and did...some.


Splicing in looking at sorting out Japan. Just trying to find accomodation and how long I wish to stay at each place and all that.

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Back in Leeds, London trip was awesome. Little summary of my adventure:


- PDC 2009 darts Wii event was cool, met some nice people, though felt a bit small fry as there were journalists from play.tm, T3 Magazine and ONM there. Didn't get to take on Phil Taylor, the larger magazines/sites had filming sessions/mammoth interviews/waggle duels scheduled. I did meet Phil Taylor however, lovely guy!

- I saw Michael Palin. AWESOME!

- ReZ is a bitch.

- Lord of the Rings was phenomenal, it gave me goosebumps.

- I met some Hobbit girls. Also awesome.

- Howard Shore and some other guy signed a copy of the Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack for me. Howard didn't say much, the other guy was nice though.

- The long wait for Howard meant we missed the last tube out of South Kensington, and stranded miles away from the hotel at about 12.30am. Cue an £8 bus journey, much Scooby Doo-esque running to get the last tubes, and a high speed chase with an elderly alcoholic before we eventually got back. Fun stuff.

- The gay bartender from Emmerdale was on the same train as me today.


Uh, that's it.


What the hell is PDC?C?PD?

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fun day, i aranged a night out at the cinema only to realise its tommorow night were ment to be going. i got 5 retard points.


outher then that, did some house work, and got some work done on my level in little big planet. its really starting to come together, ive been vieiwing communitry levels to give me some ideas, pretty pleased i managed to make my own dragon that breaths fire.

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I got my hair cut SHORT.


*audience clap/gasp*


For the first time in...3-4 years?


It feels brilliant.


I feel like a lesbian who's finally come to terms with her sexuality and just chopped all her hair off.

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By short, I mean short, relative to me.


To make it clearer, I can finally use wax on my hair.


Ah I see. I am partner-less in my quest for lesbian companion. I feel so empty... what was even there before? How did I even survive when I didn't have you in my life?

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Ah I see. I am partner-less in my quest for lesbian companion. I feel so empty... what was even there before? How did I even survive when I didn't have you in my life?


You'll manage without me. You have to.


*waves from the steamboat as it departs the pier*

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Havn't been here for a few days...hmm. Dunno why.


Anyway, got an uber haircut. It's actually short short this time, not medium short hairish. You know what I mean. Today I signed on for the first time and succeeded. Good stuff, though my claim hasn't been fully processed yet so no monies yet. Not good considering I'm down to my last tenner. Eek..

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Bear in mind I do live/work in Morningside, where everything is ridiculously expensive. Famously where JK Rowling, Ian Rankin and Alexander McCall Smith all live.

Never heard of the place. But even so, nine quid for a fucking burger?! How much is the "expensive" food?

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Never heard of the place. But even so, nine quid for a fucking burger?! How much is the "expensive" food?


The cinema chair works in (in morningside) is expensive too, but has stunning leather sofas to sit in, and a lovely olden-days charm about it.


Morningside isn't really a "place", it's just an area of Edinburgh, near the edge.

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