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i can make a good chocolate cake, buns, brownies, shortbread but i cannot master cheese on toast!!!


plus my dad makes it really good so why learn when he can make it for me!


I'm only playing my milky chocolately buttons! I'm sure you're better at it than you think! Any chance you could make me some shortbread sometime? I absolutely adore it!


So it took me about 11 minutes to show you how awesome I am. Not my fastest time but not bad.


If it counts at all, I've always thought you were awesome Moog :love:

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Hi Xivi. Welcome to the forums.


I just wanted to add a note about the Jord/Letty thing. She doesnt even come here anymore, so i dont think its disrespectful of Jord to talk about their situation. The suicidal stuff however was stupid. Snap out of it man!

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I'm only playing my milky chocolately buttons! I'm sure you're better at it than you think! Any chance you could make me some shortbread sometime? I absolutely adore it!







if your nice to me :P... if i could get my hands on a proper cooker it would turn out better!


mine kinda burns things on the outside and leaves them raw in the middle... damn you cooker with only one heat temperature!!!


(my dad says it was either a new car or a new cooker - i went with the car:heh:)


only joking....

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Guest Captain Falcon
Hi Xivi. Welcome to the forums.


I just wanted to add a note about the Jord/Letty thing. She doesnt even come here anymore, so i dont think its disrespectful of Jord to talk about their situation. The suicidal stuff however was stupid. Snap out of it man!


Just because she hasn't been here for a while, it doesn't suddenly make it right to talk about her - it's not like there are folks here who don't know who she is.


Jordan should be free to talk as much as the next person about his feelings but it wouldn't give him the right to be disrespectful to another forum member.


What when/if she come back?

Edited by Captain Falcon
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if your nice to me :P... if i could get my hands on a proper cooker it would turn out better!


mine kinda burns things on the outside and leaves them raw in the middle... damn you cooker with only one heat temperature!!!


(my dad says it was either a new car or a new cooker - i went with the car:heh:)


only joking....


I have exactly the same problem at my student house - don't dare cook a pie, for fear of a rather charred pie crust! Pizzas also don't fare too well in the darned contraption!


*raises hand* do i count? =P


Quiet you!

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I have exactly the same problem at my student house - don't dare cook a pie, for fear of a rather charred pie crust! Pizzas also don't fare too well in the darned contraption!



chunky chips have the same problem! they brown.. but still hard in the middle!!


also we have only 1 ring on the actual cooker that still properly works.. 1 doesnt work at all and the other 2 turn on when they arent switched on!!

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Hi Xivi. Welcome to the forums.


I just wanted to add a note about the Jord/Letty thing. She doesnt even come here anymore, so i dont think its disrespectful of Jord to talk about their situation. The suicidal stuff however was stupid. Snap out of it man!


As far as I'm aware, Letty still posts here.




Anywayyyyy, my (and Flinky's) day! We got up at like, noon again (we fail at getting up when the alarm goes off >.>; ). Played a bit of Zack and Wiki. And in the afternoon we went bowlinggggg! We played four games and I won all of them, haha! =P

Then we played two games of pool. I'd only played twice before and I really really suck at it (the amount of times I hit air instead of the ball, tsssk). Yet I still managed to win both games due to Flinky hitting the black ball in a pocket the first game and then pocketing most of my balls in the second game. X3


Then after that we had some dinner at the bowling alley, pasta time! Went home and played some Melee, whooo. I failed miserably and lost most games though. Guess that kinda healed Flinky's hurt pride. =P



And welcome Xiviliai!

Edited by Eenuh
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chunky chips have the same problem! they brown.. but still hard in the middle!!


also we have only 1 ring on the actual cooker that still properly works.. 1 doesnt work at all and the other 2 turn on when they arent switched on!!


Hmmm, I'm starting to fear for you safety...perhaps you should invest in a new oven soon! Perhaps you could be an expert at preparing cold food? Everyone likes a good Ploughman's platter! :D

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Hmmm, I'm starting to fear for you safety...perhaps you should invest in a new oven soon! Perhaps you could be an expert at preparing cold food? Everyone likes a good Ploughman's platter! :D



i make a good tuna sandwich... (no wait.. thats my dad... again.. he just leaves them in the fridge for me..)


i think my dads waiting for each ring to completly stop working before justifying a new cooker.


.. but till then theres always microwaves!!! and if that fails.. take aways!

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Today I signed on at the dole office. So begins the next few weeks of job hunting hell..


ah, anouther doleite.


welcome to the hell that is being grouped in with the outher people there.


ive seen some sites in my time there, and felt my steely reserve slowly chipped away, i kept my pridew longer then my friends but finaly, i feel shame walking in and out, and despair that this is all i will know. 7 months. so many fat birds. trucksuits tucked in socks. horible.

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Nearly polished off a bottle of Kopparberg, and I havn't had a stroke yet. This is good news...


Kopperberg (can't think of how it is spelled) is pretty awesome. Thought, I do prefer Brother's Strwberry Fruit Cider.


Today was awesome. Played Zack and Wiki with Ine for a bit, after getting out of bed at 1 o'clock. Very fun game, so I'm definitely going to pick it up when I get back home.


We went bowling today, and played Pool, too. I got my first ever striiike. Yaaaay! I ended up getting one in each game we played in, but I managed to lose ALL four games. Quite badly, too. Ine lies when she says she is rubbish at bowling. :shakehead


Then, we went onto Pool, and she said she was rubbish at that, too. She won both games, after I potted the black in the fiiirst, and after she won the second by getting that black last. She lies. Although, I did have to spend a few moments helping her with holding the cue.


*mutters about beginner's luck*


After the games, we got some food at that bowling place. I ordered vegetable Mexican Canneloni, and Ine ordered...pasta and something. It looked nice, whatever that something was, is, was.


We came home, dusted off that Gamecube and played some Super Smash Bros. Meleeeeeeee. Had some awesome games, with me getting some last gasp victories. :)


Tonight, I think we're going to watch The First X-Files Movie on doovde, after I finish whoring that Football thread.


I also awoke this morning to find a really painful spot/lump on the inside of my right leg. It fucking hurts! My trousers keep scraping against it, so I've been walking all day like a guy with a cactus shoved up his arse.

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Guest Captain Falcon

We went bowling today, and played Pool, too. I got my first ever striiike. Yaaaay! I ended up getting one in each game we played in, but I managed to lose ALL four games. Quite badly, too. Ine lies when she says she is rubbish at bowling. :shakehead


Then, we went onto Pool, and she said she was rubbish at that, too. She won both games, after I potted the black in the fiiirst, and after she won the second by getting that black last. She lies. Although, I did have to spend a few moments helping her with holding the cue.


*mutters about beginner's luck*


You can't fool me Flink - I know the gentleman in you let her win.

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Spent waaaay too much time faffing around with the boards and put my dissertation (and general house tidyiness stuff) aside for the day. Although this section is on 2000 words and I need to do between 2000-3000.


Also got my contract from SCS. Woo I get commission if I sell a sofa...which may be hard as im only doing two days finance inputting. Hardcore life.

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Hi Xivi. Welcome to the forums.


I just wanted to add a note about the Jord/Letty thing. She doesnt even come here anymore, so i dont think its disrespectful of Jord to talk about their situation. The suicidal stuff however was stupid. Snap out of it man!


Letty still posts on here Jav and how will she feel that people have been talking about her for over four pages. I dont want to know how jordan will act if or when she gets another boyfriend.

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Letty still posts on here Jav and how will she feel people have been talking about her for over four pages. I dont want to know how jordan will act if or when she gets another boyfriend.


Oh drop it already, for fucks sake, it's like reading messages from Letty's personal army with every post you make regarding Jordan.

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