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Checked Xpert eleven. I lost 5-1 goddammit. Oh well I think a season in lower league could do me some good.


I can't wait for next season. It's just incredibly fun. My god it's unbelievable how much fun it actually is. If I weren't already playing, then I'd definitely sign up.



Agreed, I went out on a high 5-0. It's so much fun, I'm suprised it doesn't have much attention. I'm not a big football fan, but its awesome. Its quite deep, basically an online RPG, and it really doesn't require too much attention, just 5 minutes a few times a week.


I really wish more NEers played in Mr Odwins league though, as people sign up and don't play. Maybe we'll have more next season!




Logged onto Xpert Eleven today. I won 5-1, and survived relegation to the Lower League. Hell yeah! :D


Goddamn this game is fun. I have to thank Odders for setting this up. I've now got three teams in other leagues set up. I'm that addictedings, it's so fun. *two thumbs fresh!*


Xpert 11 victory for meeeeeee = good day! Plus some games being played in general.


Unfortunately my 360 headset is fucked. :(


Its funny you should say that I was going to post about how Xpert saved my marriage.


I mean I'm not married but damn its taught me patience, give and take, how to score goals in both nets. I frankly think without it my future wife would leave me. God Bless you xpert even though I am signed up, with a new season coming I feel like creating a new NE account just to sign up again!


In case anyone missed these classic examples of men trying to be subtle; x11 is kinda fun. You don't have to love, or even like football. If you like Risk, or that Risk-like game that we played for a while on facebook, then you'll like this. We need some extra players to keep the 2-tier league system, and honestly, it's great fun. Shorty, ReZ and I all play and I think I can guarentee we know nothing about football. So please, give it a shot when Odwin posts about the new league? Pretty please?

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Last night was my friend's birthday in Soho Bar, which surprisingly enough is in Soho, woo. I like how dark and a little bit Gothic it was in there; really good atmosphere that seemed to make people more passionate than usual. Birthday girl had a few friend groups attending so there was a lack of cohesion I'd say, but I still had a great time. Caught up with some people from Uni that I haven't seen in donkeys years. Plus a few of us got the groove on, was loving it. Stupid shoes though, I was a bit of a cripple by the end of the night.

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i cant belive how much i hate living at home. tonight, im out to the cinema for 7. when asked by my mam how it affected tea isaid id sort it my self, probs grab somthing when im out.


either thats a very simple solution, or im very intelegent and understand its complex manner. im currently leaning toward the latter, as ive explained it no fewer then 8 times. both parents are telling me i can eat with them at 6, but i may have to get the bus, in which case 6 is too late. after the 8th incident i let my annoyance show and explain in a calm yet firm manner that i wont miss tonight for any reason. its the last time i'm going to see a mate for 6 month cos hes off to australia. id happily go hungry to see a friend off properly. suddenly im the bad guy, im being stupid a worrying over nothing. my mam says "well I have a solution, sort your own food" said in a manner to surgest i was selfish and putting both of them out with my behaviour. i told them about this a full week in advance, i cant belive the fuss its caused. i need a job so i can escape the constant petty arguments and being treated like a stupid kid who cant fathom such a complex task as eating by my self.


id pull my hair out if it would achieve anything. right now, its hard to think of anything more appealing then getting my own little flat and getting utterly wankered

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My Jim Carrey movie marathon i planned has failed. I did plan to watch more than 2, but people kept annoying me and arranging things to do without my knowledge until the last minute. Seriously, how many more times can plans backfire.


Anywho is a word i use often, it can be found in many of my posts including this one.

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Anywho is a corruption of anyhow, and while it's primarily a spoken form, when written down, I believe anyhoo is a slightly more common spelling (and the form I prefer). The other's pretty common as well though. [/random aside]


Last night was fairly insane - it started with cooking 7 bowls of mushroom ramen, and escalated from there.

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care to elaborate?


well my day = work


i feel like an old woman cause my body keeps seizing up - hurts so much :(


My brother let our cat outside and he should have been watching over him but he lost him in our backyard.


Both my mother and sister are crying. :sad:

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My brother is also a bell end.


Our grandma isn't that great at the moment, and mum goes down to Manchester to see her every so often. My brother said he wanted to go down with mum and see her ["one last time"], which was today. Yesterday as usual, he goes off with one of his mates and fondles his balls or whatever happens in that sausage fest. Mum phones up asking if he's going to come along, he comes out with the pretentious bullshit "Well I didn't promise did I?"

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My weekend mainly consisted of visiting a cafe with awesome table stands!


see album


Awesome. Where was that?


Just got back from my NEtastic weekend of fun in Sheffield. Met some people. Saw some crazy places. Came up with a film idea with Dan Dare. Fun all around. Nice to get away for a while (although the closer I got to home the more messages I got off my father about my mother >_>). Although I got about 4 hours sleep every night so I'd imagine I'll be conked out for most of tomorrow.


Today I have seen six forum members! Me (yes, it counts when you look in the mirror as much as I do :heh:), Dan Dare, J7, Shorty, Nami and a suprise bumpintoage of Takeo which made the wait at New Street less blah.

and of course that filthy dream about Nightwolf....jokes


I've been back 45 minutes and for the whole time my housemate has been in the bathroom (presumably the bath as I heard the boiler going at it). I already knew she was part reptile (as all women are as they are always cold) but didn't realise she was also part fish.

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What Racism Is Like.


A hard hitting panorama of society's intolerances in which Julia Roberts plays the role of a mystic slave woman in deep south plantation in authentic blackface makeup. The story revolves around her budding relationship with slave owner (Richard Gere), a classic love story that breaks down social taboo and race barriers.

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So i'm just back from a weekend down in Maidenhead, Odney estate to be exact. Taxi was late to pick us up, plane was delayed by 2 hours and the taxi to take us home was half an hour late. Not best pleased like.

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3 nights in a row of relentless drinking has caught up with me


Im still hungover and feel like death, probably the worse hangover ive ever had. had a 5 hour train journey back from Leeds to contend with which wasnt fun. Pretty sure im gunna pull a sickie tomorrow.

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What Racism Is Like.


A hard hitting panorama of society's intolerances in which Julia Roberts plays the role of a mystic slave woman in deep south plantation in authentic blackface makeup. The story revolves around her budding relationship with slave owner (Richard Gere), a classic love story that breaks down social taboo and race barriers.




Can I be in it?




OK day. Long arduous Henry V rehearsal. I look awful in my costumes. *yay*


I don't suit suits. Especially suits without jackets. I was told to sort my hair out (cut it) for the shows. Yeah right. I might dye it blond and just have it straight. Yeah. Play looks really boring atm. Hope it works on the night.


Watched 3 epis of BSG. My favourite thing ever.

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