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Calling the bank and telling them to block it should be enough.


Can banks actually do that then? I remember going into the bank and asking them to block any payments from my old ccar insurance; but the nice lady explained that if they have my details they can just take out a payment. The bank could only help me after the payment was taken out through legal action...


Or is it different with direct debits and them just having your card information...?


Anyway, as for cancelling shit: what's the deal with cancellation chargers? I don't get why people pay them. Just explain on the phone, "No, I don't think you understand, I'm cancelling now. You don't get my money." And just hang up.

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Anyway, as for cancelling shit: what's the deal with cancellation chargers? I don't get why people pay them. Just explain on the phone, "No, I don't think you understand, I'm cancelling now. You don't get my money." And just hang up.


If it's a contract, then it's legally binding - the cancellation charge is to compensate for you breaching the contract. If it's just for funsies, then you are under no real obligation to pay it, unless it is stated somewhere.

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Can banks actually do that then? I remember going into the bank and asking them to block any payments from my old ccar insurance; but the nice lady explained that if they have my details they can just take out a payment. The bank could only help me after the payment was taken out through legal action...


Or is it different with direct debits and them just having your card information...?


Anyway, as for cancelling shit: what's the deal with cancellation chargers? I don't get why people pay them. Just explain on the phone, "No, I don't think you understand, I'm cancelling now. You don't get my money." And just hang up.

I cancelled a direct debit to a charity for the deaf by phoning up the bank.

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My sister came down with tonsillitis whilst on holiday, and has done nothing since lounge about on the sofa watching TV since we got back. My nefarious plan to wake up early and beat her to the TV worked, she didn't look too happy when she eventually woke up. So I managed to get my Pikmin hat on Animal Crossing (at last) and watched Monday's episode of 24 (brillillilillililliant). :awesome:

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I cancelled a direct debit to a charity for the deaf by phoning up the bank.


A phone contract is legally binding. You have to pay the whole term, some companies accept paying it all off and cancelling the contract there and then, or you just pay it every month 'til it runs over the contracted time, then cancel it.


if the direct debit is cancelled the company will just send an invoice in the post with the bill.

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Got home at just before 5 this morning. That place I'd been complaining about going to turned out to be behind a pub I knew and had been to. Dumb.


I think I'm going to take a break from partying for a couple weeks. I'm burned out. Although that idea is likely going to be put to the test.

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Had a pretty good weekend. Half spent in the pub, the other half at home or at my mates really.


Such lovely weather on Saturday that i was wise and wore a jumper instead of my jacket, wish at 5pm i put the jacket on instead because it chilled so much by then.


Finally decided to pop into the local Leisure Centre and enquired about joining the gym as it were. Should of done this a long time ago.

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I just got back from the gym to find the following message on my phone: "Hey babe. Do you fancy a sleepover round mine tonight? Would love to see you... xxx" from a girl I don't know that well.


Either someone's kidnapped her phone, or tonight shall be...interesting... :heh:

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I just got back from the gym to find the following message on my phone: "Hey babe. Do you fancy a sleepover round mine tonight? Would love to see you... xxx" from a girl I don't know that well.


Either someone's kidnapped her phone, or tonight shall be...interesting... :heh:

Go forth and Shabba'ise.

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I just got back from the gym to find the following message on my phone: "Hey babe. Do you fancy a sleepover round mine tonight? Would love to see you... xxx" from a girl I don't know that well.


Either someone's kidnapped her phone, or tonight shall be...interesting... :heh:


Take a can of mace, and prepare a safe word early.

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Spent most of today watching tv. Shipwrecked, bit of Family Guy and some other bits and pieces. Then realised I needed to look for a book I thought I had. So basically turned my room upside down to find it. And to my marvel I found a GBA SP (silver one) in a little carry case in one of the boxes. Thought I'd gotten rid of it years ago. Still in good nick as well apart from a bit of wear of the paint on the shell of the machine but nothing big. Also found my Dreamcast which I haven't seen in ages, and don't expect will work anymore because of the battery at the controller port, and it's remarkable how much these things bleach from the sun. I didn't think mine was too bad until I found it earlier and it's basically yellow and in no way looks like the original colour. Shame really. And also found my GP32 and it still works. Screens a bit screwed up at the very top in the middle but it works.


So looked for ages for the book and didn't find it. Then, when searching my filing cabinet, I thought I had found it only to find that it was a similar book and not the one I was after leading me know to understand I didn't have the book I was looking for in the first place. So I need to go and buy it tomorrow and read it for friday. Shouldn't be too hard. Don't think Things Fall Apart is too long.


Anyways, I have an early start tomorrow, like every monday, so that means and early bedtime. Well.... early by my normal standards. Getting the bus to Uni tomorrow though instead of the train so I can actually get a seat. :)

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Go forth and Shabba'ise.


It was, it seems, a genuine case of wrong numberage - however, two things have crossed my mind: the person she thought she was texting and me both put our numbers into her phone ourselves, and named ourself, so how did she get us mixed up, and where did she expect me/him to get chocolate sauce and handcuffs at this hour?? :heh:


I've also reaped the unexpected benefit of more blackmailing material than I could ever use.

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Muddling through this dissertation introduction which needs to be done by Wednesday (hopefully sooner to give myself time to look at Japan stuff without feeling like im procrastinating). Doing 2000 words for an introduction feels wrong. Introductions should be a paragraph... This is whats throwing me. But once more I have tore through some books today.


What a boring life eh?


Oh my friend did try and sell me a keyboard because I mentioned I'd love to get a piano and learn to play but I passed on it for now. I have enough things keeping me from work at present.


And due to this status update: "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked!!" I wish Facebook had a "this made me want to vomit" button.

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Woke up at 2 or 3 today. Can't remember. Did nothing. Watched In the Valley of Elah which was superb.


I'm in quite a good mood for some unknown reason.


Do you still test for SE? Or did the seasonal lay off of QA testers get you?


There are barely any projects. Only a couple of the testers are still working there. As soon as more projects come in we'll all be back.


Unless I can't be arsed. Which is quite possible since I have better things to do.


And due to this status update: "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked!!" I wish Facebook had a "this made me want to vomit" button.


“A true friend stabs you in the front.”

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Had such a great weekend! Went to Lincoln on the train with my friend, had a 2 hour catch up which was lovely; I'm sure everyone around us also loved it, oops. Then went out with our friend (who's bday it was a couple of weeks ago) and a few other people. Just had an awesome time, so many laughs all round. The bars we went to included one that does ''triples for singles'', basically after we left there everyone was wasted. Ended up at a student club called the Engine Shed; if I'd been sober I'm sure I would have felt like an intruder but as it was, I was loving it; felt like a student again. I don't mind saying there were some hotties in there too, wow. Danced ALOT to some old tunes and later on did some crazy dancing that I can only do when all my inhibitions have floated away. Amazing. Now I'm home again and the weekend is over all too soon, boo. I lived with the friend on the train and the bday girl all 3 years of uni and I love them so much; it makes me sad when I leave them. Luckily we're all together again in two weeks time, woooop.


We also decided Amsterdam is an option for my birthday weekend, which would be cool as I've never been. Only trouble is I've been invited to a wedding that weekend; might just not go, sure it was pity invite anyway.

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You must really hate J-RPGs. :hmm:


I would list J-RPGs as one of the worst ways to waste your time. I don't hate J-RPGs, indifferent would be more apt, but life is too short to 'grind'.


Plus, the pay is shit.


We also decided Amsterdam is an option for my birthday weekend, which would be cool as I've never been. Only trouble is I've been invited to a wedding that weekend; might just not go, sure it was pity invite anyway.


Amsterdam is AWESOME!! I'd love to go again and do it all again....

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