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  DomJcg said:
They check it there and then, you answer a bunch of questions (ones that can be found on the give blood site) prick your finger and take a drop of blood as a sample, drop in a solution and if it sinks then it has iron and if not then you may not be able to give blood. And i don't know what blood type i am either, they send a letter afterwards saying what type you are =]


That's how it works in the UK, might be different in Belgium.


Anyway I've recently missed two appointments for giving blood. I just keep forgetting about them. (I say appointments, I didn't actually make an appointment I just missed the days that they were here.)

  MoogleViper said:
That's how it works in the UK, might be different in Belgium.


Anyway I've recently missed two appointments for giving blood. I just keep forgetting about them. (I say appointments, I didn't actually make an appointment I just missed the days that they were here.)


get to it mooglez, one day you might need some blood!





I'd love to be able to give blood, but you can't when you are on regular medication, sadly! :(


My tongue and throat are killing me. My mum reckons I have thrush. :blank:


  Raining_again said:
get to it mooglez, one day you might need some blood!





I'd love to be able to give blood, but you can't when you are on regular medication, sadly! :(


I've given blood before.


I considered giving blood once, then i decided i don't like the idea of blood being sucked out of me, so i didn't.


My day was the biggest waste of time ever. Went to sixth form this morning and did nothing untill my maths lesson at 1pm, went up to maths and the teacher decided we didn't have to be there. I did consider going home, but my friend persuaded me to stay untill 3:15 to give him a lift home (so i did). So i was sat in the car waiting for him at 3:15 and his dad goes and parks up infront of me... So basically i wasted a day i could have been doing valuable revision at home for my Biology exam next week i know nothing about.


pleeeeease someone help...


i just put some ram in my macbook and now everytime i close the lid to put it to sleep it reboots O___o what have i done wrong??

  bluey said:
pleeeeease someone help...


i just put some ram in my macbook and now everytime i close the lid to put it to sleep it reboots O___o what have i done wrong??





No I have no clue, but I really wanted to reply with everything. I'm sorry. I know nothing about MacBooks either. Oh well, just had a nap, awoke, showered...off to work with me! I'll be back at 7...*sigh*

  MoogleViper said:
I've given blood before.

I tried, but after I released the fact of the sexy epi'ness they changed their minds.


However, my doc's appointment went well. Practically everything is in working order. Let's hope the interview tomorrow goes well.


I'm not sending the cheque for my criminal record check yet, as I apparently will probably find out tomorrow if I've been accepted.

  DomJcg said:
Well you know, when they start saying mass orgys happened and showed pictures of people involved (not of the orgy geez) how would you like it if your mum found out if you had had a mass orgy.


My mum asked me about it earlier, it felt abit awkward, i dunno why, i know hardly anyone that was mentioned ^^


Well yah true. Though I was assuming the orgy part was a joke, much like half of the stuff on there which don't seem to hold much truth. Also im curious as to how parents suddenly all knew about it. That said apparently it's the talk of the staffroom at SJL so i guess these things spread.


The whoever it was shut it down today in anycase. Fun while it lasted.


I'm curious, EEVIL. I know next to nothing about epilepsy, are there different types of it, different severities etc? And do certain people's epilepsy get triggered with more/less of a catalyst?

  Dyson said:
I'm curious, EEVIL. I know next to nothing about epilepsy, are there different types of it, different severities etc? And do certain people's epilepsy get triggered with more/less of a catalyst?


It's when the brain can't handle (ithink its this) light differences of a certain amount a second. Epilepsy is like between 16 and 8 a second, it should be 32 or higher. So thats where the severeities of epilepsy come into it, and it manifests around puberty.


Ah back home, well sheffield home anyway. Managed to finish everything but one tiny bit which I'll have to get up super early to do, as I have to ask a tutor to help (he's abit useless with emails!).


Then I'm free for all of three days and then it starts all over again on Monday. Luckily it's alot less work and I have more time (10 days rather than a week). So glad to be nearly finished, some people haven't even got 2 out of 7 tasks done when it's due tomorrow...why they are on such a hands on course I don't know. It's not like with essays where you can just pump them out and get a bad mark, if something doesnt work you don't submit it end of.


Tired, need food, although there's very little for me to eat, egg on toast ftw! Going to play games til 4am, have a nap and then head off to uni at 8am, hurray!

  Dyson said:
I'm curious, EEVIL. I know next to nothing about epilepsy, are there different types of it, different severities etc? And do certain people's epilepsy get triggered with more/less of a catalyst?

There are different kinds of epilepsy yeah. The most commonly known is photosensitive, strobe lighting etc. I don't suffer from that, as a delightful test at hospital a few years back they put a strobe light about 10cm away from my face and flashed it at me at different speeds.


Mine is brought on by excessive consumption of alcohol. Not every pissup results in stop, epi time, though.


  Wesley said:
I'm such an idiot. I thought EEVIL meant sexy epicness. Dooh.

Practically one and the same.


So I have to choose My A Level subjects pretty soon.

I'm thinking at the moment


English Lan & Lit (1 A level)




Critical thinking (core module)


now everyone has different opinions on what subjects are easy/hard/interesting/boring but I just wondered what everyone here makes of these. you probably won't change my mind but hey.


I'm certain on Economics and English, and the core module on critical thinking. Thing is there aren't a lot of other subjects that interest me so Hist and chemistry are kind of the next best thing atm. I don't want to take something like Psychology partly because I forget how to spell it but also because it isn't recognised at the top Unis.

  Daft said:
Economics isn't a real subject.


I'm thinking of getting rid of my beard.


get rid of it now




Anyways, not long till i'm in mah digs back at uni can't wait :D

  DomJcg said:
get rid of it now




Anyways, not long till i'm in mah digs back at uni can't wait :D


You're not allowed to vote twice! :heh:


Edit: Current votes on facebook are 2-1 against the beard...


My day was boring I woke up and did the same things again:yay: .

But I did get paid but after buying a new phone I have 10 pounds for the weekend. I'm wondering if I should buy Ghost In The Shell: Special Edition from HMV for £3.99 but then all I have 6 pounds for drinks:confused:

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