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Just got back from a friend's new years party, and feel really horrible.


I just felt really ill whilst there (not because of drink or anything). A few times I thought I might be sick, but managed to bat that away, but yeah. Stuck it out, and felt ok at the end.


Walking home I got my dreaded hiccups, which to me actually give intense pain, for some reason, and now they're gone, I just have horrible pain within my chest.


Happy New Year all.

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I am so posed, I love tyou guys! Yoi are awesome. Coolness, ranging, charidriver, daft, razz, rezm paj ad tellyn are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!Some guy got stabbted aboutside one of the local pubs, which was horrive.!


Got foff wotj some random fuy too; Was sooooo mattracive. love you guys!!

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I had one hell of a new year's eve.


I'm too wasted to say how it went, but to cut things short I have to go to the police station at 9 AM tomorrow to get my money back. Otherwise some people are going to jail.

You will get paid when we get back. I have only done this once before.

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I've just worked for over six hours, almost an hour more than I was supposed to. At least it's my last night, no more drunken tossers harassing me any more!


I am so posed, I love tyou guys! Yoi are awesome. Coolness, ranging, charidriver, daft, razz, rezm paj ad tellyn are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!Some guy got stabbted aboutside one of the local pubs, which was horrive.!


Got foff wotj some random fuy too; Was sooooo mattracive. love you guys!!


I love you too, you hunky Scottish delicacy, you. ;):love:


Wrote a fucking massive blog entry to sum up the year, took me an hour at least, choosing pictures and all that jazz. It's awesome, though.


Now start chugging aftershave again, we need a drunken Dyson thread to kick off 2009 with! :heh:

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I've just worked for over six hours, almost an hour more than I was supposed to. At least it's my last night, no more drunken tossers harassing me any more!




I love you too, you hunky Scottish delicacy, you. ;):love:




Now start chugging aftershave again, we need a drunken Dyson thread to kick off 2009 with! :heh:


Not tonight; just a night in alone for me unfortunately. All my friends were doing private things and I was left doing nout. Boo! I did have a cider but that's not gonna get me trashed, lol. I'm sure regular drunken service will resume when I get back to Uni next Friday! :heh:

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Not tonight; just a night in alone for me unfortunately. All my friends were doing private things and I was left doing nout. Boo! I did have a cider but that's not gonna get me trashed, lol. I'm sure regular drunken service will resume when I get back to Uni next Friday! :heh:


Joyous day! : peace: And as usual, no one invited me to do anything (of course I couldn't go anywhere anyway, but it's nice to be asked!).

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Yeah, Happy new year and shit like that.


The most amazing work shift was accomplished last night, 5-1, and had to cope with hearing this really average band called Verbal Warning. Who brought merchandise to sell to the groupies, which considering the average age of our customers [35+] is rather weird seeing some mums bopping up and down in these t-shirts. The band almost dressed like Black Parade My Chemical Romance, but with more shitty labels and whatever sewed here and there, and made a point on their posters of not singing any Beatles, Elvis or Rolling Stones.

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So, I think I just succeeded in pissing off half of my what I consider best mates, and on top of that made one of them fucking cry. Happy new year people, happy new fucking year.


Ah dude that sucks. What could you have done so bad? :(


I am so posed, I love tyou guys! Yoi are awesome. Coolness, ranging, charidriver, daft, razz, rezm paj ad tellyn are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!Some guy got stabbted aboutside one of the local pubs, which was horrive.!


Got foff wotj some random fuy too; Was sooooo mattracive. love you guys!!



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Thought my plans were out the window at 9 last night but then the friends pulled through :)


Was good fun, a few mishaps so we got kicked out of a party because one person dropped 2 glasses >_< They were sick in the toilet as well which wasn't good :p


Happy New Year people :)

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Last night after work I went round to a friends where we sat and played Orbitent on the Wii (I gifted him a copy as a mini gift for xmas) Afterwards we ventured out in the awful fog to drive to shropshire to see another friends new house (took us ages to find it in this piss poor weather and it was bloody cold)


The house was pretty amazing and the 3 of us went out for an indian after which I drove myself and my friend back in time to watch the firework display/ringing in of new year on TV.


Didn't get home and into bed till 3am-and now I'm at work and soo tired.

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Ah dude that sucks. What could you have done so bad? :(



I raged at them all cos we took about 2 hours to meet my other mate when in theory it could have taken about 20minutes, if people had listened to me, and not pretended they knew where they were going, basically. I felt bad for him cos he's sat at a station for 2 hours ringing me constantly, and *i'm* the one who invited him along, I felt like he was my responsibility and he was gonna hate me for it. We had to get from greenwich to charing cross, where he was, and coulda got an overground train but due to some silly reason regarding tickets, we went via tubes, but we ended up having to pay for them anyway, and we ended up ages away at london bridge.

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