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Ah a late merry christmas guys. Today's been a nice slow relaxing day, although with only me and the parents theres alot of turkey left!


Got more than I expected for xmas it's awesome, looking at sales for tomorrow already! ^_^ although I the one thing I want to go down still hasn't!

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I'm bloody stuffed. Just finished xmas dinner. Well actually a second helping. So damn full I can't even eat a pudding. And there are some really indulgent mini cheesecakes and other things in the freezer. :shakehead But then I've sort of being eating far less than I really should have so today I've made up for it. And at least I wasn't given a plethora of chocolate to somehow devour.


Apart from that it's been a sombre and relaxing day. Unfortunately, we couldn't go round to my grandparents as they are really ill so don't know when we'll get to go round and do xmas with them. Just hope they get better as I really can't handle anything else happening. Will spend the evening scaring the pants off of myself with a bit of Dead Space and I may crack open T:TSCC and watch a couple of episodes.


Tomorrow I shall hit the shops and pick up a few l'il deals I already have my eyes on. Don't quite have as much money as I'd have hoped (my grandparents would have given me some but when they are better I'll get it) but it's enough.

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Had a great day today. Got loads of nice stuff for Christmas, pic in the Christmas thread of everything.


Had a great dinner earlier, stuffed myself with Turkey and all the trimmings and tonnes of sweets and chocolate etc. Watched A Sharks Tale earlier while half falling asleep then watched Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Ware-rabbit.


Now chilling out watching Top Gear: The Challenges, of which is fixed and plays each challenge beginning to end before going onto the next one, the earlier DVD messed this up and played 1/2 challenge of one and moved onto the next one.

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Today was actually quite crap. Felt so ill today. Opened all my presents this morning, and while the rest of my family were messing around and eating chocolate, I went back to bed for a couple of hours. Then the Grandparents came round, I lasted until halfway through dinner before it got too much and again I just went back to bed. Such a rubbish Christmas day.

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Suprisingly not so dramatic. Managed to talk my brother out of his "so hungover going back to bed wake me up later" state with lies of "dinner is served at 12!" He was admirable (although not perfect but nor horrible) considering the company. My cousing cried at recieving her laptop, my mother cried at recieving her coat. Women eh? A nice enough day. Was weird seeing my mother with someone else, but I suppose as long as she's happy eh?


Tomorrow is going to be a chore. My dad's side which are a right boring lot. But as all my stuff is heavy I am going to have to walk to my nan's tomorrow morning, get ready there and then get picked up from there. My uncle is apparently taking us to a pub before he takes us to our nan's. Not sure why, we will have no conversation at all. Fun times!


Amd tonight I'm sleeping on a sofa. Rock on! Still, I'm good :D

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lol that was a fun and challenging part of my day. Teaching my four year old cousin how to play the Wii. Games where he didn't have to point too precisely he was fine, but other games...not so much. He thought he was winning through...and did somehow win table tennis.

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Been up for an hour and a half, working a bit for school. Need to write a report of an interview I did once (with my sister, heh). It's actually a groupswork with a friend, but she hasn't really done anything for it yet. I was hoping she'd suggest to write out the report, since I did the interview already... but I haven't heard from her yet. So I guess I'll just write it all and give her some easily earned grades. :indeed:


The internet is so empty right now. I think everyone but me is recovering from Christmas yesterday.


Also, I already gained 1 kilo again, noooo. =(

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Yesterday was great, awesome christmas lunch, loads of booze, lots of laughter. A few tears though as it was our first christmas without my Granddad which was sad, but he was there in spirit. Today I woke up at 12, had some champagne with lunch (woo) and have been watching the football whilst doing the Times jumbo crossword with the family, love it. Simple things for me.

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Christmas was pretty nice yesterday. Usually, I go home back to Wales and spend Christmas with the family. However, this year, I've decided to spend it with a close friend. She's spent the last few Christmases (is that right?) with her boyfriend, or the one before it, but they had a horrible break up at the beginning of the year. So, she would have been alone this Christmas, as she doesn't really get on with her family, and they've not seen eye to eye for years.


So, I spent the day yesterday with her and her two huskies, who are biiig, haha. In exchange for me staying down here, she offered to cook the whole thing! I offered to help out, but she had none of it. Haha, can't complain!


We exchanged our presents, and I have two more to come, as they're still on the way here (bought one late online, and she lost the other so has to get it again - I said not to worry about that, but she said it's the more important one). I bought her Super Monkey Ball - Touch and Roll as one of her gifts...and she also bought it as one of mine. So, it was quite funny when I gave her that gift, and she had to confess that she had the same one for me. The other pressie she had for me was The Second Series of The Muppet Show, which I fucking love. :D


It ended up being a pretty sweet day. I spent a lot of it playing No More Heroes and Super Mario Galaxy, and of course, watching The Muppet Show whilst she was making dinner, and also making other snacks for us. It's very different spending Christmas with a friend rather than family, but it was nice in different kinds of ways. That's what we both wanted I think, just something a bit different this year, but also just...nice and peaceful. I think we got that.


Today, my plan was to tidy up the house in preparation for tomorrow. I set my alarm for 7, and then put it on snooze until 9. Why in God's name did anyone create THAT button? It's created so much trouble and lateness.


By 1 oclock, I rolled out of bed and got showered up. Since then, I've been watching Only Fools and Horses Christmas of Christmas Past, made myself a cup of tea and been eating biscuits. Haha...I'll start tidying...any second nooow.

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I feel like death. I'm aching everywhere, my head feels like it's about to explode, I can't stop coughing an my temperature is rather high. Whoever gave me the flu is in for a world of pain.


My mums worrying because she keeps thinking I might have meningitis. The reason being, we were all warned to get checked out because a guy at the party I went to a few days ago was diagnosed and the health authority got in contact with everyone and told us to keep an eye out.


I've tried to point out the blocked nose would imply the flu, but she won't listen.

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Sounds like exactly what I've got. Do you have aversion to light aswell? I did, and got told to go to the hospital and get a blood test just in case. Sometimes the rash doesn't appear until very late.


I think being able to use the computer at the stage you're at suggests flu rather than meningitis but I'd go to A&E anyway. Better safe than sorry and all that.

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Sounds like exactly what I've got. Do you have aversion to light aswell? I did, and got told to go to the hospital and get a blood test just in case. Sometimes the rash doesn't appear until very late.


I think being able to use the computer at the stage you're at suggests flu rather than meningitis but I'd go to A&E anyway. Better safe than sorry and all that.


I do, I've got the lights off, and the screen brightness on my laptop (I'm in bed) turned right down. If I didn't have the blocked nose, I'd be worrying but tbh I can't see it being anything else. I would go and get a blood test, but my mum doesn't drive, and the doctors surgery is closed. If it's the same (or worse) tomorrow then I'll go down first thing.

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I do, I've got the lights off, and the screen brightness on my laptop (I'm in bed) turned right down. If I didn't have the blocked nose, I'd be worrying but tbh I can't see it being anything else. I would go and get a blood test, but my mum doesn't drive, and the doctors surgery is closed. If it's the same (or worse) tomorrow then I'll go down first thing.


Get to whatever doctors urgent care service you have tomorrow if you feel any worse, and mention the fact someone had it to them. If they cannot help they'll tell you to get to hospital.


But if you have a blocked nose its more than likely just a bad cold or teh flu.


Get better soon! x

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Got about a dozen really nasty text messages last night from this deranged woman, turns out she's going round telling people I have AIDS now. I was hoping I could just ignore her and she would go away, but I think I'm going to have to take legal action now.


Don't take legal action. Just give her your AIDS.

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