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i'm a verry happy chappy, it took me weeks to finnish this. Now to mount it and stick it on the walll in time for christmas.


Howe many pieces?


Speaking of weird dreams, last night I dreamt I was in a field filled with cute little bunnies and hedgehogs. I accidentily killed one of the little hedgehogs by sitting on it, and I remember it hurting quite a bit (it hurt me, hedgehogs are spikey, as you might know).


I wonder if it had something to do with me trying out the Sonic Unleashed demo Yesterday and not really liking it?


I had a strange one last night, involving lots of tunnels and changing size, was very Alice in Wondelandish.

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brb, at flinky's house.




My goggles got steamed up.


Nooooo, I thought you only loved meeeeeee. D:





Back from real work. Now I have to get started on school work but I just feel in a lazy mood today. And a hungry mood too. >.>;

Also, there's like a million presents under our tree. I wonder how many of those contain socks, haha.

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Nooooo, I thought you only loved meeeeeee. D:





Back from real work. Now I have to get started on school work but I just feel in a lazy mood today. And a hungry mood too. >.>;

Also, there's like a million presents under our tree. I wonder how many of those contain socks, haha.


You weren't supposed to find outttt this waaay! :o


Heh, it's true. I only love you, though. :)


How was workies? Also, getting socks as a present was always a huuuuge let down as a kid. But, you try your best to look excited.



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Out of sheer boredom I've decided to venture in here. Might as well write something. *shrugs*


I've had a common cold for about two weeks now and it just won't seem to go away. Furthermore, the thingy at the back of my mouth has begun swolling up from time to time. It's really annoying.


On the bright side, I've finally reached Christmas Break! :yay: Two weeks of doing nothing but enjoying the holiday. I recently bought The X-Files: The Complete Collector's Edition and I've been spending whole days just watching X-Files. 'Tis awesome.

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Out of sheer boredom I've decided to venture in here. Might as well write something. *shrugs*


I've had a common cold for about two weeks now and it just won't seem to go away. Furthermore, the thingy at the back of my mouth has begun swolling up from time to time. It's really annoying.


On the bright side, I've finally reached Christmas Break! :yay: Two weeks of doing nothing but enjoying the holiday. I recently bought The X-Files: The Complete Collector's Edition and I've been spending whole days just watching X-Files. 'Tis awesome.


Awesome purchase. Wish I had two weeks of nothingness to watch through it all (I'm still stuck on season 5).


Today has been another meh day. Lack the energy to do anything productive it seems. Not fun.

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Out of curiousity... I've been spending most of the trying to listen to music and watch stuff on Youtube but it's being a right pain in the arse. Was just wondering if anyone else is having similar problems with it? Slow loading, constant buffering every 5 secs. Just it's getting annoying.

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I can relate to that. Apathy hits me like a hammer when I have a break from school.




I have LOADS of English to do, AND soon, since It's to be marked over the holidays (a.k.a the 10 days we get, or whatever it is), so I have to e-mail it to him...


Not to mention actual revision of English. And keeping up with art stuff. OH AND RESITTING D.T WHICH I SWEAR TO GOD WE ARE NOT TAUGHT PROPERLY FOR!

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^ I can confirm that they do not teach you DT properly. In the lead up to our exams, for GCSE we didn't have any revision lessons or get taught anything as we were just expected to know everything. :indeed: For our AS level one we had a couple of revision lessons but the teacher, a certain male teacher who can't teach to save his life, kept making sexual innuendos and we couldn't concentrate. Plus he was a bad teacher.

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^ I can confirm that they do not teach you DT properly. In the lead up to our exams, for GCSE we didn't have any revision lessons or get taught anything as we were just expected to know everything. :indeed: For our AS level one we had a couple of revision lessons but the teacher, a certain male teacher who can't teach to save his life, kept making sexual innuendos and we couldn't concentrate. Plus he was a bad teacher.


LOL Yep, Brown and Hennessey are still like that!


We just laugh at them now...they tell us to do past papers, and if we do hand them in (it's not like they enforce it or anything...:indeed: ), it's a miracle if we get them back marked.


That said, the latter of the two does seem to absolutely love me. And I'm the n00biest person ever to take A-Level D.T. I got the prize last year, which I realistically didn't deserve....maybe it was my designs they liked?

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Does anyone know the game Scattergories?


You roll a letter dice, and get given a list of things (E.g. Fruit, politicians etc) and then have to write a thing that begins with the letter roled.


Well anyway, this is a quote from my sister yesterday ;


"Okay, Politicians. I didn't get anything."
"George Brown"
"....Who? You can't just make up names."
"Errrr I think you'll find hes the prime minister"


I'm honestly not joking. Word for word.

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Scattergories is fucking awesome. I've not played it for years.


One time we had to think ofa kitchen thing with the letter E. We were short on time so we just made up "Easy peasy lemon squeezy garlic crusher"




Also my feet are displeasing me, I seem to have friction burns on my feet, managed to take off the skin. Y'argh.

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Work dragged. Was with the fun people though so that helped. My friend and her boyfriend popped in and invited me to his NYE party (well, gathering) whcih I think I shall go (got no other offers so...). Wonder if his friend who I tried to sleep with a few weeks ago will be there. Could be interesting.


Now Godzilla followed by bed (or more than likely two hours of not much then bed).

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