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I should never have ordered those red streth skinny jeans. I'm now in love with them, and need more. My mum gave me one look and said "Oh god. They actually suit you. What did I give birth to?" Lol!


See my mother just rolls her eyes at all my bright colours. And her colleagues frequently mock my clothes and my underwear.


Moving on. Today I woke up late because I went to bed at silly am. Have spent since then photoshopping. Currently done 101 photos, 28 left to do. Wanna try and do eight more tonight....we'll see.


And that pretty much is my whole day. 'citin'.


Urgh why are brick walls so structured and patterend. Makes photoshopping them a nightmare.

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Letty forgot about



800kb/s download speeds... In Shetland! Crazy!


Oh and i've been highly ill with flu (and I actually lost my mind at one point, nearly fainted at 3am on another occasion).


Just got a croaky voice, slight temperature and a cold left. Hopefully all gone by Saturday :)

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I WONDER who it was that told you to go for red :heh:


Your mother sounds friggin' awesome.


I forgot to mention! Is this ok...




Am I forgiven? :p She can be rather awesome. She's involve with the stuff I wear nowadays. She thinks I look just like guys did when she was "cool".

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Wait, something approaching civilisation in Batford? You're pulling my leg, surely?


Evidently they failed to realise that pretty much the only people who go to Batford, ever, are SJLer's at lunchtime. And it's generally far too overpriced for us. I overheard them talking about going bust already when I was in there today. Good hot chocolate though.


YAYS last day of term tomorrow, which I am toying with the idea of not coming in for. Meanwhile my best bud got a car the other day, which I have been using for lifts and fun. Now I want one. Which will never happen.


And I got UCAS offer #3 today which was exciting. I have yet to get the two that I actually want though ¬_¬

And facebook is failing for me today, which leaves me with a surprising lack of things to do. New years resoloution must be to use it less. Beat portal without guides or youtube, what an immense game.

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That jigsaw has given me a craving to do one!!


Last night was the christmas party, it was good (not amazing) but enjoyable. Not amazing due to the location and the fact it all had to be dampened down so there was no riotous behaviour that could 'make it into the papers'. Today I felt so hungover and being at work was just suckage. Anywho tomorrow night going to another party so that should be cool! Thank gawd it's on a friday night, can get extreeeeemely drunk and massive saturday sleeping can be done. One week till Christmas Day, woop woooooop.

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Might as well call this thread "How Was Your Night?" for me now, seeing as I have no daytime life left to speak of. 9 hour shifts at Tesco taking me in to the night are killing me..


Edit: Charlie Brooker time.


Edit 2: Awesome, another fantastic episode of Screenwipe. Heartwarming tribute at the end, too.

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Well I finally collapsed at about 9pm. No drinking or celebratory goodbyes as I was faar too tired. But now, of course, I'm awake again. Woke up at 4:30am... I guess I'll ninja-video-it-up for a few hours, go over a few things then begin the arduous journey home. I wish I had something to eat. I wish I had some alcohol. I wish I had an xbox to play on. Oh well!

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Thank gawd it's on a friday night, can get extreeeeemely drunk and massive saturday sleeping can be done. One week till Christmas Day, woop woooooop.

True dat.


Tie doesn't look as good as I had hoped....but...its still working me. Anyway yeah...I think its definitely time to get drunk. I definitely want to be a numb fuck. What time you getting there? Jay and I will be fashionably late due to 6pm end.





*are you. who who who who.

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went for dole. got it. looked for latest edge. got it. played more gta4 , get better and better, story is great!.


also, booked a hair cut for tomorow, have to keep parents happy, despite being 22. tbf, i need it, for the poooooooosay!


went to pub with mates, had a laugh about life..




bah. I have my dole shit today. You on for 6 months yet Chris? Word of warning: get a fucking job before you hit. They put you on a course for 2 weeks on how to write a CV and apply for jobs with a bunch of pikey wasters. I'm trying to dodge the bullet today.

At least I finally got the £383 they owed me!

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I'm going home today for christmas!


yays! ^_^, just got back from my mates, shot to furnival for a cd with the whole of adobe cs3 suite on it and ran back here to clean my room, try to make it less smelly (still can't understand why), clean some of the kitchen and continue packing.


So excited. Going to miss having such a lovely computer, but hey-ho it's nearly chirstmas, plus I'll have my lovely car back! :yay:


Exited...moi? You bet! There's not much else to do now except clean lol.

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This. Can't fucking wait.


Got a new computer to build when I get back, it's gonna be gooood. This laptop is annoying the fuck outta me.


*hi-fives* I'll have my laptop, but no games, so I'll have to use my tiny old tv for my wii...unthinkable! :shakehead Unless I can con my dad into driving me back to uni...



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Well I finally collapsed at about 9pm. No drinking or celebratory goodbyes as I was faar too tired. But now, of course, I'm awake again. Woke up at 4:30am... I guess I'll ninja-video-it-up for a few hours, go over a few things then begin the arduous journey home. I wish I had something to eat. I wish I had some alcohol. I wish I had an xbox to play on. Oh well!


Apologies then. Presumed you'd be up when I text you.


I'm going home today for christmas!


*mumbles* I have no home for Christmas...just a sofa*


Enjoy :)


I am once again spending my day photoshopping. 17 photos to do but they're the hardest 17. Also gotta treck all the way to uni to do some laundry (curse not having a washing machine). Since when did my life become so exciting?

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Yay, no more school for a while!


Had a pretty good day yesterday with my friends.

Met up with a friend and did Christmas shopping. Found all the gifts for my family in two hours, yay!

Went to a new (tiny) pizzeria place first with two friends and had a lovely vegetarian pizza. Mmm. Then we went to the bus, only to find a Coca-Cola truck with lights and stuff! Not as cool as the one in the commercials but still. =P

Took the bus to the cinema, waited on another friend, watched a film while stuffing my face with popcorn and cola. Film was good, food gave me a tummy-ache. X3


We walked all the way to school to check out a Christmas party, only to find out it wasn't all that great and not many people of our year were there. So we left and went for some drinks somewhere else. Two friends left at different points, so it was just me and another friend, and at 1:30 we left to her place and we chatted some more before sleep. Though I actually couldn't sleep at all... I think in total I slept 1 hour. >.<;


So yeah tired now! Gonna wrap up the presents then maybe nap and then start on school work again, heh.

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