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I just saw the guy who played Mini-Me in the Austin Powers films in my Uni's Union club as it was an Austin Powers night!


And no, I haven't drunk too much, it really was him!


Yeah, he was at the Strathclyde Union last week, didn't go to see him though. What was he doing? Stand-up?


Not fucking impressed today.


In halls every door dead locks except the door to your room, so I went to the kitchen, no shoes, no key and no phone and made noodles. Went back to my door..locked. Now this shouldn't happen unless you place a key in, which I didn't.


So I borrow my friends phone and key, went down to reception, for some unknown reason they never bother having staff nearby on saturday...


So I ring up this stupid, expensive 0800 number and ask for somebody to let me in, making it clear that this shouldn't have happened, so they tell me nobody is on site and that they will have to get somebody from hubs, which is literally 2 seconds away.


Some woman turns up...in a taxi..and lets me in. Now they want to charge me £40 for it...when it's their doors..


I'm utterlly pissed off right now, twice this has happened to me, luckily the first time somebody was on reception.


Just called mum and left an answer phone message to see if she'll ring up and ask wtf they are charging us for when it's their fault in the first place. Sick of living here now, it's one thing after another.


Be warned, never live with unite, they couldn't honestly give a rats ass.


That happened to one of my friends last year in Unite and they just opened up the door for him for free. I was actually very impressed with Unite, for the last few months there would always be someone there during the night to let you in or whatever. I was really good friends with 2 of the CSAs so I could always get help from them too if I wanted.


Only thing I didn't like about it was the actual flat itself, seems very bland and samey, no character at all.

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Found that website before I came on here. Some useful information. I was just looking for general information about her writing styles and themes as I hadn't written much about her in the intro. Have sorted that out now though and have rewritten a good proportion of it. Haven't used any of the pointers you gave me, but that's good as it's allowed me to think more about the poem and what I should have written. So I've improved bits. If I had spent more time, or had been given my poetry question earlier, it would probably have turned out as it is now. Anyways, it's improving.


You thinking of becoming an english teacher/lecturer? You'd be well suited to it from the help you gave me. Been more helpful in that one bit than some of my lecturers at Uni (but then it is Dundee Uni I attend so what should I expect :heh:)


@ Tellyn - Seriously? Don't be kidding me now. Why in the hell would he do it? But then I guess he'll bring some class to it.

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am i the only one who hates slow walking people?


i went into sunderland today (not somthing i recomend) and as its a saterday, near xmas, it was packed.


why do people think its ok to walk as slowly as they like? i mean, you have nowere to be, fine, but outher people do. the elderly? you'l be dead soon, pick up the pace, cram as much in as you can.


but women with prams. i hate them. its a pram with a soft child inside, not a bettering ram. you cant just ram through a crowd like some modernday siege engine. your and baby may want to go in that direction, but theres a gerneral flow of people who dont, so why try and force them? you may think your child is important but trust me, its not.


groups of girls. ok, your together, thats fine, thats neat, but for the love of god, a 5 strong group, side by side will cause problems for outher people. your blocking me, im a big strong man, your a small, possibly annoreix whore. am i going to skirt around you, lest your disscussion of who you shagged be disturbed? no, im going to walk forwards and burt through you. i will use elbows if you dont move.


fatties. if you cant eat and walk properly at the same time, how did you get so fat? dont invent a waddle and cram manover, not only are you still moving slow but most of the food is now on the floor. under my feet. if i were to fall and hit my head, thus resulting in my death, you would eat me, is that what it is? a plan to harvest my flesh? oh, and your greggs pasty may seem apatizing to you, but trust me it FUCKIN STINKS.

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@ Chris the great - I'm the same as you mate. I absolutely hate slow walkers and it isn't helped by the fact that I walk very quickly (which came about as a result of having to get the train after school had to be quick). It's old people that annoy me the most and sometimes I think they do it on purpose if there is someone younger behind them. Perhaps they don't but it does get annoying. Yet, I'd never turn to someone who was walking slow and start mouthing off at them because they have the same right as me to walk.do what they want, within the law. The pram thing is true though. No matter where you go, young mothers with prams will literally use it to weave a path through a crowd without really thinking about the kid inside. It's quite ignorant and really they should be more careful.

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Found that website before I came on here. Some useful information. I was just looking for general information about her writing styles and themes as I hadn't written much about her in the intro. Have sorted that out now though and have rewritten a good proportion of it. Haven't used any of the pointers you gave me, but that's good as it's allowed me to think more about the poem and what I should have written. So I've improved bits. If I had spent more time, or had been given my poetry question earlier, it would probably have turned out as it is now. Anyways, it's improving.


You thinking of becoming an english teacher/lecturer? You'd be well suited to it from the help you gave me. Been more helpful in that one bit than some of my lecturers at Uni (but then it is Dundee Uni I attend so what should I expect :heh:)

I'm glad it's been useful :) Yeah, that teacher route is always a possibility for an english post-grad. Thing is I'm far too lazy to do class plans and hate the idea of getting up at 7am. If I could just mark people's work from home, I'd be fine.

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am i the only one who hates slow walking people?


i went into sunderland today (not somthing i recomend) and as its a saterday, near xmas, it was packed.


why do people think its ok to walk as slowly as they like? i mean, you have nowere to be, fine, but outher people do. the elderly? you'l be dead soon, pick up the pace, cram as much in as you can.


but women with prams. i hate them. its a pram with a soft child inside, not a bettering ram. you cant just ram through a crowd like some modernday siege engine. your and baby may want to go in that direction, but theres a gerneral flow of people who dont, so why try and force them? you may think your child is important but trust me, its not.


groups of girls. ok, your together, thats fine, thats neat, but for the love of god, a 5 strong group, side by side will cause problems for outher people. your blocking me, im a big strong man, your a small, possibly annoreix whore. am i going to skirt around you, lest your disscussion of who you shagged be disturbed? no, im going to walk forwards and burt through you. i will use elbows if you dont move.


fatties. if you cant eat and walk properly at the same time, how did you get so fat? dont invent a waddle and cram manover, not only are you still moving slow but most of the food is now on the floor. under my feet. if i were to fall and hit my head, thus resulting in my death, you would eat me, is that what it is? a plan to harvest my flesh? oh, and your greggs pasty may seem apatizing to you, but trust me it FUCKIN STINKS.






You speak so much sense.


Been watching scrubs ^_^ woop. Eating petits flious also. Happy days.

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Bit of uni work. Yawn. Lunch. Salad. Trip to uni. Printer stole money. Work. Long. Girl at work. Played Tegan and Sara, nice! Took 'Wristcutters', 'Son of Rambow' and 'Battlestar Galactica S1'. Funtimes. Watch BSG now. Sexual.


I don't think I managed to finish season 1 - stupid online streaming poo faces.

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am i the only one who hates slow walking people?


i went into sunderland today (not somthing i recomend) and as its a saterday, near xmas, it was packed.


why do people think its ok to walk as slowly as they like? i mean, you have nowere to be, fine, but outher people do. the elderly? you'l be dead soon, pick up the pace, cram as much in as you can.


but women with prams. i hate them. its a pram with a soft child inside, not a bettering ram. you cant just ram through a crowd like some modernday siege engine. your and baby may want to go in that direction, but theres a gerneral flow of people who dont, so why try and force them? you may think your child is important but trust me, its not.


groups of girls. ok, your together, thats fine, thats neat, but for the love of god, a 5 strong group, side by side will cause problems for outher people. your blocking me, im a big strong man, your a small, possibly annoreix whore. am i going to skirt around you, lest your disscussion of who you shagged be disturbed? no, im going to walk forwards and burt through you. i will use elbows if you dont move.


fatties. if you cant eat and walk properly at the same time, how did you get so fat? dont invent a waddle and cram manover, not only are you still moving slow but most of the food is now on the floor. under my feet. if i were to fall and hit my head, thus resulting in my death, you would eat me, is that what it is? a plan to harvest my flesh? oh, and your greggs pasty may seem apatizing to you, but trust me it FUCKIN STINKS.


im a member of a facebook group entitled, i want to secretly punch slow walking people in the back of the head :)

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That happened to one of my friends last year in Unite and they just opened up the door for him for free. I was actually very impressed with Unite, for the last few months there would always be someone there during the night to let you in or whatever. I was really good friends with 2 of the CSAs so I could always get help from them too if I wanted.


Only thing I didn't like about it was the actual flat itself, seems very bland and samey, no character at all.


Unite for others is very good, but here at the exchange works they are actually pretty poor.


Don't get me wrong the people on staff, for the most part are really nice. But heres a list:


1. They are hardly ever at reception

2. They were going to try and stop parcels from being delivered.

3. They charge £20 instead of £10 for lost keys

4. They charge £40 to call somebody out to help you

5. They don't stop noise

5. One of the staff were reported for walking into people's flats, uninvited

6. They didn't send notes when we had somebody look at our electrics

7. They have a cleaner, but I never see her doing any cleaning, just see her talking to reception.


There's alot of annoying things about this place. The flat is nice and I can cope with having a smaller kitchen than the other blocks, but sometimes it pisses me off about how unmanned this place is compared to say leadmill.


The only really good thing is that number 5 only really occurs fri-sun and only for a few hours.

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