Eenuh Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 "Why does the computer keyboard work 24/7?" "I don't know. Why?" "Because it has two shifts! AHAHAHAHAHA" ":blank:" That honestly sounds like a joke Flinky would make. He's full of these sort of bad jokes. And he laughs about them too when telling them. =P And boooh, no X-files for me as I only just finished my school work. Oh well, maybe tomorrow then, though I doubt it.
Rummy Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 My arm hurts. I've just spent a large part of my evening groping up the biceps of sweaty dudes and having the same done to me. Still, it was suprisingly fun. That is all. The rest of my day was spent caning through Death Note, good shit. I found that I mostly got firsts in presentations (Uni actually made me a confident public speaker, woo) and also group projects where everyone pulled their weight. With essays it was just me, loads of journal articles, books and a laptop...often dull and a bit overwhelming. What did you do at uni? I get a feeling I read it somewhere else before, but I can't remember where and it's a rather big board In other news, bluey's been deleted? Did I miss something? Wow, an excellent question, was it by her random meetup guy? Has he stalked her to japan? (no offense meant if there's a serious serious reason)
Chris the great Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 working out gets easier every time you go to the gym. now i put alot more in, and feel nothing the next day. its odd, outher then a 2-3 mole run, i dont do much for my legs, yet they are arguably my best set of muscles. god im vain.
Fierce_LiNk Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Much like your students, you're at the school to learn. And much like them, you should say something if you're having trouble. If you don't feel your mentors are being suitably helpful or clear in their advice then tell them that; you'd hope, being teachers, they'd know a thing or two about giving instructions. Again, you're there to learn, so don't get so down about not being perfect. Excellent secondary school teachers are few and far between, and maybe you're not one of them. Or maybe you are and just lack the confidence is so needed to survive such a position. In either case, your placement isn't going to last forever and all the lessons you teach, and those that you learn, only take you closer to doing what you want to do. Every journey has hardships and it's easy to let the bumps in the road obscure the path before us, so at these times we have to remember why we travel at all: to get where we want to be. I did have a chat with my mentor afterwards, and we're just looking at what can be done, really. I dunno what it is. It's a really strange environment to come and work in. Ahh, I'll keep trying and see how things go. That honestly sounds like a joke Flinky would make. He's full of these sort of bad jokes. And he laughs about them too when telling them. =P And boooh, no X-files for me as I only just finished my school work. Oh well, maybe tomorrow then, though I doubt it. Oooh, talking about me now? Haha, it's true. Although, bad jokes? No. AWESOME jokes. Hahahah. And the Eeenoo is right. I do laugh when telling my jokes. And, I pull the Muppet face after the punchline.
Rummy Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Haha Flink, you know why that is? Because you are a winner in the land of KINGS. Terrible jokes are the best, they go so far into bad they break through some weird barrier into being the pinnacle of funny. My mate hit me with a mat earlier accidentally(like, safety mats, for falling onto like) and then I hit him back with one, and was just like 'What's wrong Simon, something the MAT-er?' and it was like brilliance. He had nothing except a laugh at my genius, no mat or comeback could thwart me! Also, when people call my jokes terrible, I like to pause and say 'Terribl...y awsome, eh? Eh?' I think I skipped from being 20 to Old Man/Embarassing Dad tbh. I'm still laughing jsut typing up this post lol.
Dante Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 In other news, bluey's been deleted? Did I miss something? I guess will never know because it looks like she has just gone and deleted herself from the boards.
Chris the great Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 the fuck? bluey was the least offencive entity around. cant have been a baqn and delete so she must have left. im thinking it was proebly an accident.
Ashley Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Jesus people you're all so damn nosey. I didn't want to say anything because it is, honestly, not my place. But just so y'all stop bloody asking and gossiping about it yes she left. Out of choice. And frankly I find it incredbily disrespectful people are gossiping about her personal life as if this was some gossip column in a tablod newspaper. Now please, shush.
Chris the great Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 ok, it was kinda nosey, but its just cos we care. in a strange forum like way, its kinda like a group of friends. i dont think any one was gossiping for any reason outher then its kinda wierd to have a familiar face dissapear.
ReZourceman Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Jesus people you're all so damn nosey. I didn't want to say anything because it is, honestly, not my place. But just so y'all stop bloody asking and gossiping about it yes she left. Out of choice. And frankly I find it incredbily disrespectful people are gossiping about her personal life as if this was some gossip column in a tablod newspaper. Now please, shush. I actually don't see how it is the least bit nosey, considering she was a highly respected and loved member here but if its for personal reasons, then thats completely fair enough. Its not like people are not going to ask is it? ------ Anyway. ------ Edit. Message from Bluey to members. thanks to everyone for their concerns... i asked ashley to delete my account because of personal stuff that i wont bore you all with. maybe one day i'll come back, maybe not.. no big loss; only game i played was phoneix wright
Rummy Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 I think you're wrong Ashley, as people said, people were only asking out of concern. I wasn't prying into her personal life or anything, I just wanted to know if anyone had actually heard from her and everything is cool. God forbid we should be worried about anyone that isn't ourself in this world, eh? It's not hard to say 'She's left and doesn't want anyone to know why', but hardly possibly to say 'She's left and doesn't want anyone to know' cos clearly everyone noticed. And in fact, I'm struggling to find one place where people have been 'gossiping about her personal life'. As for my earlier post in this thread regarding it, I should think it clear both those questions were jokes. Funny actually, I was going to post in this thread about whether people just get fed up with the shitty people in the shitty world, but then I just ended up reading through all the threads on the forums and got cheered into quite a good mood. Seems I've had rather a spoiled start to my day.
rokhed00 Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Jesus people you're all so damn nosey. I didn't want to say anything because it is, honestly, not my place. But just so y'all stop bloody asking and gossiping about it yes she left. Out of choice. And frankly I find it incredbily disrespectful people are gossiping about her personal life as if this was some gossip column in a tablod newspaper. Now please, shush. Why don't you shush? People aren't allowed to show concern for fellow members (or ex members as the case may be) now?
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Don't worry people, if it was a celebrity it'd be ok.
nightwolf Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Aww I hope whatever is troubling bluey sorts itself so she can come back ^_^! Had an ok night, was mostly full of a headache so wasn't the most social of people I have to say, although a few things said cheered me up and stopped me worrying. Watched Shorty and jayseven completely this stupid fucking annoying bit in gears, I think by the end everybody was tense and irratated and wanted them to complete it, which they did, hi-fives all round! Got home this morning, soon as I got in my flat, the fire alarm goes goes off nearly every fucking day now, it's so stupid, but we can't blame unite because it's the students fault for not closing their damn kitchen doors..grr. Lecture at 3, whoop...going to stay til 6 and then do some work til 8 and try and get these walk cycles finished..which is like an hours work at most anyway ^_^ hopefully..
Chris the great Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 got a phone call from my friend, back from africa, which was nice. i thought she'd die there :p. also got a txt from a mate, he cant make the gym today, he was my life so no i have to walk and do it all alone. it looks bloody cold outside too. on a related note, im paying my parents £30 rent every 2 weeks, dosent sound much but im currently unemployed, its 1/3 my dole. id not mind, but since i gave it to them, its just stayed infront of the telly, not been put in a wallet, not been used, like they dont even notice it. i could really use it too. :p
nightwolf Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 on a related note, im paying my parents £30 rent every 2 weeks, dosent sound much but im currently unemployed, its 1/3 my dole. id not mind, but since i gave it to them, its just stayed infront of the telly, not been put in a wallet, not been used, like they dont even notice it. i could really use it too. :p Then ask them if you could take a third of it back and pay that on the next two weeks? i'm sure they won't mind too much?
jayseven Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Yar. That bit in Gears was rather annoying. Strange how it occurred shortly after Shorty said "you know what's different about gears 2? We don't drink when we play!" - which was very true. I don't think I'd played Gears 1 sober for about six months - so anyway, we went and got some booze, started drinking and BAM sudedenly we couldn't get past this one bit for, like, over an hour. Sniper rifles next time! ... But yeah, had mates over. One had to leave as he got a call saying that his house was burgled, which is shit. After some rock band and chess and prawn crackers, it boiled down to Braindead, which we didnt finish. REALLY INTERESTING STUFF! The thing that annoys me about this, is that it's dubbed. The tight fuckers. It might be time for another topic... Mr Muscle adverts have been imported from europe for years, just they've been silent besides a voice-over. Hmmm, might stay up late and just watch some X-files to make up for it all. Don't care if I'm a zombie in school tomorrow, haha. X-Files! Where you up to? I think I'll plan to catch up with you over xmas. on a related note, im paying my parents £30 rent every 2 weeks, dosent sound much but im currently unemployed, its 1/3 my dole. id not mind, but since i gave it to them, its just stayed infront of the telly, not been put in a wallet, not been used, like they dont even notice it. i could really use it too. :p Maybe they're saving it up in case you seriously need a cash injection in the future?
Eenuh Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 X-Files! Where you up to? I think I'll plan to catch up with you over xmas. Actually haven't been able to watch much since school started. Still only on season 4. Last one I watched was number 19, called Synchrony. I should really get into it again, hate to see the boxset in my room, waiting, beckoning me to watch it. Sitting in class and it's just really boring again. Though in my previous class I got a nice comment from the tutor, saying I have a good writing style. Yay! =)
Chris the great Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 its not that i have a pressing matter for the money now, its that christmas is approaching, as is my dads birthday, and a couple of mates birthdays. if i could keep the money, which they dont seem to want (still just sat in the kitchen) id actualy be able to get decent gifts, go on the obligitory birthday nights out and not be restricted to spending nothing for the rest of the time. it sounds selfish, but i need some type of social life. im in a bad place in life as it is, being unemployed after spending 3 years of my life doing a university course thats gotten me a qualifacation i dont even think has gotten me any better off then when i did my a levels. wish the gym was free. why give free membership to the obesse, they arnt going to use it!
Coolness Bears Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 My day = alright but I'm a bit ill so... meh. Decided to stay home today. (headache and stuff, the ususal) My eyes still really sting from swimming yesterday. I went to sleep early last night and they were burning so much. They are still red now! Man that was some strong chlorine. I'm catching up on some TV I've not had time to watch recently. I went to the gym yesterday. My new headphones are very impractical for such places now as it has a 3ft wire and I had to entangle myself in it in order for me to exercise. :p Psychology is getting very interesting learning about Biological Rythmn's, Sleep and Dreaming. It is odd how getting an X Box suddenly gets people excited. I told someone at school and they literally high fived me and became absolutely elated. As if i'd suddenly become more of a man in their eyes. It was funny to witness!
Jimbob Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Spent the vast majority of last night on SvsR09, even though i planned to come off and spend some time online about 9pm, but things got a bit carried away. Got the bingo duty tonight, last one for 2 weeks due to the day being temporally changed to Sunday, of which is pool nights and i play for the team that night. If i am ordered to do the duty, sod them. I go to pool or stay home for Top Gear. And hand over my keys permanently. Wasn't very pleased with how the chairman and the entertainment secretary spoke to me on Saturday night. I think it was on the lines of "Remember, you will be here Friday calling the Bingo no matter what". No please, no thankyou (and it is a voluntary position, so asking is a friggin must). Friday night for me involves a lot of booze, and not calling bingo numbers out drinking Pepsi (you have to be sober to do this). And they ought to remember from a previous meeting of which i said i would help them on the Friday 14th Nov only if they helped me on Wednesday night Bingo since the last guy got banned. Have they helped. Not once. So what comes around goes around. I will be at the pub, they will be at the club. Their loss. That is a main gripe atm with me, i don;t want to be spoken to like that again. Plus i can't really stand calling bingo more than once a week, because it is so boring. 2 hours of saying 4+5 45 etc gets a little tedious.
Letty Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 I dyed my bosses hair last night. It looks awesome! (mebbe find a pic later) And apparently our furniture is finally coming today - I can't wait to sleep in a bed again!! Little Big Planet later.
Chris the great Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 wasa going to go to the gym, but keep getting stomach pains. i'll see how i feel in an hour or so. being careful as id prefer not to shit myself at the gym.
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 I've remixed my pub quiz I hope to do sometime in the future. The first nine questions were meant to be things in common, which of course would be Arnie for question 10, but they were a bit too easy and were kinda hard to imagine using the links. Anyways I replaced them with voice quotes, which will be even sexier.
Hellfire Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 My grandma just died... She was 85, but she acted so much younger, always moving around, talking, going shopping, very smart, teaching, reading, doing crosswords, suddenly she got pancreatic cancer and as soon as the doctors told her what it was, she changed completely. She was a great person and lead a great and full life. I'll miss her.
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