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Spilt red wine on my laptop yesterday :/


Cleaned it all up and leaving it to dry out until either tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday. Im all antsy though because I have work in for Friday and I need to know whether I need to start again >_<

Yes, because that's when you're really going to quit.


I don't have much choice, I have to be clean for 3 months before they will give me hormones, and since my appointment is in March I have to be clean by the end of December at the latest.

So here it is! First essay of my third year, and clearly I haven't changed a bit. Got about 28 hours to write it. Main thing is the reading/researching side of things... Will be making a trip for caffeine at some point. Just got to make sure Gears 2 doesn't tempt me -- luckily Shorty and I made a deal to progress in co-op first (although I'm pretty sure he only did that because he knew he'd be gone for a few days and didn't want me completing it before him) which means it's not really too distracting.


Can I shout at you if you even try to get near the xbox? It'll be fun, honest.


Just come back from a weekend at home, it's my mums birthday today and she was feeling sad and missing nana (my step nan who died a few years ago), I'm stressing as usual about the things I was told, not looking good for dad with the job and he's ringing up somebody this week to ask about the job in dubai.


Other than that everything's good, might go play some xbox in abit at jay's and be really harsh that he has to do an essay (he'll be fine I'm sure!) and read more of the book I was leant.


Came home to find my pans are even more burnt, I give up, I may just buy some more and keep them for just me because it's gotten to the point where I can taste burnt when I use certain pans. Erlack. Wish people would be more considerate around here, but I have enough to put up with without them lot pissing me about.


Rokhed it's not that bad, you've been doing pretty well so far right? nearly two fags isn't too bad for somebody trying to quit!!

Can't you just leave them on soak for a few hours? Or get some Clit Bang on it.



Not when the coating has been scrapped off because they've tried to get rid of the burntness.


They are only cheap pans and trays, but at the end of the day I look after their stuff, the plates even the damn knives and forks and I let them use my pans and trays that I have because mine are the right size etc.


It's just them being lazy, I bet the baking tray was left for days and thats why today it looks like utter shit.


Oh god. These pcs at college are sooooooooo full of useless shit. *Eyes up system tray in disgust*




Anyway - I've moved in with Jordan! We only have one bowl, so this morning I ate some cereal, washed the bowl up, then Jordan ate cereal. :D

Also, I might try my hand at a bit o Gears tonight!


My essay is annoying me. Each paragraph that I read of the essay I'm writing on leads me to ramble on for 500 words about nonsense - then I go and read a couple of other essays on postmodernism/hermeneutics/metaphoric realism to find I've essentially paraphrased THOSE essays before I've even read them. On the one hand that's good for referrences, but bad for showing the teacher how damn clever I am ;) Really think I should've taken philosophy.

Oh god. These pcs at college are sooooooooo full of useless shit. *Eyes up system tray in disgust*




Anyway - I've moved in with Jordan! We only have one bowl, so this morning I ate some cereal, washed the bowl up, then Jordan ate cereal. :D

Also, I might try my hand at a bit o Gears tonight!

No! No Gears of War! Film footage of you two playing your instruments!




Just got to make sure Gears 2 doesn't tempt me -- luckily Shorty and I made a deal to progress in co-op first (although I'm pretty sure he only did that because he knew he'd be gone for a few days and didn't want me completing it before him) which means it's not really too distracting.
Dude it was all for you.



ok, not really.


good luck with the essay!




Anyway - I've moved in with Jordan! We only have one bowl, so this morning I ate some cereal, washed the bowl up, then Jordan ate cereal. :D


id have duel weilded the spoons to be done faster. or share the bowl, that would be romantic.


Urgh.... nothing worse than having to get up at quarter past six in the morning to have breakfast. Monday mornings, going to Uni, are awful. Lectures weren't up to much either. Was hoping that we'd be doing a Coleridge poem in the english one as I intend to write my essay on it but no beans. And it's a bloody hard poem to understand the meanings of. Couldn't be bothered with my final lecture today (some bright spark came up with the idea of timetabling two biology lectures on the same day, 2 hours apart) so went home.


I'm trying to decide whether or not to get a haircut. It's been really windy the last few days and due to the length of my hair, it gets blown all over the place and looks awful when I get to Uni. It is a bit too long but I don't trust anyone to cut it right. Everytime I go to get it cut, they always ignore what I say and make a mess.


Spent all of the day doing a lab report so far. calculating the California bearing ratio of a sample of sandy soil. fun stuff. Just about done now, got to do the method statement and risk assessment to go with it, i hate health and safety!


Anyway - I've moved in with Jordan! We only have one bowl, so this morning I ate some cereal, washed the bowl up, then Jordan ate cereal. :D

Also, I might try my hand at a bit o Gears tonight!


The one bowl = Looks no better today, no deliveries as of 3:30pm... Shit, gay, ass. We currently have no real way of cooking food.


Also, you? Gears? heh, that'd be fun :)


@ J7 - Doesn't matter as I've now been told that our poetry essay is to be on one of 3 poems, all of which haven't even been mentioned in the course. Nice of them to tell me this with, erm, a week to go. I'll get the essay done but really, that's a disgrace. And we aren't even covering them in our tutorial sessions either which leads me to think have I been told the information for the seocnd years as opposed to the first year one? Guess I'll have to hold on to the work I start doing on Frost at Midnight and hope it was a mistake. If it's not, guess it won't take hugely long to get it changed and written up.


My postman was fired today for throwing mail he couldn't be bothered to deliver into the burn. So i now have a new postman, alot younger and better looking in my oppinion. The last one was a spitefull old man who walked with a limp. Alot of people probably had alot of important stuff in there, it has to be out in the Irish sea by now. If i had a delivery i was expecting today i would have gave him an earfull.

@ J7 - Doesn't matter as I've now been told that our poetry essay is to be on one of 3 poems, all of which haven't even been mentioned in the course. Nice of them to tell me this with, erm, a week to go. I'll get the essay done but really, that's a disgrace. And we aren't even covering them in our tutorial sessions either which leads me to think have I been told the information for the seocnd years as opposed to the first year one? Guess I'll have to hold on to the work I start doing on Frost at Midnight and hope it was a mistake. If it's not, guess it won't take hugely long to get it changed and written up.


Have you checked your module guide, or your blackboard site? The assessment criteria is pretty much sorted out months before the course begins in order for the modules to be passed as acceptable to be taught.


But anyway, an essay on a single poem is no biggie :P I think university is about applying your own knowledge of a text rather than regurgitating what you've been told in lectures and seminars. My best essays have been on novels/plays/poems that we hadn't covered yet.


If you'd rather do what I have to do... an essay on some other dude's essay, applying it to a bunch of novels I haven't read... then I'd gladly swap!


Got a text from brother.


"Hey Jon, hows things? Just a quick drop in to tell you im sitting back here relaxing in California. It's currently 26 degrees and the beach is full of half naked women with large breasts. Good Times"



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