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Not sure if I have the balls to pull that off, but I'll give it a shot. Now I just need to get her alone with a bottle of Sambuca. Although that would be kind of like date rape, but it's the only angle I know...


Or you could talk to her sober, that way you know she likes you, not the drink..


Finally got my computer, it's nice, not as good as the other, but that's more me complaining about the keyboard, it's very flat and weird, but the tower is loverly *strokes* and it won't blue screen me..apprently there's been a huge amount of faults with the one I sent back, good riddance.


Having a lazy day, might get some food in later, see what the flat mates are doing tonight and hitch a night out with them for a change haha. I also need to grab myself a blank sketch book so I can get round to doodling some sketches for my game. yay!

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Besides....a "No" should not be the end. I just like to look at that as a challenge.


Three "No"s however, and thats when I start getting pharmaceutical help in on the situation.


Anyway my days been pretty crap. Been standing outside a pub for a bit, hurling abuse at people that walk by. One guy started on me, but I quickly defused the sitch.

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My day was ok, bit boring, until I walked home from the bus station. I got verbally abused by some fat, inbred prick standing smoking outside of a pub. Calling me a prostitute. Was actually quite funny how much of a 'tard he was acting in front of his friends to make himself look big. I turned round to face him and told him to bring it. Didn't move an inch. Seems he was able to bark but had no bite. Have to get used to that again though. Comes with living where I live. Was so tempted to back and have a 'little word' with him after I got home but thought I'd just leave it and not stoop to his level.

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Good lord stuff is expensive. I'm looking at about £1000-£1200 to furnish mine and Letty's new place (which we're probably moving into first week Nov!).


Ikea Furniture = £500

Shipping costs (yay Shetland!) = £160-£240

Crockery, Cutlery, bedding, curtains, appliances = £350-400

Jordan = slowly dying inside.

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Good lord stuff is expensive. I'm looking at about £1000-£1200 to furnish mine and Letty's new place (which we're probably moving into first week Nov!).


Ikea Furniture = £500

Shipping costs (yay Shetland!) = £160-£240

Crockery, Cutlery, bedding, curtains, appliances = £350-400

Jordan = slowly dying inside.



My sister had the same issue in june! It's a worthwhile thing though at least you only have to pay for it once in a while and not all the time, specially not the furniture :)


Trying to think of a game to buy on the wii, I've been looking at a few but not sure..

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Just finished sending a very angry email to SAAS about my student tuition fee application which, after 2 months of waiting, still hasn't been sorted out. I've contacted them previously and they haven't got back to me. I'm starting to get really pissed over the subject as it has been 2 months and I haven't heard a single thing on the subject.

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Trying to think of a game to buy on the wii, I've been looking at a few but not sure..


I've heard only good things about De Blob.

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Bard; have you defined 'pull' yet?


Jordan; Letty's moving in with you? Oooom big mooooove...


I nearly fell asleep several times today, but managed to get a bit of extra-curricular reading done and feed myself fairly well on 84p. Lied to my tutor and said I had an opticians appointment so that I didn't have to go to the seminar - I would have genuinely fallen asleep. Now I'm hope I'm going to try catch up on smallville, finish s01 of Mad Men then move onto s02 and try and beat Dan Dare to the end ;) Or fall asleep trying!



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Bard; have you defined 'pull' yet?


I'm fairly sure getting to second base can be defined as a "pull."


Anyway, on the bright side of things got myself some badass speakers for my room, been playing The Bloody Beetroots remix of Seek And Destroy. Fuckin A.



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*(Annoying Rant*


Anyone ever get to that point where they realise how utterly fucked off they are with their day to day life? I was sat at school today in one of the study rooms, and I was being moaned at by a "mate" of mine for doing something I hadn't actually done. Infact, I didn't even have a clue what the hell they were on about until someone told me. I just got up, and walked off. I cannot be arsed with people that jump to conclusions when they infact know nothing.


It's like, why would they think I could actually give two shits about there petty little problems? (Basically, last friday, a good mate of mine kissed this "mate" I'm talking about and he's supposed to be gay. It spead like wildfire, and now someones telling everyone he did stuff with a guy whilst at the party. Yeah, petty huh?) He was completely wankered because unlike most people, he's stupid enough to drink over his limit everytime he goes out for a drink. Anyway, he then told me that "I know you started that rumour, and if I find out you've kept saying it, I know something about you that would mess up your relationship with your best mate". (Which for the record, he knows jack shit).


It's like, HOW ABOUT FUCK OFF? I'm so utterly pissed off with petty college squables that are based on nothing but lies, and hearsay. I cannot wait to get out of this place and get to uni where hopefully the people are a tad more mature.


I need new friends, fast. I swear my two closest mates are the only good thing about this college. If they weren't there, I'd be out of there faster than you can say *insert word*.

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for completely different reasons I'm feeling the same.


I fucking hate looking for jobs. It either makes me feel like an under qualified looser or, on the occasions I do actually apply, a sycophantic liar with no morals. The culture of 'application speak' makes me sick, frankly and every time I engage in it I feel like a fraud.


then there's my fortnightly trips to the job centre for my dole. This makes me feel even worse- I think they may well be the most depressing places on the face of the earth.


gahhh. I'm soooo bored of this shit. Least it's been a bit more bearable the last few weeks. Props to Jay, nightwolf, Shorty, nami and Lazyboy for keeping me amused and a gun rampage out the headlines...

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Good lord stuff is expensive. I'm looking at about £1000-£1200 to furnish mine and Letty's new place (which we're probably moving into first week Nov!).


Ikea Furniture = £500

Shipping costs (yay Shetland!) = £160-£240

Crockery, Cutlery, bedding, curtains, appliances = £350-400

Jordan = slowly dying inside.



And you're paying all that yourself? for the love of god atleast half it with her. If shes gonna be living there you would expect her to pay her way, at least i would.


Went for a driving lesson tonight, would have been fun if i wern't stuck behind a farmer moving his cattle 3 miles down the road. Blocking traffc like that has got to be illegal in some way, What if there was an ambulance or somthing?

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GAME only hold CVs for three months, and I applied in July. I asked over the phone what was happening with the applications they had, so the likelihood was that mine had been thrown out. I did a lot of tweaking to my CV and covering letter and handed it in AGAIN. The people they're training right now don't have a clue, they didn't know what game someone was talking about when they asked if they had 'Super Mario Galaxy' in. Hopefully I'm in with a chance....

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GAME only hold CVs for three months, and I applied in July. I asked over the phone what was happening with the applications they had, so the likelihood was that mine had been thrown out. I did a lot of tweaking to my CV and covering letter and handed it in AGAIN. The people they're training right now don't have a clue, they didn't know what game someone was talking about when they asked if they had 'Super Mario Galaxy' in. Hopefully I'm in with a chance....


shame your first application form was throw out but good luck trying to get the job in GAME Tellyn.

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