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Hungooover. Woken early - nami actually prodded me awake. Very surreal. Was dreaming about sitting in this shed with no roof, with kids from other gardens throwing footballs at me and trying to amass new 'territory' while I sat there.


I think my dreams are fairly sane. I'm never painting an orange with Madonna on the back of a surfing shoe, or anything.


Right, so I told the person I got to bid on the sketch to go upto $300 for me, and I don't know what her username was, but Im pretty sure its not "Matt-Allica" and the fact that it was being won by the same person all the way through (which I thought was me) and now it seems to have not been.



Wow....Im gonna be pissed when I get confirmation.


Furious in fact.


I chose the one connection I had that I felt I could trust the most. What an absolutely shit start to the day.

It's a good thing you don't keep your own promises, btw. You'd have killed yourself twice by now!

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Hungooover. Woken early - nami actually prodded me awake. Very surreal. Was dreaming about sitting in this shed with no roof, with kids from other gardens throwing footballs at me and trying to amass new 'territory' while I sat there.


I think my dreams are fairly sane. I'm never painting an orange with Madonna on the back of a surfing shoe, or anything.



It's a good thing you don't keep your own promises, btw. You'd have killed yourself twice by now!


How comes twice? I knew it was once. :(

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Heh heh. Go to like a butcher or something, and buy a chicken or whatever and some pigs blood...and maybe some feathers from somewhere. Hack the chicken up a bit, poor blood over it, then put a few feathers on. Grab it dangling from the legs and take it over to your new neighbours.


Put on a creepy accent (or not...;)) and say you ran it over, didnt want it to go to waste so skinned if for them too. Then like "Welcome to the neighbourhood" or whatever. And film it. Go go!

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Just had the ''ice breaker'' thing, basically speed dating without the actual dating, seems there's a few girls on my course (although there's about 8 people in total it seems). Found out most of them except like two people don't have a clue what they are supposed to be doing which is great for my worrying.

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My day is consisting of nothing. Had a lecture, need to wait 90 min for my next.


Cell biology lecture was cool. Guy spoke about Homunculus living in sperm and how the catholic church was against people ejaculating since it meant millions of 'souls' getting killed. And he mentioned how folk ejaculated in their win to watch the homonculus 'live'. Hell the give holding the glass said they could tell what gender the homonculus was and everything.

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My day is consisting of nothing. Had a lecture, need to wait 90 min for my next.


Cell biology lecture was cool. Guy spoke about Homunculus living in sperm and how the catholic church was against people ejaculating since it meant millions of 'souls' getting killed. And he mentioned how folk ejaculated in their win to watch the homonculus 'live'. Hell the give holding the glass said they could tell what gender the homonculus was and everything.


Hold up you study Fullmetal Alchemist at college?..... Where do I sign up? :indeed:



On a "serious" note, the bit about the catholic church... so does that count when a man must ejaculate "inside" leading to conception? Sure millions of little sperm souls die, but one (maybe more in case of twins etc) will become an actual person.

I'm convinced the church would like to make the human race extinct. I watched a documentry before about teh history of sex and "evolution" of the catholic church. And that in Marraige did not become a "blessed sacrament" until something like 400 AD (that's actually a wild guess but it was a long time after Jesus anyway), and the marriage was outlawed by the church before that :heh:

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went to the gym and pushed myself harder then ive ever done before, mostly 0one by the tred mill. the opening exercise bike and tredmil were fine, after my normaly tough opening 10 mins i felt only slightly out of breath, then the wieghts were tough, not any harder then normal but i pushed, but the final run was terrible, 2 mins into the 10 i was feeling it, but kept going. proud of my efforts likeenjoying a protine shake to build a bit more muscle, back tommorow with anouther friend but i'l have a lighter seshion, only going to see him, havent had a chance to chat in ages.


outher then that nothing to report, drawing to the end of heavenly sword, feel like ive managed to sort out the rythem.


also, on a related note, ive started to theorise that rythem is key to mastering most games.

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Edit. Ive had some time to calm down. I am furious frankly. I said this to my friend.


This is why Im annoyed. I asked this of my friend.




Hey ####


I ask you because you're hugely trustable.



Right, basically on the 31st July I said this (scroll down to bottom) about Ryan Ottley (Invincible artist)s sketch of the Irredeemable Antman. clicky


And today I see this.


eBay auction


And its US only, so I am unable to buy. Please could you bid on this for me, then Ill pay you (however you wish) (and of course assuming I win....probably will considering amount Im willing to pay) ~I really need that card...like I will literally die without it~ (with insurance to your house, then insurance super post to my house) and obviously Ill pay for all of that and a little some for your trouble, if you'd be willing.


That'd be....well Id be forever in your debt.


So if you would do that for me, I am willing to pay upto my maximum bid of $###.## (seems exact....but Im silly about these things) and yeah.


Let me know either way, Id appreciate it.


Can you email me on ########@hotmail.com if so, although Ill be on HCR all night anyway.




- Mike





They reply back saying thats fine, we're winning etc. Does my head in.

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So I was having an outing with a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a while, and we go inside this cafe and since the place was just crammed with people the waiter sat us next to a table filled with a bunch of 12 and 13 year-olds celebrating some kid's birthday. Would seem perfectly normal if it weren't for the fact that every single child had either a cigarette or a shisha (also known as hookah) in their hands. We try our best to ignore them until we hear some kid screaming his lungs off with "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!?!!? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!?!?!?!". For a split second the whole place goes quiet, and the kid screams:


"YOU'RE EATING MY BURGER!!!!!!":shakehead


About 15 minutes later some more kids come in, one of them holding a small briefcase. They all gather around an empty table, open up the briefcase, and start passing around some poker chips. One of them asks "are we playing with real money?", and to answer his question, this other kid (presumably the birthday boy) takes out five 100 LE bills from his pocket and lays them on the table.


I always knew the human race was screwed, but...this soon?

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Kent university trip was fun, shame Dom doesn't know how to keep time. My mate is in a place called parkwood and it doesn't seem too bad. Hoping mine is as good =]


From what I've heard from Dom, Parkwood is the good place to live, the rest has a kitchen consisting of a microwave. And only a microwave. No hobs, no oven, not nothing.

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I think he is mad because either a) he was caught eating someone else's burger or b) he wasn't invited to a poker game??


Kent university trip was fun, shame Dom doesn't know how to keep time. My mate is in a place called parkwood and it doesn't seem too bad. Hoping mine is as good =]


I was upstairs =[ i came down at 1:35, you were there at 1:26 and left, grahh so close, i had to leave at 1:45 anyways >.>

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I'm stuck in that state where I feel pretty grotty, but not enough to warrant skipping school - tis not pleasant.


Been sorting out tickets for various events today: Pendulum in December; " Does it offend you yeah" in October; and the Eurogamer/Gamesindustry.biz event at the tailend of october (now to find out how I will finance this in light of the Xmas onslaught of quality titles).

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Day's been alright today...

Got SO much coursework to do A2's at the moment, it's insane...

But I woke up today realising how everything's changed in my life from this time last year...

I moved from London all the way up to Yorkshire this summer (family stuff...)

So my education's been kinda smushed..

and i've not got the same group of friends anymore...

Infact there's only one person I know who's been my real friend since this transition...he goes on this board...you know who you are.

And this time next year I'll be in Australia hopefully travelling on my gap year...so it's made me think how quickly ure life can change...and to be honest i've totally regretted not taking this seriously, i've lost some real friends (not 'lost' but lost contact with...) and i just wish that things didn't have to change at this point in my life....Grrr

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Argh today was just so gay. I don't know why but it's just put me in the most negative mood possible and it's not like anythings even happened.

Finished my UCAS form and now just gotta wait for Uni's to get back to me which is a relief. I've fallen so far behind in physics which is just lame because i need an A in it at the end of the year.


I'm also fucking crazy about this girl who pretty much led me on without meaning to. we're friends but bleh, i want her.

And i'm also not speaking to my best friend for like AGES so we can both catch up on work and not distract each other. Guess it's a good thing because i could do with an extra 10% going towards work but still..


In conclusion, today has left me feeling totally exhausted, both physically and mentally. I think i need a bit of a morale boost..*puts Rocky I into dvd player*

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