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Omfg, Iam rather piddled. I had such a great night, but had to come homedue to feeling rather ill. I have so many pics of me and some awesome people, and the pub we were at was soooo awesome. I love the jukebox, it needs humping. Now. We got up and sang Misery Busniness whilst so drunk, it was brilliant. Some random girl had gigantic boobs, and this guy came up to me and rubbed his chest against me. Random.

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O h man, I'm at my uncles house and everyones asleep, and I just plundered his Sake supply, man I feel so drunk. I'm in the mood for fried chicken. And watermelon. Off to Trocadero again tomorrow :D. Oh and if anyone wants to meet up for some arcade awesomeness tomorrow, I'd be totally up for it.

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Thus far I haven't done much today! :) except watch some handball!


I think Yesterday I didn't post on N-europe which the first time I've missed a day when I have been in! :o


Friday sucked as soon as the day began I wanted it to be over I don't know why but I woke up really annoyed. Then I couldn't get to sleep in the evening having tried to keep my N-E Staff status but that rightly got taken away from me as I have done almost no work. :)


Then yesterday Saturday I spent most of my day watching Films and How I Met Your Mother. Twas awesome :awesome:


I'm off to a BBQ at the neighbours today which will be awkward! :p


Hopefully the food is tasty! :grin:

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I did wonder why your name wasn't green, boo!!


My day has been pretty productive, got up dressed/shower etc and went to take a tape to mary (at a petrol station she works at -.-), then went and gave there will be blood back to blockbusters, then went to northwich and got some clothes.


yay! ^_^, days not even over yet, but its been a good start.

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Yesterday I went out at 2ish to go sort out dad's internet. Figured I need something from town so went there afterwards and wondered round. Got what I needed, went back to dad's then back to town for a date. Which turned out better than I expected.

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Went to a meeting to find out what ever happened to the former church youth co-oridantor, who left mysteriously at the start of the year, and the heads of the church refused to divulge details.


Turns out he's awaiting a sentence at a psychiatric ward/prison for being a long-time member of a child porn website. Oh well.


Number of people in authority I quite liked revealed to be Paedophilically minded = 2.


Yay, another one for my collection...

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Ooh we can start a club. My sibling is on the sex offenders register. Go us!


Anyway. Starting to feel the effects of not sleeping much last night. Tiredness being the largest effect. Im going to end up spending most of the day lounging around methinks. Oh and all I ate yesterday was a medium sized bowl of pasta at 12 so feeling pretty hungry. Curry time!

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Yesterday was a good day, went to Newport and finally bought myself a Wii and Smash Bros Brawl, which i have been on half of today. Main reason i went was to see Don't Mess with the Zohan and Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, reviews as such in usual topic.


I have to admit, playing Wii is a welcoming break from the 360.

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Just made the obligatory phone call to my mother and got bored pretty quickly. Nothing much has happened in the 24 hours I last spoke to her (nothing I wish to tell her anywho) and she was prattling on about nothing interesting and pretty much talked more to her housemate than I did so I tried to say "okay I'll let you get on with it" which lead to "are you alright? you sound fed up?" etc. I just said im tired (which I am) but I couldn't be as frank as to say "you're boring me".

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Guest Captain Falcon

Then went to Selfridges afterwards and saw two huge celebrities.


If that wasn't sarcasm Rez, you really need to check your definition of "Huge Celebrities".


I've never even heard of the first one.

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faff faff faff.


i went to play portal, got the first level loaded and the xbox crashed. This was semi expected as i never really got it fixed after i get the tree red lights a while back.

so i thought 'i'm in a games mood for once, i'll play boom blox instead'. So i get the wii turned on and put the game in. Then the screen goes black, the remote un-syncs itself and the buttons on the wii itself stop working. I unplugged it and tried again, but i can't even re-sync the remote anymore, and none of the buttons on the wii are working. I think I have been cursed. Maybe its the heat, but it's not that hot...

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Guest Stefkov

Saturday I had to wake up at 6am and got home for 10:30pm. Just in time for MoTD.

Today, worked 12-10. Fuck all you and your measly 6 hour shifts. Try a 10 hour shift around people who don't know English, going through 7 bottles of vodka, sharing that between I'd say, 10 people at most.

Plus with it being Independance day, that didn't really help the 10 hour on my feet thing.

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If that wasn't sarcasm Rez, you really need to check your definition of "Huge Celebrities".


I've never even heard of the first one.

I think she presented Big Brother's Little Brother, then got fired for being an ugly cow. Surprised it took them this long to notice.

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I see your UselessCelebrities, and I raise you one ricardo From The Salon.


Went to london today! Phycho buildings art exhibit. Wasn't all that mental. Then drank and stuff. then got a train home to very drunk. And now I'm so far gone, just forget about it...


I swear my life is really, really interesting, I'm just really crap at writing. Career as a novelist? ... Shit.


Today I am happy!!!





... yah. Srsly? I watched it on mute and I was really creeped out. Aaaaah!

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I swear my life is really, really interesting, I'm just really crap at writing. Career as a novelist? ... Shit.


Just write crap anyway. Just look at the likes of Tom Clancy and Dan Brown - they wouldn't know effective plotting if it put on a luminous pink afro wig and slapped them both in the dick.

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