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Guest Stefkov

Just worked another 9 hours. For the past 2 days me eyes won't fully open, they're always tired.

Getting confused at loans and stuff for uni. Did some thinking about uni aswell, positive and negative thinking. If I could just scream...

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Woooo! Just got back from the most amazing GCSE celabration party ive ever been to! One thing though: girls who through themselves oves yoy, then tnrow themsalves over aomeone else 5mins laterb = not cool.


Im glad Kneeeeee is full of enough nice people I cwn do with aspiring to!

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House viewing with mom and nan. Went alright. Agreed to wait until my friend comes with her mom on the 1st and view the best of the bunch and go from there.


Umm...nothingness for most of the day. Felt lazy and lethargic. Trying to decide what to do for my screenwriting extension module.


Work was okay. Apparently busy during the day so they got someone else on but was an average night. Not many shifts now :)


And finally Awesomness

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My day has been good!


Went off and bought some shoes this morning which took about 10 minutes. Then went off for a talk with the head of my Sixth Form who was very positive and I feel more confident for next year with the results I got. :)


I came back and spent ages waiting for my lunch as I decided I wanted sausage rolls!


and I've had my friends 360 for 3 days and forgot I could have been playing Geometry Wars 2 on it!!! So I was playing that for a long time as well as trying to get this Tertis Achievement! :D


Now I'm about to watch more of How I Met your Mother while eating mini cakes!!!


I failed just at the end the idea is not to switch out a block and I did by accident. It was very annoying!

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- Woke up, did nothing. I'd very nearly completely lost my voice, and it still hasn't returned. :( Meant little talking all day.


- Went into town with mum and sister, so my sister and I could get our bus passes, as we'll get the bus next term (she's coming to my school, so it's easier).


- Met up with Chairdriver and his posse of family members + one of my sister's friends for lunch at a chinese retaurant. I hate the eternally dissapointed woman who runs it...we go there so often, I don't know why she sighs whenever she realises we're there.


- Watched Sherrybaby, then About Last Night..., with brief interludes of drawing in ink on a copper cut-out, for my art.

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I'm starting to think I must have wronged myself in the past, as I appear to be holding a grudge. The depressive thoughts are par for the course, I've learned to live with them, but why do they suddenly jump me just as I'm about to try and sleep with less than 5 hours to go on my alarm? It's spite, that's what it is.


Anyway, my day's been alright. Work was... work, and that took up the majority of my day. Other than that I haven't really done anything other than do most of the final case of Phoenix Wright 3 and install some custom firmware on my PSP, because I'm exciting like that.

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I decided to come back from camping a day early because it was threatening rain. On the drive home, lightening hit within a kilometer of where I was. It was pretty spectacular, purple sparks were flying everywhere. When I got home I found my Wii VGA cable, that I'd ordered from Play Asia had arrived, so I hooked it up to my monitor and it was great. I'd recommend it to anyone. The only thing is you get the occasional black flash, but it isn't so bad, and in some games you don't get them at all. It was pretty amazing playing brawl on my monitor.

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I'm starting to think I must have wronged myself in the past, as I appear to be holding a grudge. The depressive thoughts are par for the course, I've learned to live with them, but why do they suddenly jump me just as I'm about to try and sleep with less than 5 hours to go on my alarm? It's spite, that's what it is.

It's a common affliction amongst us writery types. One day you'll be able to harness those feelings, and then utilize them to create a hideous, angsty, "dark re-imagining" of a beloved sci-fi or superhero franchise, and make a fuckton of money as you and George Lucas rule the galaxy as father and son.

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My day either just ended badly or has begun shitly.


Just walking home from work (finished at 5am). Get about five minutes down the road and this car is going slow. Comes back around the round about and this asian guy leans out and does the usual got 40p routine. I replied I had no money which was true, he then told me it was to call his mum, again I said I haven't got anything. (Unless he wanted a safety knife, my clocking in card and a pen - Note I didn't say that, that was just what I had on me). He then gives me the don't give me that attitude whilst going for the door handle. Wisely I'd carried on walking and gained a few metres, as he grabs the handle and shouts you better run, as he does this I've actually shot off like a fucking man posessed.


Luckily I knew the area and ran up an alley way to my aunts house, but they didn't pursue so I caught my breath and then jogged home. Fucking cream crackered, buzzing and shitting myself at the same time. Gonna need to calm myself before I try and sleep.

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my day is half gone!! :nono:

i set my alarm for 10am but couldnt sleep at all... then jamba came online at 7am and we talked till 8 ~ then i fell asleep... and woke up at 2pm!! dammit!!


if it were uk time i'd be fine - 2pm here is YOUR 6pm... but i have work tomorrow morning and i'm turning my alarm clock off in my sleep?! just off to town to pay my rent and visit the drugstore to string together a "do you have any sleeping pills?" sentence... >__< i hope it works!!


i also feel reasonably miserable again... i had horrible unsettled dreams and i'm just annoyed with myself for sleeping so late when i HAVE to get over this jetlag!! saying that i guess i did get 6 hours... i should be sleepy by tonight... maybe?



... :sad:


EDIT: ok, feelin a little better... went into town ~ payed my rent and my medical insurance bills (first time since i got here O_O) then bought a big mac (which i couldnt bring myself to eat so i bought it home and it's in my fridge now.. >_<) and some sleeping pills from the drugstore ~ the new girl there spoke english!! she still let me ask for it in japanese tho.. so i got to practice ^_^ i just need to completely finish unpacking and tidy my room... then i'm gunna wash my hair and chill have a relaxing chilly outy day (and watch the rest of eternal sunshine~)

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I'm feeling a bit..i don't know today...You ever get the feeling someone is trying to ignore you, for no apparent reason..therefore making you believe you've said something to feck-them off? Yeah..i've got that. Not good..just hope the person knows that i do actually like em and enjoy talking to them...still this is where i start thinking theres something wrong with me and it's something i've said..which in turn is unfair on me..


No worries, i'm used to neglection from people, i'll get over it. :)

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Parents are off in York for the day, but I'm restricted to my house for dog-duty, unfortunately. Mother kept saying I should get a friend or two over, but I'm really not in the mood after a party last night. Now I know I'll look like a total loner when they get back, but honestly, I don't really care.


So today will probably consist of being a total slave to my PC. Although, I do want to get some more of Galactic North read.

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I'm going on holiday to gran canaria next week. T'will be my first holiday abroad for 11 years, and my first time on a plane . . . Crazy! Tickets were booked yesterday and i'm going Aug 30-12th September. Downside is that i can't work for them days obviously, nor can i play wow, so i have week of not being glued to the front of my mac :o:O

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Been left alone in work to do everything. Got 22 girders to program in 2 hours, and it takes an hour and a bit to do one possibly two.


This month so far, i have worked the hardest out of all programmers. I've done 108 programs, the boss has done 62, Damien has done 38 but he's on holiday now so doesn't count (if he was here, he'd overtake the boss) and Jon has done 40 programs.


I booked today off and the boss cancelled my day off because i apparantly havn't done enough to compensate a day off and then she booked today off and jon did so leaves me alone, oh well lifes a bitch cos i;m leaving most of the work to her and a note to her boss.

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Went to town today, got myself a pair of jeans, ridiculous really that even the long length at dorothy perkins is only just about ok. But it's fine. Also took 27 dresses back to blockbuster as I watched it last night and picked up there will be blood, which is quite interesting atm.



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british gas call centres are staffed by total retards.


just had two very frustrating converstations with call centres dummies. I believed that my account with british gas was settled when i moved out of my old flat 2 months ago, however, apparently i owe them about £30 which obviously i didn't know about as i've moved.


so they tell me i moved out on the 15th on july and based on that my estimated reading is 2888. actually i moved out on the 30th of june, so i ask her to recalculate based on the 30th. this is where it starts to get retarded... she says that it's based on estimated readings, not time. er what? it's an estimated reading over time.


so i try to explain to her that an estimated reading must have a time difference, so the bill time X to time Y will be different than time X to time Z. to be honest i think i started to lose her when i brought X Y and Z to the conversation! i tried simpler terms, trying to ger to agree that a bill for 2 months will be more than a bill for 1 month. her reply to this was again that it was based on estimates. Argh, this woman has no logic! we on like this for a while, i was getting more and more flabbergasted at her abject lack of logic and common sense.


i tried calling a different person, but got a similar lack of logic.


i'm about to try again, this is driving me loopy!



edit - just spoke to them again. i was getting so annoyed by them i cant be bothered to try and get the 5 days knocked off. they are all so dumb... i called the last guy obtuse and he didn't know what i meant.


i dont normally abuse phone centre people, but these ones are ridiculously irritating...

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Just worked another 9 hours. For the past 2 days me eyes won't fully open, they're always tired.

Getting confused at loans and stuff for uni. Did some thinking about uni aswell, positive and negative thinking. If I could just scream...


My mum did alot of the finance stuff, but if you need help let me know and I'm sure I can her? :)

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You know the countries fucked up when you have to carry a "safety knife" and run from someone because you didn't have 40p on you.


Um, I work in a Supermarket. The safety knife is to open cardboard boxes. But yeah, country is on its arse.

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This morning I got ass fucked by the Job centre, after making an appointment so I could "declare" some work I did, the phone call not being enough.


I get there, after much bullshit of waiting they say they have a record of me making an appointment, but haven't booked it. So they asked if I could wait an hour, or just wait and see if something opens up sooner. I told them to just make another appointment for me next week.


The majority of my day has been the ongoing paintage of the Space Marine Sinister Six. Much to Rez's ballsack, it will soon empty on the knowledge that the Scorpion will be replaced by the Hobgoblin. Today I have been painting Doc Ock, should be available for viewage within the hour.

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