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I was in a really fucking fantastic mood today, really social with everyone at work (on the phones and colleagues) I think people were surprised cause I usually keep myself to myself.


So now I'm friggin' exhausted, and have a migraine coming on :( Too much socialising trashes me mentally harhar =)


BUT I'm very much looking forward to meeting miss buttons tomorrow for the first time ever =D

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Woke up to check results; "will be posted at 12" killed time for a while then my grandparents said they were going to town at 11.30 so went with. Dossed around talking to someone in Game then went to library. Still no dice, site down. So went to post office and back again. Still down. Went to Game for longer then walked home. Stopped in at my dad's on the way back and the site was kinda working so got my results.


My friend who still works at Game said they need a keyholder and I should re-apply. I loled (considering I am on the system as 'don't re-employ' due to stupid bitch) but she said she, and the assistant manager of Redditch (our ex assistant manager) and the manager of Wolvs (our ex manager) would back it up, and the regional manager would probably approve. And I know I don't want it and I shouldn't put myself through that again. But the shallow part of me wants to see if they really want me. Wants to see if they admit losing me was epically bad for me.


Anyway. Off out tonight. Got plans tomorrow. It seems all my activity has been squashed in two days.

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I've had a pretty long day. I didn't get to bed til five, so I managed to see daylight. When I slept, there was daylight, when I woke up, there is was once again. It was awesome. :D


My brother has gone to Turkey with his mates, and my other brother is in Pakistan with my fake Dad, so that leaves me and my (grand)mother in the house. She went out this morning, so I was dancing around the house with my music up fucking loud and singing the greatest hits of Daft Punk.


Aerodynamic came on, so I air guitared. Then, I listened to some YeahYeahYeahs for a bit, still dancing and pretending to be a rockstar, whilst eating my breakfast and getting ready for work.


I've been in work from 12 til 8 this evening, and then I came home and went straight to the gym. I've only just got back now and have showered up.


Got paid as well, 75 quid for a day and a half's work, which isn't half bad. I feel quite fulfilled - money, plus exercise, plus music. Plus, some other stuff is rather nice as well, I don't seem to have any enemies right now either.


Return to form? I think it may fucking well be. Its about time. :)

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I've had a pretty long day. I didn't get to bed til five, so I managed to see daylight. When I slept, there was daylight, when I woke up, there is was once again. It was awesome. :D


My brother has gone to Turkey with his mates, and my other brother is in Pakistan with my fake Dad, so that leaves me and my (grand)mother in the house. She went out this morning, so I was dancing around the house with my music up fucking loud and singing the greatest hits of Daft Punk.


Aerodynamic came on, so I air guitared. Then, I listened to some YeahYeahYeahs for a bit, still dancing and pretending to be a rockstar, whilst eating my breakfast and getting ready for work.


I've been in work from 12 til 8 this evening, and then I came home and went straight to the gym. I've only just got back now and have showered up.


Got paid as well, 75 quid for a day and a half's work, which isn't half bad. I feel quite fulfilled - money, plus exercise, plus music. Plus, some other stuff is rather nice as well, I don't seem to have any enemies right now either.


Return to form? I think it may fucking well be. Its about time. :)


All you need now is a trip to see Eenuh ;)

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All you need now is a trip to see Eenuh ;)


Now now, I said I was on good form today. I didn't say I was superhuman. :heh:


So, somehow I've found myself babysitting for some of my parents' friends' whilst the adults are out on the town.


The kids are watching Home Alone 4. Dear God... I thought I felt real emptiness last night. I was wrong.


Dear god, didn't it go straight to DVD? It might even have gone straight to betamax! Ahhhh!


3 was below average, but I dare not even watch four.

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Dear god, didn't it go straight to DVD? It might even have gone straight to betamax! Ahhhh!
Aimless you poor sod, my dad loves home alone and that means all of them.

I no longer fear death, for I have seen into oblivion.


Luckily I managed to convince them to play Brawl afterwards, and their parents turned up a moment ago. Now the night's mine to do with as I wish!


Yeah, I think I'm just going to loiter on here into the early AMs and then go to bed. Exciting.

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Hurray, RedBubble just e-mailed me to say the reprint I requested is on its way. It sure took a while, but considering I'm essentially getting a free t-shirt I can hardly complain.


Also managed to put a bit more time into Phantom Hourglass today and I'm really enjoying it. I heard a fair amount of negative comments levelled at the game — not necessarily here — but I've just finished the wind dungeon and it's surprised me by how accomplished it feels. Lovely game, and it might have even pushed me to break out Wind Waker if Okami wasn't near the front of the queue and tapping its foot impatiently.


On the less palatable side of things I've confirmed my suspicions vis-à-vis the reason for the empty feeling yesterday. It reared its head again earlier, presumably to congratulate me on finally figuring it out before giving me a swift kick to the stomach. I haven't decided whether ignorance was bliss or not yet, but I suppose it must be better to know what one's up against even if there's nothing to be done but run away.


Edit: What's this, another new piece of writing? Well now I know there's something wrong with me.

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Man, this sounds kind of innappropriate now, reading the last page!!


Buut, yesterday was cool :D


I went driving round the college carpark again, I can now reverse (badly) and change gears and start without stalling :D:D My mum is currently teaching me, despite me being underaged and not insured on her car... it'll mean I don't have to buy so many lessons!

Jordan fell asleep on the sofa with the tv on last night ^^

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Another hangover, another morning to contemplate all that is wrong with the world/myself! Joy of joys.


I miss my 'crew' of jolly ne'erdowells. I miss the innocence and faith we had in each other for amusement. I miss teh days before I'd opened myself up to another individual on this planet, because now I want to do nothing but reveal meself and find acceptance when in truth everyone is happy having a 'good time' just going with the general flow of what everyone's facades creates.


Sick and tired of everyone else, but utterly aware that this just comes from within, that it's all my fault for hating everyone else and being unable to wear my manic mask as much as I used to.




In other news; this girl cooked me dinner t'other night, then invited me to stay over where I was just like "ok what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to take advantage of her lying there in her nightie? I don't know. Too nice. Awaiting some psychic girl to come along and fall in love with the invisible.


I've been trying to join Gaggle and Aimless in their quest for creativity, but all I can produce are these inane confessional ramblings that aren't unique or important or individual. My brain aches too much to try and allegorise any of this. so yeah.


Fuck sake I just need to keep an emo diary and keep this rubbish locked up!



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my uncle has been rush to hospital this morning :sad:


Sorry to hear that Dante, hope he gets better.


Just failed my 2nd driving test:(


Do you know what you got failed on?




Woke up this morning after the Justice gig. T'was very awesome. Rained just the right amount. I did a sweep for Coolness in the arena but no luck.


Now I'm having breakfast and my mum is trying to squeeze what little money I have left out of me. I'm pretty angry.


EDIT: AND now a f*$cking chicken kiev has just exploded all over me and my Chomsky. I now have 3rd degree burns. Luckily my laptop was on the otherside of my food and only my Amnesty International mag is covered in searing hot butter.... :cry:

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Sorry to hear that Dante, hope he gets better.




Do you know what you got failed on?




Woke up this morning after the Justice gig. T'was very awesome. Rained just the right amount. I did a sweep for Coolness in the arena but no luck.


Now I'm having breakfast and my mum is trying to squeeze what little money I have left out of me. I'm pretty angry.


EDIT: AND now a f*$cking chicken kiev has just exploded all over me and my Chomsky. I now have 3rd degree burns. Luckily my laptop was on the otherside of my food and only my Amnesty International mag is covered in searing hot butter.... :cry:


I looked for you too but there were so many people @___@ It was an impossible task! :p




I was screaming that all Night, T'was Insane!!! :grin:


Got there early and was first in the queue so got right to the front up against the fence! I managed to stand my ground all night despite a number of people to overthrow my front row reign. :D


I was scared for the first part as I had this man behind and I was unsure of his motives. Luckily he got pushed towards the back! ^___^


The concert was so AWESOME and the bit of rain added to it and I didn't really get that wet as it kept stopping and starting!


At one point in during the concert while I was jumping about I felt a bum bumping into me behind.... realised it was another man and quickly faced the front again thinking,


"face the front, FACE THE FRONT, and it will all be ok....!"


That was an odd experince. o_______0


Loved the part where everyone was shouting WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS! :awesome:


I had a great Night and I'm really glad I went! I also bought T-shirt! : peace:


Justice! :heart::bowdown:

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I looked for you too but there were so many people @___@ It was an impossible task! :p




I was screaming that all Night, T'was Insane!!! :grin:


Got there early and was first in the queue so got right to the front up against the fence! I managed to stand my ground all night despite a number of people to overthrow my front row reign. :D


I was scared for the first part as I had this man behind and I was unsure of his motives. Luckily he got pushed towards the back! ^___^


The concert was so AWESOME and the bit of rain added to it and I didn't really get that wet as it kept stopping and starting!


At one point in during the concert while I was jumping about I felt a bum bumping into me behind.... realised it was another man and quickly faced the front again thinking,


"face the front, FACE THE FRONT, and it will all be ok....!"


That was an odd experince. o_______0


Loved the part where everyone was shouting WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS! :awesome:


I had a great Night and I'm really glad I went! I also bought T-shirt! : peace:


Justice! :heart::bowdown:


I got there at about 9 and I barged my way all the way to about a foot behind the front, dead centre. :D


I was wearing my black and red skull beanie as well! I was waving it around like mad. :p

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In other news; this girl cooked me dinner t'other night, then invited me to stay over where I was just like "ok what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to take advantage of her lying there in her nightie? I don't know. Too nice. Awaiting some psychic girl to come along and fall in love with the invisible.


I've been trying to join Gaggle and Aimless in their quest for creativity, but all I can produce are these inane confessional ramblings that aren't unique or important or individual. My brain aches too much to try and allegorise any of this. so yeah.


Fuck sake I just need to keep an emo diary and keep this rubbish locked up!




For the first point, I'd probably chance it. Even if you end up spending a night in the local cells, at least you know where you are then.


On the second point, at least you're writing. Crap writing is still writing, and that's where good writing comes from. Sounds like you just need to relax yourself. You can dooo eet!

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