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oh my gaaawd!

my friends are taking me to see david tennant and patrick stewart performing in hamlet in stratford when i come home to the uk!! :yay::heart:



oh yes do want. do want very much so.


Grrr. How many British pounds did you need to part with to make this excursion possible???

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I've just finished clearing my room! :grin:


2 HUGE bags and 2 more medium ones of assort rubbish have been cleared from my room!!! @__@


It looks spotless now. even went under the bed with my hoover making sure I got to every nook and cranny!


Now I need a drink! :)

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oh my gaaawd!

my friends are taking me to see david tennant and patrick stewart performing in hamlet in stratford when i come home to the uk!! :yay::heart:


Wow, I'm so jealous! Who did your friends have to murder for the tickets?

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Guest bluey

actually they booked about a zillion years ago so it only cost £20 :grin:

tickets are going for £200 on ebay right now O__O!!

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First day of work experience today. I'm working at an animal unit in a big college in York. Working with things from goats to tarantula's so it's pretty fun and I'm with one of my best mates which makes it even more awesome. We were going off for lunch, and I made her laugh whilst she was drinking meaning she just exploded with water. The sight of that made me snort with laughter which in turn made me snort the water I was drinking. I swear I got a little high. :p


I didn't get back till 6 though, and my feet feel like there's no skin left on them.

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Had a surprisingly good day.


Dealt out some devastation in Pro Evo at lunch.


Then I got my copy of Space Invaders Extreme for working on it. Everyone at work was a bit envious because I'm in the manual under "Special Thanks". :yay:


Got home and my copy of There Will be Blood on Blu-Ray came, AND my Justice tickets for Friday!!! :D

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Had a surprisingly good day.


Dealt out some devastation in Pro Evo at lunch.


Then I got my copy of Space Invaders Extreme for working on it. Everyone at work was a bit envious because I'm in the manual under "Special Thanks". :yay:


Got home and my copy of There Will be Blood on Blu-Ray came, AND my Justice tickets for Friday!!! :D


Kind of a weird question, but do you guys say Justice the English way, or as Just-eece? Just wondering. =P


My day has been meh. Feeling a bit demotivated (?) at the moment regarding my art. I feel... inadequate to meet the standards for this one contest and stuff. Meh.

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(he's the beard one, oui?)


I want to meet Uffie. When I say 'meet', I mean 'kidnap and marry'


Haha! Ideally I'd kidnap Danger and have him wheeled around with me with a set of decks, remixing any song I demanded (or he recommended).


*drifts off into Scrubs-like daydream*


Yeah, Gaspard is the beardy quite one.

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Ahh, I spent ages trying to install Medieval II Total War, only for it to not work as my DirectX isn't up to date. That would be fine, but nowadays Windows demands you validate your copy of Vista...with a download/plug in that doesn't fucking work!


As such, my day has been long. And a little dull...

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Feeling a bit demotivated (?) at the moment regarding my art. I feel... inadequate to meet the standards for this one contest and stuff. Meh.

You're easily one of the most talented people I've ever met¹, and I can't imagine I'm the only one on these boards that can say that. The only standards you'll ever fail to meet are your own, which only goes to show how great an artist you are.


You're awesome. Don't let anyone, least of all yourself, tell you otherwise.



¹Well, you know what I mean.

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You're easily one of the most talented people I've ever met¹, and I can't imagine I'm the only one on these boards that can say that. The only standards you'll ever fail to meet are your own, which only goes to show how great an artist you are.


You're awesome. Don't let anyone, least of all yourself, tell you otherwise.



¹Well, you know what I mean.


Well I know I can draw, but I don't think I can create illustrations for a story in just three days... especially since the story is still being written at this moment. The problem is I don't know what style to pick; there's two I tried. My cousin (who is writing the story) likes the more artistic style, but it would be more difficult for me to pull off I think. =/


Edit: Haha, my cousin just called. Told me to go with the less artistic style (after I explained the problems of the other one), so hooray, that's that sorted. Still, it's going to be difficult to finish, as so far I can only do one drawing today (as I don't have the rest of the text yet). =X

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Well I know I can draw, but I don't think I can create illustrations for a story in just three days... especially since the story is still being written at this moment. The problem is I don't know what style to pick; there's two I tried. My cousin (who is writing the story) likes the more artistic style, but it would be more difficult for me to pull off I think. =/

To be honest that sounds like your cousin has thrust an awkward situation upon you. Writing is the most easily editable art form, so there's no excuse for you at least having a full first draft to work off.


I think there's only really one thing you can do: your best. Choose whichever style is the most viable given the time limit, as even if the other is slightly superior it won't make any difference if it causes you to miss a deadline. It sucks, but sometimes you have to be pragmatic about these things.


Failing that, draw an example of each style on separate pieces of paper. Place both of them on the floor and see which one Fabel heads to first. Voilà, a hands-off decision.


But now I've just seen your edit so this entire post is a bit superfluous. Still, I urge you to have animals make your less important decisions for you in future.

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To be honest that sounds like your cousin has thrust an awkward situation upon you. Writing is the most easily editable art form, so there's no excuse for you at least having a full first draft to work off.


I think there's only really one thing you can do: your best. Choose whichever style is the most viable given the time limit, as even if the other is slightly superior it won't make any difference if it causes you to miss a deadline. It sucks, but sometimes you have to be pragmatic about these things.


Failing that, draw an example of each style on separate pieces of paper. Place both of them on the floor and see which one Fabel heads to first. Voilà, a hands-off decision.


But now I've just seen your edit so this entire post is a bit superfluous. Still, I urge you to have animals make your less important decisions for you in future.


Well I know the basic idea of the story, but not what will appear on each page, as my cousin hasn't figured that out yet. Honestly, we just started on this like... yesterday I think, which is a really silly thing of us to do. =P


And heh, if I would let Fabel decide, I would end up with nothing at all as she would just eat the paper or run away with it (and then tear it to pieces and still eat it). X3

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Work 12-6 was perhaps the longest six hours ever. Dead, and thus slow. Real slow.


Had a list of phone calls to make tonight and made them all. And now im going to go through photos from Saturday, work out some beats, play Pokemon and go to bed.


Pretty uneventful day to be honest.

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