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Apparently. You also have to "thanks for calling" but I dont say that (because I dont agree with it, and refuse to say it) but I say "Thanks" back to them if they thank me which must count.


PS my pay rise this year was £300 out of a possible like £1250+...even though what I just stated in the above post. Oh well.

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Well, I just got back from Midsummer House in Cambridge.


It's a restaurant with 2 Michelin Stars.


I think the best way to describe it is to say what they served first, (before starters or anything)...



Pink Grapefruit juice mixed with Champagne foam, Followed by some cauliflower cream with shrimps and things that tasted slightly foul.


It was also wholly expensive, At least the service was what I would have expected for the price, not pretentious as shit like the food was.

You should have said hi, I live a few hundred meters from that place... never been there though.

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Guest bluey

i feel fucking inferior. useless. distant and i'm so fucking sick of feeling lonely. nobody wants to go out or meet up or even chat online here... all my friends are tired from training and i'm not in their little clique. i'm sick of not being good at things and not knowing what to do instead... makes me feel like an idiot. i'm sad and lonely and angry with myself...


...and i'm stuck on phoenix wright (u____u)

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Guest bluey
Quite possibly one of the best pictures I've ever seen.

it made me smile, ne :smile:

but true true ~ i just ran out of happy for a while... i'ma be ok.


things just getting to me...

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Two exams today! mother of all hard exams is on friday (politics synoptic)


I woke thinking "don't be on the judiciary" and leading up to the exam all i thought was "don't be on the judiciary" and then once i was sitting in the exam hall "don't be on the judiciary". AND IT FUCKING WELL WAS, you could literally hear the collective sigh of annoyance in the room as everyone turned over the page to look at the questions >.<


"don't be on the judiciary"




But they went well! Judiciary may be my weakest point in politics but it's still average enough to get a good grade, the second exam was easier, but organisation of parties came up, not the biggest fan, as you can pretty much write nothing on it >.> but still it all went ok.


Oh and ReZ, ne means right? and invincible arrived today volume 2 here i come! p.s. can you link me to play's invincible comics i cannae find them =[ nor know which ones to buy...

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Oh and ReZ, ne means right? and invincible arrived today volume 2 here i come! p.s. can you link me to play's invincible comics i cannae find them =[ nor know which ones to buy...


Heh, just speaking with my friend at work today, hes just finished Volume 2 and was like "ZOMG!" You will <3 it so much.


Volume 3


Volume 4


Volume 5


Need more links, then let me know. :)

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I just got up and I need to PACK MY LIFE INTO TINY BAGS. Well actually it's more LEAVE MY LIFE BEHIND, carrying only the SHELL of my existence with me.


Last two nights I've been too lazy to put sheets on my duvet, so I've been sleeping ON my duvet, under my dressing gown. Both mornings I've awoken to find both of my legs are right in an arm-hold. Tis odd.


Now to ram my portable dvd player, toothbrush, clothes, diary, chili vodka, grinder, laptop and maybe Buddha into a large piece of cloth, then find a stick to tie it to and I'm DONE.

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aww bluey :( I hope you managed to find some happy again soon!


Got home a couple of hours ago from college, gah I lost my bus pass and didn't have any change so had to go to town to get some and wait the next bus (the buses are hourly >_>). I got really ratty at two guys in my class which I shouldn't have done as well.


Mum's upset because the neighbours put up the pictures of me as a kid with happy 18th up last night instead of tonight, so it made her plan utterly useless, even though I told her it's fine =], poor mum and dad having such a crap time on holiday :(.


Day off tomorrow even though I should be in, Mum wants me to stay home for a surprise or something, Ill be annoyed if it's again with the neighbours and it doesn't appear because I really need to be in college.


Bleh, so happy birthday me for tomorrow...-.-

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didn't you discover you had like £10k in funds anyway? And jones is seriously aweful.


I plan to go to China, Japan and America in the next few years. The 10K can be for that.


Sadface about the Jones. It would be good if my mom let me have anything (then I would become Mr. Awesome, and have two children; Totally and Frickin') but I presume she wants it to be Jones. I use it at uni (well actually I have several different names, but again I doubt she'll let me have Piznarski, Larkin or any of the others) and such. Its plain yes, but not associated with badness. I think I will do it, planned to go back to uni next year pretty different; new hair, new physique(...ish) and going to whiten my teeth a bit. May as well add a new name!


Anywho. Today? Got an email from a progamme advisor who answered something I've been looking for for two months, so bless her for being awesome. And I basically have two options; have Semester one as three modules (over four days. damn split modules) and the extension (ie not timetabled) module and two modules in semester two (and dissertation) or four modules over five days in semester one and one module in semester two and disseration and extension. It'd be nice to only go to uni for three hours on a Monday afternoon...but I dunno how much work I'd actually do outside of that :/


Work 12-3 was slow. BUSY BUSY BUSY. Sloooooooow. Gotta go back there at 6 til close. Going to be busy because its curry night and quiz night. Im already bored of working. Only 10 weeks til September...

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i feel fucking inferior. useless. distant and i'm so fucking sick of feeling lonely. nobody wants to go out or meet up or even chat online here... all my friends are tired from training and i'm not in their little clique. i'm sick of not being good at things and not knowing what to do instead... makes me feel like an idiot. i'm sad and lonely and angry with myself...


...and i'm stuck on phoenix wright (u____u)



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I finished my last exam this morning, and came hope to find Condemned had been delivered. Awesome.


That does seem to be the case at the moment, things getting delievered at 5 days instead of 2 etc


merf >.>


I can't revise for my synoptic! it could be on anything! i can't revise anything!



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Sadface about the Jones. It would be good if my mom let me have anything (then I would become Mr. Awesome, and have two children; Totally and Frickin') but I presume she wants it to be Jones. I use it at uni (well actually I have several different names, but again I doubt she'll let me have Piznarski, Larkin or any of the others)


Go for Larkin, it suits you :p


I finished my last exam this morning, and came hope to find Condemned had been delivered. Awesome.


Condemned is amazing. Condemned 2 is also ridiculously cheap considering it only came out a little while ago. Gamestation do it as part of their 2 for 40 deal.

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Finally was able to spend a bit of alone time out of school with one of my best mates. We;ve never done anything out of college togther 'cos of different groups of mates etc, but we decided to go get a hot chocolate after college. It was a good laugh, and it was nice to be able to spend some time with her without the ex boyfriend being on my back constantly.

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Condemned is amazing. Condemned 2 is also ridiculously cheap considering it only came out a little while ago. Gamestation do it as part of their 2 for 40 deal.


My friend, i point you to condemned 2 the review by yahtzee, it's not good man not at all :shakehead




Lack of revision is good for people!



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That is the sound of me eating the highlight of my day which was having takeaway Pizza for Lunch which my psychology class won yesterday! (playing a Who wants to be a millionaire game)


I HAD A WHOLE PIZZA :o (almost) The teacher brought that much and there was only a few of us. :)


Also today was a buisness day where we were put into groups and for once I wasn't thrown into the group of complete apathy (me included) and got put in a good group! so the day went much better and was quite fun.


Also my team came 2nd! Which was great!


We just missed out. Though I still definately work better on my own! :p

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My friend, i point you to condemned 2 the review by yahtzee, it's not good man not at all :shakehead


Yahtzee is a hack. Condemned 2 was a lot of fun, which is just about all you're really expecting from a game about bludgeoning homeless meth fiends with lead pipes.

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Guest bluey



thank you!! thats so cute... *new desktop background GET!*


tho my bad day turned into a pretty crap/restless night ~

becky says: (02:52:40)


Rich says: (02:52:49)

whats up?

becky says: (02:53:26)

i think everyone within about a mile radius just heard my housemate going at it with the guy she bought home today >__<!!

Rich says: (02:53:47)


becky says: (02:53:56)

wonder how her boyfriend will feel about that

Rich says: (02:55:32)


Rich says: (02:55:47)

its never a pleasent noise is it? :-O

becky says: (02:56:57)

not when i'm not making it.

Rich says: (02:57:08)




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Bluey that's a bit crap, hope you feel better sometime soon! :(


I went to see my piercist today ^___^ He said the swelling in my ear is called "cauliflower ear" (sounds attractive?) and apparently mine was the worst case he'd ever seen in his career! >_<


He just recommend i keep the wound moist so the crap falls away and all of the liquid in my ear can drain out. It's not an infection, moreso an immune reaction, so no antibiotics, which is REALLY good news.


because my immune system works too fast it basically went apeshit on what is probably considered quite a bad wound.


So I'm in a VERY good mood now, due to a lot of pressure in my ear lifting, its still very swollen but a whole lot less painful ^_______^

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