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Oh my god, I love YouTube so damn much. Got this comment on my Iron Man Trailer (It amuses me)


The scariest thing about this video is that you still play with dolls, excuse me, action figures. That's pretty pathetic. I'm positive you don't get laid. Other than that, crappy video. Nice job of making a totally sucky video. Chris Crocker would be proud.


So I gave him my usual kind of reply.


Hahaha amazing.


But is it more pathetic that you watched it?


And even replied...


Then...the plot thickens. I checked his profile a minute ago - turns out hes got an Iron Man 2 Trailer up....its pictures from the first film panning in and out. And its been up for 2 days with 25 views (Mine up for less than 24 hours and currently at 156) so I posted this on his video.




Now I get it. So you're jealous because my trailer was up 12 hours and got over 100 views, and yours has been up for 2 days and has had 25.


Yours is much better though. Nice job on getting still images of the first film, and putting them to the "Iron Man" song, that shits fucking inspired man.


Seriously you should call Favreau up because hes going to be wanting to utilise your advanced imagination and skills for the second movie now doubt.


Then noticed he put on his vid description "The second movie would be kickass if it was like this" which called for this ;


Hahahah Oh my god! This is too fucking much now.


"The second movie would be kickass if it was like this"


If the second movie was like this video I would honestly 100% ask for my money back. And Id write off complaining...to just everywhere. Places that weren't even connected to Iron Man 2 in anyway just because it would disgcust me so much.


Honestly? Im not just saying this because you're a prick, but this is one of the worst YouTube videos Ive ever seen. Seriously.






Went to MK shopping/holiday prep.


I bought ZOMG 2 packs of unopened Heroclix Clobberin Time (second set...really rare...like unheard of) shame I pulled crap, but the nostalgic values were immense. Erm and some LEGO which I shall now build. Hoping the Claires dad will do a BBQ tomorrow or maybe today.


Hot weekend.

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Yesterday started off shit, very shit, in fact. But it got much better after a 'present' from Dante, a class episode of Peep Show and seeing this documentary on BBC4 which showed Nat King Cole singing in Japanese, which was a sight to behold. :o

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Today has been fun! :D


i got up early and revised until 12 while listening to music! I took a more relaxed approach to it this morning.


Then I had some lunch and watched anime for most of the afternoon and created my new signature which i'm not that happy with but it'll do.


I also had to mow the Neighbours lawn but that's now another £10 in the bag. :grin: My iPod is a saviour as it made the mundane task slightly enjoyable.


I was dancing with the lawn mower abit like Travis Touchdown from No more heroes. :awesome: Except looking stupid :heh:


It's hot though.... I'm going to have a shower in a minute! But the coke i'm drinking is lovely and refreshing. ^________^

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My dad has Cirrhosis. :cry:


:( That's awful Dante, but I thought I'd read it through and try and find something to make you feel better. Look!


Patients with cirrhosis often live healthy lives for many years. Even when complications develop, they usually can be treated. Many patients with cirrhosis have undergone successful liver transplantation.
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:( That's awful Dante, but I thought I'd read it through and try and find something to make you feel better. Look!


Dude! Don't panic (well try not too) Just remain as calm as possible for your dad! I'm sure his strong, he'll be fine! : peace:



Thanks guys.

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Dante; ever want to unload anything, you know we're here for you :)


More selfish news now; My internet is not nice. It's so utterly random yet predictable. I can click *submit* for a post/thread/edit/upload/new note on facebook/photoes/whatever and if I think "it'll be really annoying if this doesn't work..." it simply doesn't work and never will again. I can't reply to PMs, I can't see all the peer-reviewed criticisms that I need to revise from, I can't post my fairytale on here or on facebook, can't upload images, can't, can't, can't.

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Had a house viewing. Didn't justify price. 4th guy again dicked around all day. Thus me and my friend went to town and started looking for 2 bedroom flats, although mostly told to look again late-July/August. Feel bad for leaving the 3rd guy but had enough.


Said friend I shall be living with is leaving tomorrow for the summer. Makes me kinda sad (and the fact I'm listening to 'can't get along (without you)' is coincidental :P). Its just made me really think about this summer. I don't even know where I will be leaving. I'll have no close friends around. Part of me wants to leave campus as I'll be pretty lonely (the people I do know will be doing assignments) but I don't want to return home.


Emoing aside I feel better knowing some form of housing situation is in place.


Just watched St Trinians with her, not as bad as I presumed. Going to Wii Fit, curl up in bed and watch something then sleep. Need to finish my assignments tomorrow.

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Feeling a right cynical, bitter bastard right now. I'd feel a lot better if I had a good lengthy fix of dvds, but I've run out of things to watch in the house. I'm going to have to resort to going around all the shelves and calculating just how many days of my life this year I've spent watching dvds. Preliminary guesses reckon it will be a couple of weeks at least.



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thank you all so much :)

it was all incredibly sudden. no one thought she would go so quickly - she was only meant to be going into hospital for tests and stuff on thursday.. its the shock more than anything that has set in


but a major thanks to nando , darksnowman, sprout and the coolness that is bears for cheering me up at various points in the day :)

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