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What a long day I've had. Got up at half eight this morning because I was going into Stirling with my mum because she was getting her hair cut and I needed to get a present for my bro (Balfron) who's 21 tomorrow. Ended up buy 2 new t-shirts, one yellow and one pink (quite gay, I know, but they're pretty cool), some swimming shorts, some casual shorts and an awesome pair of sunglasses. Spent just under £50 on clothes and £15 on my bro.


Then got home and found out my sister didn't actually go away this morning like she was meant to because she wasn't feeling well but wanted to go now. So I volunteered because I had bugger all else to do to drive her to St Andrews. Took me 2 hours there and 2 hours back which isn't that bad. Quite tried after that though.

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Guest Stefkov

Today the day was going good until just a little bit in my computing lesson the teacher just seemed to not be his usual and shouted, in a way..just told me off. I really didn't think it was that necessary so effectively the day was ruined.

Brought home all of my work from last year, apart from the piece that is now lost. Hope tomorrow goes well.

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My day just got awesome my T-shirt with Eenuh's amazing design on, arrived today and i just opened it! :grin:


I'm wearing it now, it looks awesome! :awesome:


It has made my day! :yay:


I want to see pics of you wearing it. And then pics of you not wearing it, or anything else.


Seriously though I wannt see you wearing the T-shirt.

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I want to see pics of you wearing it. And then pics of you not wearing it, or anything else.


Seriously though I wannt see you wearing the T-shirt.


Don't worry the ones of me wearing it are coming soon! Most likely tomorrow! :grin:


Hope the photo comes out well! :D


you might get some other pictures as well! If your unluckly! ;)

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Don't worry the ones of me wearing it are coming soon! Most likely tomorrow! :grin:


Hope the photo comes out well! :D


you might get some other pictures as well! If your unluckly! ;)


Pictures without the t-shirt? ;):p



Not lookng forward to tomorrow. Seeing whether the cold develops, seeing the guy I like get asked out by a girl I don't like (he'll be saying yes) and not having done an essay. Oops.

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Pictures without the t-shirt? ;):p



Not lookng forward to tomorrow. Seeing whether the cold develops, seeing the guy I like get asked out by a girl I don't like (he'll be saying yes) and not having done an essay. Oops.


Haha! :heh:


I don't think you want to see me without my shirt on! :)


What about a picture of you with no shirt on Haggis? ;):p

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Guest bluey

bluey 01-02 japan bluey 02-02 japan


(u____u) had a really bad night, didnt sleep much and woke up with a really sore throat... i wanna go back to sleep...


EDIT: at work... nobody7s signed up for my first 2 lessons at ginza school so i'm researching essay structures for one of my private students... :grin:

...and posting on a forum....


i felt sooooo rough this morning, but after about 6 genki drinks... i feel i may live through the day :smile:


dante~ hope yr dad's ok man!! hospital sounds like a good place for him right now, they'll really look after him dont worry ^____^ *hugs*

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I said I would do a bit of uni work and watch something and go to bed at a reasonable time tonight...


Ah well. Today has been alright. Managed to figure out what im doing for the superhero tonight and get most of the costume (going as The Flash, and the costume being red shirt and red jeans and im going to add the rest tomorrow) and did a bit of uni work. Chilled out in my friend's room for a while, all just chatting and stuff. Then my friend text me saying hes on campus and wants a cup of tea so him and his friend came round. So its been a pleasent evening.

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Haha! :heh:


I don't think you want to see me without my shirt on! :)


What about a picture of you with no shirt on Haggis? ;):p


Lol! The world isn't ready for the sheer awesomeness that picture would contain. :p


But yeah, I want to see Eenuhs T-shirt too! :)

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Had a tasty barbie! Lighter-Gelled up some coal bricketts, set a fair amount of newspaper and egg-carton on fire, and some wood pilfered from the next-door's outhouse. made some ace burgers, sausages, chicken wings, pork ribs... couple of mates each made some brilliant marinade.


It started raining so we shifted the bbq into the 'alleyway' for cover, and constructed a wind-shield from 3 wheelie bins, two bits of styrofoam, some twigs and bricks and a picnic bench on it's end. Got pissed, ate well (I hope. Illnesses to be confirmed...) and watched 30 days of night (the film is flawed, silly, and ultimately not that fun really) before ambling home.


Now I'm sitting here, looking at my x-files s03e10 at 90.5% and hating the world. episode 9 was a cliffhanger of a 'to be continued' one, and I'm debating whether to watch a random movie for the next 33mb or just sleep and watch it in the morning. Annoyingly, I know that it'll probably take two or three hours to download, but I'm not tired and I have more cider... so I guess I'll scan the house for another movie to watch... Or start on Frasier season 2...

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Ugh, I hate groupswork. We have to hand in our paper and presentation for Sociology tomorrow, but one person still hasn't sent in their part (and I'm the one who has to put it all together and write the introductions and stuff, so I'm waiting on that thing).

She made a big fuss about it too; was asked to write -half- a page and was all like "well if I have to write that then I won't make the powerpoint presentation". Guuuuh. She hasn't done a single thing yet, while other people wrote between 2 and 6 pages. Bah.



Anyway, for my 3D class I have to pick a game character that I want to stylize and make a 3D model of. I'm having trouble picking one. There's so many game characters to pick from. D:

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Not going to be a good day today, I can feel it already and it's not even 9 oclock yet.


Got my passport ish photo for my railcard though, so hopefully that'll go through well later today so I can have something silly like 30% off rail tickets for another year, I'll be having a natwest account for uni just for the free railcard me thinks..


Got to do some assignment work today, I'm really slacking, I know it's important but it's so boring...!!


Plus a group thing about how immagrants are stealing our jobs, even though me and Charli told the tutor that wasn't politically correct for her to say and it wound her up *hehe*


It's going to be very irratating doing that discussion with the guys in my class!

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Guest Jordan


Plus a group thing about how immagrants are stealing our jobs, even though me and Charli told the tutor that wasn't politically correct for her to say and it wound her up *hehe*


Jeeze, i can see that debate being fairly one sided...

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Jeeze, i can see that debate being fairly one sided...



There's only 3 people who support immagrants in my class, without starting an argument I don't agree with immagrants, but that's the way it goes, it's just that I don't think for a tutor in college it was the right ''phrase'' to give to students :indeed:


specially since there is alot of different cultures in my college.

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Guest Jordan

In my college, the whites were the minorities.


It was like 90% Asian. Its not that i have an issue with it, but it became pretty intimidating.


...Although technically speaking i guess i'm an ethic minority. But i still class myself as a white British person, its just my insane last name! E-gads!

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Okay, so we're sitting together now to work on our paper, and guess what? Everyone is doing something else and I'm the only one still working on it. While we're still far from finished. >.<;

Why does no one ever do what they're supposed to do in groupswork? =(



Anyway, to make me feel better I'm having a double lunch. Already ate my bread half an hour ago and will be getting myself a panini and a salad soon. Just because.

*comfort fooddddddd*

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Plenty of people don't join facebook, just say social networking sites aren't your kind of thing. Im sure they won't get too offended, surely you can keep in touch through other means?


Day so far has been alright. Showered and all that. Done a bit of assignment work. Rang some people I needed to ring. Arranged a meetup in town later. But I get the feeling its suddenly going to be 6pm and I'll be rushing around trying to sort out my costume.

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Okay, so we're sitting together now to work on our paper, and guess what? Everyone is doing something else and I'm the only one still working on it. While we're still far from finished. >.<;

Why does no one ever do what they're supposed to do in groupswork? =(



Anyway, to make me feel better I'm having a double lunch. Already ate my bread half an hour ago and will be getting myself a panini and a salad soon. Just because.

*comfort fooddddddd*



Agree, I have to do that presentation to do and lots of work and it's just not getting done...sigh

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Plenty of people don't join facebook, just say social networking sites aren't your kind of thing. Im sure they won't get too offended, surely you can keep in touch through other means?


Day so far has been alright. Showered and all that. Done a bit of assignment work. Rang some people I needed to ring. Arranged a meetup in town later. But I get the feeling its suddenly going to be 6pm and I'll be rushing around trying to sort out my costume.


Pics needed. Also Kudos for making it and not buying it cos' theres about fifty commercial Flash costumes.

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