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Seeing as I missed Dexter on Wednesday I figured I'd catch up via the veritable wonders of the internet. But now it's 8:30 and I've just finished watching the final episode. It's safe to say I went a bit overboard.


On the plus side, my complete lack of sleep makes me appear to have gotten up early. If only my family would drag themselves out of bed to appreciate it.

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Guest bluey

BUAHAHAHAHA!!! i just found a table!! :grin: awesome!! free table for bluey! unfortunately it's red... bleh... i've had a very fruitful day! got my washing done, cleaned my room, aired my futon AND scored a free table and a bathroom mat (which i will use as a regular mat ~ nyeh-heh-heh)

i've also been invited to a hanami party tomorrow evening - we're going to watch the cherry blossoms fall - while we drink!!! :grin: they're so beautiful!

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BUAHAHAHAHA!!! i just found a table!! :grin: awesome!! free table for bluey! unfortunately it's red... bleh... i've had a very fruitful day! got my washing done, cleaned my room, aired my futon AND scored a free table and a bathroom mat (which i will use as a regular mat ~ nyeh-heh-heh)

You're playing Animal Crossing, aren't you?

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Guest bluey
You're playing Animal Crossing, aren't you?

hahahaha!! i feel like i am!!! i went upstairs to find some string (which i never found...) but came across this cupboard, with a load of junk in it... looked like stuff previous tenants had left behind... and there was this little fold away table underneath a load of old blankets.... so i piked it! :grin: it may as well have fallen from a tree in the form of a leaf though - as i was sooo happy! i've been REALLY needing a table ^____^


my room feels so nice now, with a clean floor, a laundry basket and some furniture ^__^

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Guest bluey
Hey at least she isnt fishing all the time and digging holes in the concrete outside looking for fossils!


*hides net and shovel* eehheheh.....

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Guest Stefkov
*hides net and shovel* eehheheh.....

You've already befriended animals/insects. Those two spiders you mentioned a while back. I'm half expecting your landlord dude will be wearing an apron.


Today was good.

PS: Le clocks go forward tomorrow or sometime this weekend. I do not like this part.

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Today was kinda okay.


Work was the usual, though for some reason I had a lot of laughs today, don't know why. Also, they brought in a ton of strawberries that a store sent back cause some of them weren't good. And since they would otherwise be thrown away my cousin and I (we work together) both grabbed a box, ran up to the cafeteria and made ourselves a nice plate of strawberries with sugar. Yummm.


Got home, had my tuna sandwich, then got dragged out by mom to buy sport shoes. Spent maybe about 15 minutes in the store trying on different shoes and then just got some (didn't really like any of them, but then I hate sport shoes) and went back home.


Arrived and immediately had to get ready to go run with mom, my aunt and cousin (same from work). Was quite warm today so lots of people were out there (not fun). I had a nasty headache though so running didn't go very well for me. Ended up walking more than running actually. Ah well.


Got home, took a shower, crashed on my bed and stayed there for an hour (half asleep). Then dinner and some tv. And now it's now and I am about to start on some school work. Or at least will try to. Will probably result in nothing. =P

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First time I've posted in months! Being isolated from the world by several hundred meters of ocean sucks.

Today however was ok. I'm in a port town in France, not sure if I can say which. Finished my duty and got back to the hotel where I should have slept. As it stands I'm running on 3 hours sleep and 14 bottles of Kronenbourg. Was oredered to get my hair cut so I did. I look like a german now but the woman who cut my hair was beautiful, especially after months underwater.


I would be out tonight but I did enough the last few nights. Not remembering how you got in a taxi and somehow at your hotel is a bad state to be in.


I've got stories to tell about here and my time in Lisbon but I'll save that for another time, this post is already too long. Ooooo, got tix for Download too!

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I've had a great day! :awesome:


Revison in the morning like usual! and although dull it feels really good once you have finished as i feel like i have achieved something! ^______^


Then i went out shopping for ingridients for the meal i cooked this evening! Which was a Paella! :D


Which was delicious! :heh: and really fun to make! though i'm still unsure about preparing meat......


I also watched a lot of anime so now my eyes are square! @_____@

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No...? But you should see this "ticking" present I got him...


Ah, that explains it! They tried to deliver me a parcel but I was still asleep. According to the little slip you get through the door, it's been returned to the sender. :blank:

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Hello to you people, I have had a reasonable day today. I was picked up by my friend, he drove us to the house of another friend, and there we played Halo 3 and Guitar Hero before having some Chinese food, which I shall add to the set of most enjoyable. I am here now, albeit after drinking half a bottle of whisky. My friends are playing Halo as I type, this be good.

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Bah, I wish I could drop certain classes from my course. They are pointless to my future and they are so annoying and time consuming they make me feel depressed. Honestly I often feel like wanting to quit cause of all the crap subjects I have to deal with. Bah.

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My sister's back from Austria. This morning I asked her why she stole my DS charger, she said "I can't find mine, you probably stole it." :blank: Then I got shouted at by my parents for it. I really love the favouritism in this family.

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i had a nice day. i got a hair cut which i really like. and the sun is shining which i live. i wish there were nice parks in birmingham like there are in london, as an afternoon in the park would be nice. i'll watch tv instead.

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