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Oliver E. G. Taylor


8:03am Mar 12th


HE IS A ****




Michael Jamieson


6:19pm Mar 12th

I fucking raped your cat bitch, you wish I only stole it.




Oliver E. G. Taylor


10:27pm Mar 12th

My name is Oliverus Taylorian

owner of a raped cat

friend to a total ****

and i will have my vengeance


Michael Jamieson


9:09pm Mar 13th

This sounds like a movie.


A movie I would love.


Called like...



One Man And His Cat That Got Raped And Then He Had Revenge.


Oliver E. G. Taylor


8:58am Mar 14th

One man's quest to avenge his raped pussy,

this summer u better get out of his way,

coz Oliie is coming to town, and Jamieson is waiting.


coming soon!!


x x x


Michael Jamieson


5:42pm Mar 14th



Oliver E. G. Taylor


Today at 3:00pm

Millenia later after the dust had settled,

earth is a wasteland, a cursed blight on the universe,

the wars of the early 21st century entangled humans and aliens alike,

Taylor and Jamieson still live, their bodies scarred and deformed, kept 'alive' by Necromancy and Technology respectively.

Why it began is lost to the mists of time,

It is the year 2648.......... and their is only war.



My days been okay. Played The Simpsons, and now gearing up for the return of GAVIN AND STACEY!!!!

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Gazpacho is a kind of cold Spanish soup. Here's a link to wikipedia if you don't believe me:




Thanks! Darksnowman! :grin:


My day has been great! Revision in the morning and relaxing the rest of the day!


I've been playing No More Heroes and Super Mario Galaxy. I also have been listening to a lot of music again which keeps me even more relaxed than i usually am! ^____^


I also cleaned up my bedroom and sorted out my shelf!


And i have been super happy today because:


:heart:ELLMEISTER IS BACK!!!!!! :heart:


That's made my day!

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*Is in a massive Panic*


I've got:


Pyschology coursework due in - experiment/discussion still needs doing. 20 subjects are needed too. Argh!

Pyschology Powerpoint due in tomorrow

Malcolm X/Martin Luther King coursework essay was due in on friday, still not finished




Argh! I've got so much work, if they give us any over the easter hols (wednesday can't come quick enough) I'll go postal.

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Pyschology coursework due in - experiment/discussion still needs doing. 20 subjects are needed too. Argh!

The worst kept secret of Psychology is that everyone makes up their results. The trick is to get a handful of real results and then make small variations on the trends within them. Oh, and if possible engineer them to prove your hypothesis as it makes the write up a hell of a lot easier.

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The worst kept secret of Psychology is that everyone makes up their results. The trick is to get a handful of real results and then make small variations on the trends within them. Oh, and if possible engineer them to prove your hypothesis as it makes the write up a hell of a lot easier.


I do that with every science coursework.

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*Is in a massive Panic*


I've got:


Pyschology coursework due in - experiment/discussion still needs doing. 20 subjects are needed too. Argh!

Pyschology Powerpoint due in tomorrow

Malcolm X/Martin Luther King coursework essay was due in on friday, still not finished




Argh! I've got so much work, if they give us any over the easter hols (wednesday can't come quick enough) I'll go postal.

I'll help you if I can, I'm sharing your pain.

I have a psych dissertation due wednesday(or next friday, but i want it out the fucking way even if i could get a better mark otherwise). I've done NO work today, I don't know how I manage to be so unmotivated with such a heinous deadline looming! I'm gonna deffo finish my intro, abstract, method and results before I sleep, so I am left only with my discussion and conclusion left to do over the next two days. Shit. two days. Read that! It looks alot scarier now.

On the plus side, read all of Iwata Asks Sakurai today, and learnt alot about the fella. Didn't know who he was before really, now I know he worked at HAL, so did Iwata, he created one of my most favourite characters ever, Kirby, and the Smash Bros. format! He seems like an incredible designer from what Iwata described, very maticulate, knowing final details before a plan is even fully drawn up. It makes me want to liken him to Miyamoto.

Also, mate's band(link in sig) just got played on BBC Radio Kent! Cool stuff for them, they're on a BBC tour soon too. Antikid, you heard the name here first!

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I do that with every science coursework.


Is there actually anyone who does it properly? You change the results so you can get the results you want to make it easier. We had to get 50 people to fill in a questionaire we had made up, no chance someone would waste their time filling it in as its for a fictional business, we just did them all ourselves, fluctuating each one slightly to get the results we wanted but not all exactly the same.

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The worst kept secret of Psychology is that everyone makes up their results. The trick is to get a handful of real results and then make small variations on the trends within them. Oh, and if possible engineer them to prove your hypothesis as it makes the write up a hell of a lot easier.


Really? And I won't get found out?


It would make my life a hell of alot easier. I've already done one half of the experiement (without the presence of a distraction). I'll get a couple of mates to do the other half tomorrow, then just make up the rest. Thanks!

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Really? And I won't get found out?

Well, I don't want to advocate cheating as obviously it's best if you don't, but there's not much harm in it. The point of the exercise is to learn about the methodology behind testing; your results and findings are a secondary concern.


Obviously if you were a practising psychologist I'd expect you to be a bit more vigilant.

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i do ocasional work for a market research company. one job they gave me last year was to conduct questionaires with people at birmingham council arranged christmas events. I think there were only a couple of other people doing the questionaires, and i had about 80% of them.


I made up all but about 5 of them - actually about as time consuming as it would have been to do them in real life.


I was pleased with the results, I gave universal praise to the Frankfurt Christmas Market. Anyone notice it was there for 2 weeks more this year?

I said the christmas grotto behind the bullring was boring. Wasn't there this year.

I said the ice rink was ok, it was there for the same ammount of time this year.


In other words I gave the people of Birmingham a good christmas this year!

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I do that with every science coursework.


In our Biology coursework that we're doing at the mo (I got the best marks in the class btw : peace: ) some people messed up their results so the teacher (head of department) just gave him some results to use. This is for A level aswell.

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Weekend has been filled with work (the kind where you earn money) and school work (the kind where you slowly go crazy).

Finished the A3 sized caricature painting I had to do, hope it's good enough. Still need to do an A4 cartoon drawing in ink of the same person due Tuesday. Haven't even found the time yet to do a decent sketch for that. And right now it's midnight and I'm starting on my Graphic Design work that I need to show tomorrow. D:



Easter break can't come quick enough. One more week of this madness and then I finally get a two week break. Which of course will be filled with more assignments and revision for the exams. =(



*is in need of love and hugs and chocolate*

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I don't really make up results any more, but it does make things easy. The way whole courses are designed to make this the easy way out doesn't really help.


Anyway, I came home today. Is a little bit odd, though not as much as last time. Still just as boring though...

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Weekend has been filled with work (the kind where you earn money) and school work (the kind where you slowly go crazy).

Finished the A3 sized caricature painting I had to do, hope it's good enough. Still need to do an A4 cartoon drawing in ink of the same person due Tuesday. Haven't even found the time yet to do a decent sketch for that. And right now it's midnight and I'm starting on my Graphic Design work that I need to show tomorrow. D:



Easter break can't come quick enough. One more week of this madness and then I finally get a two week break. Which of course will be filled with more assignments and revision for the exams. =(



*is in need of love and hugs and chocolate*


*Big Hug*


I can't wait for the easter break either. Two weeks with no coursework or exam worries, it shall be most excellent. 4 Birthday parties to go to aswell. Woop!:yay:

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We've got a damp problem in our house atm and i think its making me sick...


I woke up this morning with a really stuffy nose that cleared in a matter of minutes leaving my room. My chest has been fucked for months >_<



I starting on my work, basically just putting in references, cleaning up a bit here and possibly there, I'm far from finished. I don't think I'm gonna be sleeping tonight or tomorrow.

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We've got a damp problem in our house atm and i think its making me sick...


I woke up this morning with a really stuffy nose that cleared in a matter of minutes leaving my room. My chest has been fucked for months >_<


That sucks! *Hug* - Also, thanks for the comment on my pic on Bebo. :D

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