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Clearly you should have poked her, made a disappointed face, and then walked away.


I think anyone with that kind of attitude should be weeded from one's life, even if they are family.


As for my day, I managed to make a little bit of headway with The Plan, so it appears I'm only mostly — as opposed to completely — useless.

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That's...kind? :blank:


...Normally its fairly passive hatred with a few stabbing remarks every other day. She'll look for any excuse to have a go at me though. She made that comment because I switched on a lamp and the fuse blew...this happened to me before with the same lamp about 2 months ago. Maybe she thinks I get a thrill out of being shouted at...


This is why I avoid my home like the plague. In fact, compared to being at home, the plague sounds good. Speaking of which, I am currently ill at the moment, thats why I'm at home.


I think I hate her...


Clearly you should have poked her, made a disappointed face, and then walked away.


I think anyone with that kind of attitude should be weeded from one's life, even if they are family.


I really want to move out but I just can't afford to...at least not until October...Its hard balancing a job and Uni.

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my mum is being very similar atm. jamba predicted that me and her would argue constantly about nothings right up until i leave for japan - i think he's right :hmm:



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I really want to move out but I just can't afford to...at least not until October...Its hard balancing a job and Uni.

But it's just a matter of time.


She can make all the laughable comments she likes, you were the one that sorted your life out. Your family might have some small power over you at the moment, but theirs is not an iron grip. Empty words can't tie you down.

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I'm trying to do Shock and Awe on Veteran. It can fuck right off. As can the metagame achievements for Halo 3, fuck that..


Lollers. I saw Shorty do all the metagame achievements in practically no time... I could do the same. Just don't aim to try and do it with too many skulls on at once and you'll be fiiine..


As for my day? Well shucks! Thanks for asking! I knew you'd be interested...


Well i'm going to start with last night-- I witnessed (and called the police) some crazy-ass ninjitsu attempts by this massive gang of lads on the shop-owner opposite. Was crazy-scary shit. Love my window.


Today I did little but watch Reservoir Dogs before dinnertime.. at which point I went to a chinese all-you-can-eat buffet with 7 other people (ho ho! I laugh at all ye who paid any attention to my previous post.. So I guess I'm just laughing at myself?) where I had 3 plates of foodage.. Then we went along to a pub, then another, then I bought a bottle of vodka and walked through a part of Sheffield I'd never seen before with the two french-canadians. Got back to their place, where for some reason I found myself in a room with the 7 other people, watching porn. MAN I've never felt so uncomfortable. I just kept excusing myself for cigarette breaks, and one of the Quebecians must've felt the same, so we spent a fair amount of time talking shit outside while the others.. did whatever people do when watching porn with other people...


... So yeah. Finished the bottle, said goonights, bought a spicy chicken burger on the way home, found my downloads progressing nicely, watched the end of Big Lebowski, plonked my coke down on my bedside cabinet despite having brushed my teeth already (naughty, naughty!) and now I'm non-literally tearing my own fucking eyes out for approximately four different reasons, hating myself for several of them... and, uh, still not going to sleep, instead deciding to type up this useless fucking shit that nobody reads and even if they did, they don't care. Why the fuck do I bother? I don't know. I guess it makes me feel better.


Realised I've got an exam-thing on monday. Not prepared. Thought it was a week's time... So yeah. When I wake up (late) tomorrow, I guess I need to cram my face off. I used to leave my work to the last minute all the time.. but I'd planned to try fucking hard this year and seeing how massively I've failed at that so far just really, really makes me... yeah. Whatever! Bye!

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oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god >_<

i'm literally running on caffeine right now O__O <--wide awake.



blockbuster closes at 10pm right? HOW many people on earth thinks that means "come in to rent stuff at 9:58" .... X__X


We get that all the time at peacocks, people want to try clothes on at 7:59..


the amount of times I've had to tell customers to hurry up :indeed:

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Lollers. I saw Shorty do all the metagame achievements in practically no time... I could do the same. Just don't aim to try and do it with too many skulls on at once and you'll be fiiine..


As for my day? Well shucks! Thanks for asking! I knew you'd be interested...


Well i'm going to start with last night-- I witnessed (and called the police) some crazy-ass ninjitsu attempts by this massive gang of lads on the shop-owner opposite. Was crazy-scary shit. Love my window.


Today I did little but watch Reservoir Dogs before dinnertime.. at which point I went to a chinese all-you-can-eat buffet with 7 other people (ho ho! I laugh at all ye who paid any attention to my previous post.. So I guess I'm just laughing at myself?) where I had 3 plates of foodage.. Then we went along to a pub, then another, then I bought a bottle of vodka and walked through a part of Sheffield I'd never seen before with the two french-canadians. Got back to their place, where for some reason I found myself in a room with the 7 other people, watching porn. MAN I've never felt so uncomfortable. I just kept excusing myself for cigarette breaks, and one of the Quebecians must've felt the same, so we spent a fair amount of time talking shit outside while the others.. did whatever people do when watching porn with other people...


... So yeah. Finished the bottle, said goonights, bought a spicy chicken burger on the way home, found my downloads progressing nicely, watched the end of Big Lebowski, plonked my coke down on my bedside cabinet despite having brushed my teeth already (naughty, naughty!) and now I'm non-literally tearing my own fucking eyes out for approximately four different reasons, hating myself for several of them... and, uh, still not going to sleep, instead deciding to type up this useless fucking shit that nobody reads and even if they did, they don't care. Why the fuck do I bother? I don't know. I guess it makes me feel better.


Realised I've got an exam-thing on monday. Not prepared. Thought it was a week's time... So yeah. When I wake up (late) tomorrow, I guess I need to cram my face off. I used to leave my work to the last minute all the time.. but I'd planned to try fucking hard this year and seeing how massively I've failed at that so far just really, really makes me... yeah. Whatever! Bye!


I care! Sounds like quite an interesting night, was it proper ninja shit with black clad figures and shurikens??

I just woke up, gonna attempt to write up some dissertation, then go look at this car when the guy rings me. Tis exciting to think I might be driving again in a few days :D

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We get that all the time at peacocks, people want to try clothes on at 7:59..


the amount of times I've had to tell customers to hurry up :indeed:


i was stood at the tills watching them all daydreaming about screaming GTFO... :grin:

last shift EVER today. i'm hoping this marks my last day working in retail.... EVER. ((but since i'm loosely planning on returning to uni when i come back from japan i might have to get another retail job)) but still!! no more customer service work for at least a year! yippeeeeee :yay:


.....hmpf. i got up on TOTALLY the wrong side of the bed this m-afternoon. i was up till at least 4am, and i've been waking up and drifting off again since about 7-something... now i just feel GROUCHY.


...so i'm enjoying being randomly moody - i don't get to do that very often for a girl ^___^


:angry: *grumble*

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But it's just a matter of time.


She can make all the laughable comments she likes, you were the one that sorted your life out. Your family might have some small power over you at the moment, but theirs is not an iron grip. Empty words can't tie you down.


Yeah, I know, and I know I don't really deserve it but it still hurts. :indeed:


And I'm so stealing this! :heh:


Empty words can't tie you down.
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So far it's pretty meh. Have a ton of stuff I need to design for school (brochure for an architect and a poster for a play for example), but I'm completely without any inspiration. And I need to have something to show tomorrow. >.<;



Sister invited me to go to see a movie with her this afternoon, but if I can't get anything down on paper then I'll have to cancel... which sucks cause I rarely get the chance to go out. :(

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Guest Stefkov

So I've had my fun for 3 hours already, albeit frustrating fun. Now I'm going to sit down and get cracking on some work. Hopefully I can keep myself going long enough to get at least one page written up.

Dear god I can't do it. I'm so bored. There aren't any words to express how I'm feeling. It's like disgust and boredom and some others thrown into one. I feel like ripping up this paper.

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So that guy rang me like 20 minutes after I made that post, picked me up not far off and took me to look at the car, I gave it a quick little look, *seems* all right and he seems like a nice guy too, which has put my mind at rest. Admittedly, I didn't really know what I was looking for in the car, but it's clear the tires are pretty fucking new, plus with the MOT and the 6 months tax, I'm feeling like it wasn't too much over the odds at £600. I'm really looking forward to it now, gonna go to the bank tomorrow and get the money(carrying £600 home, scary), then maybe pick it up on wednesday at some point :D Looking to get myself insured on it now too, so that I can drive it home myself come wednesday. The guy tells me there's no immobilizer in it, so I'm hoping that's right, lest I find myself screwed at some point due to it, though it is a bit pants on the whole security level, gonna have to get myself a wheel lock.

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how has my day been?

this is the first time ive been on the internet since THURSDAY - miss me? lol


*cant get that song "and the drums and the drums" out of my head = ANNOYING :D*


seems like about 5 people from barratts are about to quit with the supervisor having already applied and successfully got a new job ( she didnt take it tho)


if they all go - i will all go!"

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So here I am in the library. Been here a couple of hours... And man, it sucks. Does anyone here know how egocentricity can be seen as useful in determining the language acquisition of children? BAH.


What was I thinking not going to Uni! :shakehead


Lol! ;)


I was considering this route ;


No, I dont speak Spanish.

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how has my day been?

this is the first time ive been on the internet since THURSDAY - miss me? lol


*cant get that song "and the drums and the drums" out of my head = ANNOYING :D*


seems like about 5 people from barratts are about to quit with the supervisor having already applied and successfully got a new job ( she didnt take it tho)


if they all go - i will all go!"


OMG! BUTTONS!!! :grin: I have Missed you! :heart:



Great to see you Online! :D and GO FOR IT! before you leave set the smoke alarm off! That can be your leaving present! :heh:


Sorry i'm a bit too excited tonight for no reason!

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No, but it's an interesting topic... ask me in 3 years and I might know. :heh:

Well we get (had..) two weeks to learn about it. Chomsky, Piaget and Vygotsky being the main three dudes, with good ol' Steven Pinker supposed to ease one into the topic with his layman bestsellers...


Here's basically what I've got to say for my hour-long timed essay tomorrow;


Egocentricity is [definition], and is useful in understanding children's language because if you didn't know how they were thinking, you wouldn't be able to understand the way they're understanding stuff.


That's pretty much it. It's really, really bad. I spent 2 hours thinking the q was on "understanding children's language acquisition" and the difference, if only subtle, is very discouraging. Might have to switch to the question on 'holophrases', and what they suggest about language acquisition. I've done no work on that question but I already know more than I do for the other question. Hooray for wasting time! I could stay in the library all night... Surely I can learn a thing or two in 12 hours, right? *remembers he's not done any of the reading for his other modules tomorrow... dies*

What was I thinking not going to Uni! :shakehead


Lol! ;)


I was considering this route ;


No, I dont speak Spanish.


lol, thanks :P veery useful...

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