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You know something, Coolness, Haruhi DID cheer me up. That show is class! :grin:


You know summat else, you remind me a little of Haruhi. I don't know how, but you just do...


I don't know, I just know, you know. :wink:


Hehe! :heh: Thanks Villan! :awesome:


I see what you mean! ;)


I'm glad to see you enjoying Haruhi :grin:


Yay for coolness's confidence ^^ :heart:


I hate the whole process of figuring out if people like you or not. Domjcq can vouch for my paranoia with this =[


Sometimes you have to take the plunge and hope for the best!


So here goes... COOLNESS will you MARRY ME? :wtf:


YES!!! :heart:


But you have to propose to me properly! :heh:


In New York! Up the Empire state Building! :awesome:

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Bah, my mood today went from blah to great to so bad it makes me want to cry. Wtf? =(


*hates days like today*


I think I'll just go to bed early tonight or whatever. After listening to some more depressing music.

Grab your favourite food and film get into bed and watch it. Tis what I tend to do on nights like that :)


I hope you feel lots better in the morning eenuh!

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Grab your favourite food and film get into bed and watch it. Tis what I tend to do on nights like that :)


I hope you feel lots better in the morning eenuh!


I'm on a diet (so no chocolate for me) and we don't really have any movies at home to watch. =(

Dunno why I feel like this even, but it sucks. I just figure sleeping will help (cause then I don't have to be awake to feel so miserable XD ).


Thanks for the tip though.

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I'm on a diet (so no chocolate for me) and we don't really have any movies at home to watch. =(

Dunno why I feel like this even, but it sucks. I just figure sleeping will help (cause then I don't have to be awake to feel so miserable XD ).


Thanks for the tip though.


I felt like that yesterday and decided sleep was the best thing as i was able to escape for a few hours of all my worries!


I hope you feel better in the morning Eenuh! :) Have a good sleep.


*more hugs*

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After listening to some more depressing music.

As tempting as that might be, it really doesn't help. You're much better off with something neutral-positive, such as Lou Rhodes' 'Each Moment New' or 'Greatness In A Speck Of Dust'. Not that I want to push my music tastes on you or anything...


As for my day, it's been uneventful. That isn't particularly good, nor is it particularly bad. It's okay. Alright. Acceptable. Satisfactory. Middling.

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Hello Rebecca,


I'm contacting you to let you know that your Statement of Health medical checkup report arrived here. It has been reviewed and everything looks to be in order. As such, you are cleared to begin training as scheduled. Your SoH will be kept on file here at General Headquarters in Osaka. I appreciate your efforts in this matter.


Please contact me anytime.


Best regards,



it's not just my day....my whole life feels so weird atm... i'm just waiting for this to happen... it's going to sound dramatic but i'm basically waiting to leave and living between seeing my friends and jamba... even though i have stuff to do between now and then, i'm looking forward to visiting boro next weekend and seeing my friend izzy this weekend so much that everything else seems so irrelevant.. *sniff*

but!! what this email basically means is that my medical reports are ok, and soon i'll be sent my certificate of eligibility~ which is the recommendation letter from the company that allows me to go to london and get my visa from the jap embassy :smile:

so haden, bro~ if you're about in london lets do lunch ^_^

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My day has been a pain in the arse, firstly the bus was being a pain so I had to stand in the pissing rain for ages, loverly. -.-


That said my dad didn't even offer to take me to college, so I had to get the bus instead which is full of first year brats.


Then got to college, got my work done, fine. Print it off later, had lunch and whatnot (hugggeee pizza) came back to find my word files corrupted, hate college. Went to a techy who told me this couldn't be fixed...fine, went back re-did my work, and it corrupted, went to another techy and he fixed it in five minutes, so luckily I've just given my work in.


Still had no reply from sheffield hallam about game design either. I just wanna go home and get into bed. But I have to get some of my IVA done by tomorrow so I can ask a teacher who has asked every other teacher not even to give us hints on how to do the work, for help. All he does is sit there and tell us whats wrong but not how to fix it, so I get even more confused, yet my other IVA every teacher can give us lots of advice, why pray tell is my database IVA any different...stupid fucking teacher.



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Day has been mixed so far. Firstly Biology in which we got the results of a test back which I thought I had done quite well in and I got 7/36 :heh: Then we had a test question to do in Geography, then we learned nothing in Italian but the lesson itself was hilarious. Our teacher is just so odd, he reminds me of Borat.

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Pysch exam went...as expected. Some hard bits, some not too bad bits.


There was a fire alarm just as the lunch bell went, so we had about 30 second to run the hell off school ground before we got called to stand around in the car park waiting for the firemen. It reminded of the scubs "sars" moment. We made it too, everyone else was standing in the rain for half hour waiting to be allowed out. :D

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Not as bad as I thought it would be. Dick's court hearing was postponed so I lunched with a friend, bumped into another and her two daughters and spent the day with them, and later joined by another friend. So that was all fine and good. She even asked me to be godfather to her baby which was nice.


Got to my parents and my mom is devestated. We are now just sat around waiting for the police to come. Staring down the barrell waiting for the shot, as it were.

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