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And there was me thinking you were going to say something like 'because I went down under'.


Why did you go anyway?


Passport needed renewing.


i have come to the conclusion that iw ould like to buy a hat!*


not sure which one....



*highlight of the day*


Don't do it, most people don't suit hats.

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Heard the new Moby song a couple of times already today (and am listening to it right now) and it's making me happy. =D


I've also kind of decided I'll be making myself crêpes on my birthday, since I won't be getting anything else. XD

At least something to look forward to.

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i have come to the conclusion that iw ould like to buy a hat!*


not sure which one....



*highlight of the day*


Do it! :grin:


Then post a picture of you wearing it in the Image Gallery! :heh:


It's the latest craze! :D




I have had a good day! I have gained more self confidence recently. :)


Also I got My iPod nano yesterday which is great and cures boredom at school! :yay:!

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Found out my xbox is coming tommorow, and Burnout should be arriving too.

Ordered GH3, will be playing that up at the weekend (PS2 version so i can only play it at dad's)

Dad's getting me Leeds Fest ticket for my birthday, and i'm not going on holiday with mum, so i'm hoping i can get some driving lessons off her too, and then i'm getting more off Dad for christmas.

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I had an alright day. Went into Square-Enix for a proofreading test...I think it went well. We will soon find out!


Its pretty cool in there. They have all these awesome Final Fantasy cardboard stands and stuff! :hehe:


I also saw one of those funky Wii dev kits with the green front. It looks wicked!


i have come to the conclusion that iw ould like to buy a hat!*


not sure which one....



*highlight of the day*


Do it!! Half naked hat pics is the thing to do!! Like Coolness said, its the latest craze!! (I will take credit for this craze along with bluey...see baited me!!:heh: )

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i have come to the conclusion that iw ould like to buy a hat!*


not sure which one....



*highlight of the day*


You should, hats are awesome. I really REALLY want this hat. Seriously. Its like I need it.


Day was alright for most part. Lounged around trading last night stories. Met assistant manager's girlfriend for a while in town.


Spoke to my mom though just. Apparently the police took Dick this morning about some incident last month, which he says cant have happened as he wouldn't have been in the place he was apparently at that day. Urgh. Drama.

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Found out my xbox is coming tommorow, and Burnout should be arriving too.

Ordered GH3, will be playing that up at the weekend (PS2 version so i can only play it at dad's)

Dad's getting me Leeds Fest ticket for my birthday, and i'm not going on holiday with mum, so i'm hoping i can get some driving lessons off her too, and then i'm getting more off Dad for christmas.


How did you find out when your 360 was being returned, I've been putting off going to the job agencies cause I keep thinking "it'll be coming today, I'll need to sign for it" but it never bloody does!?


Edit: Never mind, just had a look on the support website and noticed the tracking number. Mines coming tomorrow as well!

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Although my actual day at College was pretty good, since I got back I have been bored out of my skull. I have no work to keep me occupied either =/ Oh well least I have Art and Geography to look forward to tommorow, my two favourite lessons at the minute=D

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There are these two people who are really getting on my tits at Uni.


The first annoys everyone, constantly quoting obscure internet jokes which we've told him again and again we don't get, he rarely turns up and seems utterly convinced of his own superiority. ("Oh, I never edit me own work!")


The second suffers from a fair degree of autism, so we always let a lot of things slide and he's mostly been a bang up bloke until more recently, but now I'm starting to suspect we've maybe given him too much room.


Setting: Classroom. I'm sat next to the Second guy. He's voicing his opinons about film to the class.


The Second -"The audience are idiots. You want to write something in French. I'm telling you, if it's in French, it'll instantly get praise from everybody who don't know any better."


Me - "I dunno, quite a few good films have come out of France."


He turns his back and thumbs in my direction.


The Second - (To The First)"See what I mean?"



I decided it was inappropriate to lamp him. It took twenty minutes to reach that decision.

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I have absolutely no idea why I've been up since 7am. I'm not even in uni 'til 12pm.


Went and played pool for a few hours yesterday. Lost nearly all the games, but had a natter and witnessed a barmaid get soaked in strongbow thanks to me.. That is, I ordered a pint and she managed to pull the lever right off, so the pressured cider just shot out all over her. Was a little loller.


University feels damn weird at the moment. Despite only having two weeks of official holiday, I've had over a month away from lessons and the age-old 2nd-semester blues have hit. It doesn't feel real yet...

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Today has been a nothing day, though later on I'm going to have to get some of this college work done.


Just been browsing new items for my ears and eyebrow and what not so I can start stretching, it's getting abit expensive but it'll be worth it.


Still nothing from sheffield about game design, you'd think they'd send them at the same time considering the course I applied for are near enough the same section and were sent for at the same time.

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Today sucks.


Its a national holiday, i'm at work.


Last night as Up Helly Aa. I'll post pics later. Essentially its a load of blokes with torches, burning a giant ship dressed up as Vikings and Women.

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Pffff, I finally had/have an afternoon off from school and then of course I end up being bored with nothing to do. =(


Played some Tingle but I have to collect more rupees before I can try the end boss battle again (and collecting rupees is boring). And I don't really know what else I could do. None of my games seem appealing at the moment. Neither does the television (won't be anything on anyway). And I'm all out of ideas for drawings.


So boring afternoon for me. Booooh.

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Well, Eenuh.


Rez HD is out today for the 360 (yes, true that you don't have one...) you can use controllers as vibrators.


Uh-huh. Apparently its pretty crazy :o

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What? Your comment confuses me. =(



I've had 4 hours sleep.

I'm tired, stressed from work (still here).

I'm working on a national holiday.

I'm slightly pissed off that Letty is at home playing Rez HD when i'm not.

I nearly screamed swear words earlier on because i had 3 phone calls at once as well as about 9 pending issues on email.

There are no developers in, i can't ask questions. So i've had to leave a million things up in the air today saying "i'll sort it with the developers tomorrow."


etc. etc. etc.


I choose not to make any sense.

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