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I haven't posted on these forums for a year or so, but anyway, today was a fantastic day for so many reasons, some more fantastic than others.


So here they are:

- My teacher said my Personal Statement for my uni application was "fantastic" and I got predicted grades of AAA

- I got a Politics exam back and got full marks.

- One of my best friends who has been ill for a while is better and in school again.

- I thought my computer was horribly broken but it turns out it isn't.

- I got Portal.

- I deposited the money I need to book my Gap Year into my bank.


But probably the best thing EVER.


By pure coincidence I ended up sitting with a group of girls who I don't normally to sit with. However, we got talking and I was feeling good, conversely freely, having a good talk which ended in me being invited and urged to to go on holiday with them next Summer!


Now this would be good just on the fact that it'll mean going on holiday with friends. However, what it makes it so so so much better and way more exciting is the fact that it'll be going to Japan and that the group of people consists of:


+a girl who is a really good friend of mine,

+a girl I am have been in love with (or as close to love as I felt in my life so far) for a long time and who I thought I had missed my shot with,

+a girl who is the nicest person I know and who I wish knew better,

+and a girl who is so clever and is just amazing to talk to and who shares similar interests as me and in my eyes is the hottest girl in my year.

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I fell so ronery, I'm probably the only person not playing Galaxy.


Don't worry, you're not. I don't have Wii so I can join you in exile and we can run off together and from of new society based around the lack of having something.... or something. Sorry, I kind of lost where I was going with that and got distracted by hunger. Time for sausage roll and a doughnut I think.

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Don't worry, you're not. I don't have Wii so I can join you in exile and we can run off together and from of new society based around the lack of having something.... or something. Sorry, I kind of lost where I was going with that and got distracted by hunger. Time for sausage roll and a doughnut I think.


Yes! We shall reign together in a kingdom for those that lack physical possessions, also known as, "the poor people".

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I fell so ronery, I'm probably the only person not playing Galaxy.


Nah, I don't have it either. I'm hoping for it as a Christmas present now, if my parents will be able to buy it somewhere.


Psychology was awful boring and not even half of the class was there. I kept almost falling asleep.

Literature was okay, mostly because the last half hour of the class was spent giving our opinion on the course.


I think tonight I'll work on my Flash movie while waiting for Desperate Housewives. If I don't fall asleep before then. =O

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I've had a superb day.


Had a date with a girl I have liked for ages at college today. It was oh so good. We are definitely gonna meet up nxt week as well. Its been a long time coming. Just makes it all the more special though. Brilliant.


Then i met up with my sister in Bond Street, had a coffee, and went shopping. Bought a nice, cheap pair of shoes and then went into college for my lesson. Wicked.

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Blah. Work. Ran into someone I kinda know afterwards and he introduced me to his friend as Chris. And then melodramatic angst. Think im going the dutch courage route. I may regret this in the morn but im on my third double-quadrouble (just pouring it in) gin and tonic, as well as a few shots of whisky.

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Well today was alright. Spent a few hours worshipping an oxygen electrode in the lab and left early because the rest was just writing.


Later I took a leaf out of Ashley's book, and bought one of those Nero chocolate milkshake things. It was pretty nice, but not quite as orgasmic as he suggested. :heh:


Anyway, I then discovered the Chzo Mythos, and started playing 5 days a stranger. It's brilliant for an amateur game, and is my sort of thing. (the guy who makes them is the same guy who does the zero punctuation game reviews)

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ah, ash, you're making me want to get pissed alone again. Bah. 11p short though... Will pillage my trousers!


pillaging your trousers...?


anyway, I have discovered shaving after several drinks is not a good idea. I cut my lip somehow.



Later I took a leaf out of Ashley's book, and bought one of those Nero chocolate milkshake things. It was pretty nice, but not quite as orgasmic as he suggested. :heh:


Two possible reasons....wait three


a) you paid for it

b) they didn't make it right

c) you didn't have the same orgasm-enducing eye candy as I.


Urgh this could end badly, and I have to get up at 5.30 but gorram it I'm going for dutch courage.

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Well i remembered that I have one of those bits of plastic which those machines in the shops like to look at, and even touch, so much that they are willing to exchange alcohol for the privilidge.


It's not drinking alone if I know someone else on the internet is drinking too, right?

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Well i remembered that I have one of those bits of plastic which those machines in the shops like to look at, and even touch, so much that they are willing to exchange alcohol for the privilidge.


It's not drinking alone if I know someone else on the internet is drinking too, right?


I would so drink with you if I were in Sheff right now (granted, if I were in Sheff I wouldn't be having these angst but regardless). January my friend. January.

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Got up early today to go to Tesco's to buy Galaxy ready for Christmas day. There were 2 left when I got there at 7:30a.m. Worked 8:00.a.m - 8:00p.m, and grabbed some Fish and Chips on the way home (yummy).


Broke up with the girlfriend 2 day's ago. It was for the best really. Even tho we had been seeing one another for a good 7month's, it never felt serious, just casual. We did say goodbye in style tho :wink: lol and have agreed to remain friend's.

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Guest Stefkov

Seems I have a conditional offer at Bolton Uni. Not my first choice but there's one waiting for me. Here's hoping I get a reply from Huddersfield.

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