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Went to some rather good lectures (shockingly) and then an interesting seminar. Then got my new phone (so exciting!) from the porters office, came back and played for ages. Went to the bar, got drunk, got told by a lovely you lady that I was a lovely person (lovely feeling even if I have got a wonderful girlfriend) and then came back. Excellent day overall, thoroughly enjoyed it!


Incidentally: Zell love your avatar for some reason :)

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Nice bed! I wish mine was that big; would make it a lot more comfortable to sleep in it with two without being pressed against the wall or having the fear of falling out off your bed. D:


Anyway, work was okay, even though the person I normally work with couldn't come today. I'm now ready to go running (though I feel a bit sick, but I'm sure I'll do fine) and after that I'll probably play more Zelda. Tried the multiplayer yesterday and it's quite fun, so might do more of that. =3


And yay, one week break! No getting up at 6:30 this week! =D

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Hmm, overslept and missed a couple of lectures, but I can copy up the notes. Bought some nice looking chocolate on a whim. Had a long shower, and the fire alarm went off the moment I had got dressed again, so that was a bit of luck. It turned off pretty soon afterwards, there are loads of false alarms.


It turns out my computer can run Portal, so methinks a trip to buy the orange box will be in order later.

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Did three hours training full blown this morning, was freaking nakered at the end. On the ride home the cop who always stops me to practice his English stopped me again to say hello, but this time with a film crew recording us the whole time. I was still so high on adreniline after training I didn't give a shit, btu I think it must have been for a local police training video or something. Again, this is the second time i've been recorded for mass broadcast in a month for being the only white guy in the city. I should get used to it.


Whent over to a friends for lunch, which was nice. Filled me up. Then I popped home to change and back out to my Chinese lesson. 3 hour lesson followed by dinner at their house (nice family).


Now going to milk the fact that tomorrow is my weekly lay in, (and by that the only day of the week I do not have to wake up at 5).

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Been bowling, female members of staff bizzarrely had not much clothing on. :heh: Then I had to wait an hour and a half for my sister and her friend to come out of the cinema. :blank: I was meant to be going to the Leeds match, but my dad wanted to give the ticket to someone else, so I had to wait for them and walk home with them. I could have walked home anyway because they decided to take 10 pounds off me for lunch and then call her friend's mum for a lift. :blank: Grr.


EDIT: Topping off my mid-afternoon, Half Life 2 won't bloody work on my computer. The bastard.

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Been a pretty work-shaped day. Was not impressed with the fact the stars were still in the bloody sky when I was walking to work. Rubbish.


But it dragged by and eventually finished. Went to Nero and came up with all kind of awesome plans for my scriptwriting module so thats good. And now here I am.

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Ooh what did you have?


I went to play Orange Box over an Hour ago but got a bit distracted by some Live arcade games (particulaly Tetris and Puzzle fighter!) :)


I had a "Cheesy Bacon Cheeseburger" which is burger, bacon, cheese, deep fried mozzerella, and fries of course...with side sauce of JD Glaze obviously. Thought of Dynastygal with every bite. :indeed::yay:


For desert had the Brownie Toffee Popcorn Sundae. :heh:

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I had a "Cheesy Bacon Cheeseburger" which is burger, bacon, cheese, deep fried mozzerella, and fries of course...with side sauce of JD Glaze obviously. Thought of Dynastygal with every bite. :indeed::yay:


For desert had the Brownie Toffee Popcorn Sundae. :heh:


Oh my god, that sounds lovely!

I've had a pretty normal day. Done nothing much. A bit of homework. A bit of Zelda.

My ear hurts lots. Damn ear infection. Damn doctors not being open until Monday.


Anyone watching X Factor? Rhydian is hilarious!

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