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Well that sucks. Can they do that?


yeah, well, its a job egency, my rights go as far as staff cant physicaly harm me. hours have been all over for a while now, saw it coming. gotta say though, a couple of weeks ago, the NHS were listening in on our calls, I got lots of hours due to being a good worker who's had perfect assessments for months, perfect attendence and almost perfect punctuality. kinda a kick in the balls but its the nature of a dead end job.


Ah, didn't realise you were with an agency.


When I was with an agency, we got called through to another room and got told to leave. Was a bit of a pain in the arse since I was relying on lifts to and from work at the time. Think I ended up going for a drink with one of the other temps for a while to kill time.

agency staff can be terminated there and then. I've known the nhs to terminate staff on their lunch break.. told not to come back. Cruel really.


just sucks that im one of the people who takes the job serisouly, who dose whats asked and dosent piss about, alot of the staff do what they like, dont take any calls all shift, take breaks when they want and get away with it cos they are mates with a manager. i guarentee they will be the last to go.

Hahahahaha. How very dignified. I would tell you to savour being the ubermensch of the worthless peons; hell, I get a kick out of it :heh:

Hehe, I am flattered. It's the element of competition I can't handle.


Ashley, I blame you :heh:

just sucks that im one of the people who takes the job serisouly, who dose whats asked and dosent piss about, alot of the staff do what they like, dont take any calls all shift, take breaks when they want and get away with it cos they are mates with a manager. i guarentee they will be the last to go.


I feel your pain broseph. Life ain't fair tbf.


God damn awesome day yesterday. My girlfriend is over for a few days for New Year (she'll be back for good when uni resumes) and we went for a meal, then back to hers. Later we ended up watching episodes of Ali G in da USAiii...which is seriously funny, if you haven't seen it before. His alter egos are less cringeworthy, given it took place before he had to dumb it down for the Americans.


Today we'll be going for a meal with my family, and who knows what else we'll get up to. :p


.............Seriously some people are god damn annoying/lazy. My N900 came, and they left a note to say its at the post office because my chicks sister was still in bed, and couldn't be bothered to get out of bed for it.


At 12. Ridiculous. So now I have to take probably 30 minutes out of my half day to go and pick it up. Ugh. Seriously. 1 minutes effort for her.

Guest Captain Falcon

Does anybody else have absolutely sod all planned for this evening?


I made the decision to have today off work so I could get some rest in but as it currently stands, I have no need for it whatsoever.


Truth be told, I can't recall ever having a decent NYE do. I used to always stay in anyway, but the last few years I've been somewhere, it's still been utter crap.

Had another seizure today, I grazed my head a shitload. I'm going to try going to work even though I fear they'll send me home.

Felt like shit at work, managed to go home a few hours early, throw up the moment I get home and went to bed at half 9. Was wearing a hat to cover the burn marks on my forehead whilst serving.


Don't think I'll bother wearing it tonight.


U aight broheme? Sounds rough.


Hmm...I was going to post about how much I'm loving audiosurf atm, but in light of this, as a wise man once said "It would be like turning up to Sudan in a suit made entirely of food."



Nah dude, give us the Sudan audiosurf lowdown.

Felt like shit at work, managed to go home a few hours early, throw up the moment I get home and went to bed at half 9. Was wearing a hat to cover the burn marks on my forehead whilst serving.

And here it be! Christ I look energetic.


I have got a new number bitches. 07769 217 203


Send me a text with your details.

You are far too trusting. Assuming this even is your real number.

Does anybody else have absolutely sod all planned for this evening?


I made the decision to have today off work so I could get some rest in but as it currently stands, I have no need for it whatsoever.


Truth be told, I can't recall ever having a decent NYE do. I used to always stay in anyway, but the last few years I've been somewhere, it's still been utter crap.


I've never really done anything for NYE, always stayed in with family and had a nice meal heh. And when I was with my ex his birthday was on the 31st so we would just celebrate that. =P


Tonight I'll be home alone with Jim and we're gonna try and make a big meal: small oven snacks, vegetable lasagne, apple pie with ice cream and then some crisps with cream cheese for during a film. Oh and two types of cider, mmm. (This all cost me a small fortune by the way, the meal better turn out good!) X3


you know that scene in home alone where Kevin's bags break and everything falls out?


I re-enacted that scene perfectly in a car park with shoes and dvd cases - thank god my dad was comin to pick me up :D


Awwww poor you! I felt so sad for Kevin when it happened in the film, so now I feel really sad for you too. Good thing you had someone around to help, cause it's a pretty fail thing to happen!

Yeah, giving out your number like that. I mean, someone might start sending you abusive texts...






For the record this phone is fucking amazing. Its super intuitive. Its practically a handheld netbook with a phone built in.

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