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We get 22 days for the first three years, then 25 for 3-5 years and then, 27 after that. Broken down into hours. Its from Jan-Dec.


I just.....I will rage so hard if they do come back with some bull shit like that. It literally says in the contract 3-5 years service....I just know they'll find some loop hole. Fucki'n assholes. Seriously. I specifically saved like 3 days for xmas.


seriously you only have 3 hours until AFTER christmas... God that is serious fail dude... Thats not even a half day =P


I sympathise with the whole contract thing, they completely bitch us about that in our trust too... not just with leave, with any fucking oppurtunity!!




I'd give you a couple of days if i could - haha :P

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First day of employment - the horror, the horror! A ROUTINE?! No, not quite, phew. Different shifts each day this week (and thursday off) which mean I ought to be able to go out friday night (woo?). I am sure I'll join the ranks of "all i have to talk about now is my work" on here. God... BUT I MONEY MAKE MUST!


Gotta locate a pub for tomorrow for a chess club meeting - very uncertain what it'll be like. Except that I'm going to lose lots.

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I'm not one for talking much about personal affairs on these forums but what the heck, I feel like it tonight.


I've had one of the worse days of my life today - found out this morning that my ex-girlfriend (who also happened to be my first proper girlfriend) committed suicide last Thursday evening due to various reasons. We haven't spoken properly for a couple of years but nevertheless it got to me - I cared for her so much at one point and now I'll never have to chance to ever properly reconcile with her and just drop her a line to see how she is.


Most of the day I was okay, being rather shocked in the morning and managing throughout the day with it on my mind at work.


Then this evening it just got to me and I broke down in front of my Mum, which was pretty embarrassing but she understood. It seems silly to cry about someone who I've had no true attachment to for some time but I just couldn't help it. I dunno, ugh.


Sorry to bring down the good spirits.

What are you talking about? I perfectly understand why it affected you. Nothing to be ashamed of there. Remember, you can always come on here for support - we're here for you. :)

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C'mon Sport, end the suspense, waddizzit?


You wanna know my friend, well allow me to reveal it. It was Scarface, the 1982 classic starring Al Pacino. It had a one-day showing in Cineworld, Newport yesterday. Well worth the £4 on the ticket, 10x better in the cinema. It had that feeling that when i watched it, i hadn't seen it before ever and i was watching it for the first time. But this movie was out 4 years before i was born or thought of.

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Today work. I started on a new workbook which is pretty cool so I shall be spending some time with it. Get me up and learning in time for Decemeber.

Did a lot of reading this morning on a certain topic. It's weird how much time I was reading, not a lot of time really past, and so I got some good info in a short amount of time. Win.

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You wanna know my friend, well allow me to reveal it. It was Scarface, the 1982 classic starring Al Pacino. It had a one-day showing in Cineworld, Newport yesterday. Well worth the £4 on the ticket, 10x better in the cinema. It had that feeling that when i watched it, i hadn't seen it before ever and i was watching it for the first time. But this movie was out 4 years before i was born or thought of.


They did that in Sheffield, too.


Not that I went but..yeah.


Went to my mate's to play some Catan tonight. Was pretty fun (if anyone plays it, one of my friend's finished with 2 points- literally the worst you can possibly do. lols)


Kinda lost my mojo after though. I was initially up for a few drinks and a late chill but I really couldn't be arsed. I'm rapidly loosing interest in drinking atm and I ended up bailing pretty hard on the guys I was with. Really wasn't worth staying out though.


In other news: Started a review for Shadow Complex. The site it's for is more on editorial content so I'm writing it as a look at Metroidvania as a genre too. Such good games....

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I am sure I'll join the ranks of "all i have to talk about now is my work" on here.



And on that bombshell..


Just worked a 14 hour shift - 2 hours of those won't be payable. To make things worse I had to go Reading Fest shopping afterwards and my friends were expecting to pick me up at 8:20ish but sat around for an hour or twowaiting for me. I felt terrible for them.


On the plus side obviously it's Reading Festival tomorrow/today, and I can't wait. I'd probably be more hyped if I didn't have to work one more 12 hour shift tomorrow - I'm scared it'll overrun to 10 once again and I won't be able to get there. Not good.


Right now I'm packing and catching up with internets, when I have to wake up at 6:50am. Tomorow is gonna be wank.

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Kinda lost my mojo after though. I was initially up for a few drinks and a late chill but I really couldn't be arsed. I'm rapidly loosing interest in drinking atm and I ended up bailing pretty hard on the guys I was with. Really wasn't worth staying out though.

Ha. That's because you're doing it wrong.

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Martin - you have my number if you need to vent dude.


Jay - congrats on the job, I was going to text you about it and see if you wanted to go to the pub on thursday to celebrate? Try and get anna and andy, jonno, maybe drag dan by his ears..


Still unemployed, still looking, my days are spent looking at my bank account and driving around wondering if somebody will finally give me a job.


Came back to the parents house yesterday, room has been completely re-done and I need to pick a paint colour so dad can paint it while he's still unemployed. He can't even get a job at waistrose as a van driver, my dad has so many qualifications its unreal, gah. If he's got no chance..then what do I have?!


My lifes not been all that interesting, I get up, I eat, look for jobs, play on the xbox, sleep. Uni couldn't come any sooner.

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Went into work early today to help drill some holes. That's not a euphamism unfortunately. In the building where we are, there used to be another company, but they went bust and we're stealing their offices. So we need to drill holes ready to have network cables run to the "new" offices. So I went in at 6 and got to finish at half 1. Need to go back at 6 to finish the job. Will definately be done by 8. The reason for the odd hours is that we need to do the work while the people upstairs are away, so they don't have to put up with the noise.


Figured it would do me favours to do some brown nosing, seeing as it's only my third day.

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Went into work early today to help drill some holes.


Am I the only person to think it's pure awesome given your username that you have a job that involves digging holes? :D




Yeah that's pretty much all I wanted to say... >.>

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Am I the only person to think it's pure awesome given your username that you have a job that involves digging holes? :D




Yeah that's pretty much all I wanted to say... >.>


That's actually amazing. Hadn't thought of that.


Although technically, my job doesn't involve drilling/digging holes. I'm supposed to be doing/learning photography junk, but I haven't actually done anything remotely connected to photography today.




My co-worker said something amazing today that I hadn't thought of. We were talking about telling people what we do for a living and he phrased it perfectly "We touch up kids". Because our job is to edit school photos. Amazing.

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