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Resident Evil 5


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My resi 5 pre-order from Game is still held as a preorder. Think i'll cancel as it's not looking good for delivery tomorrow and if it miraculously does i usually don't get my post till after lunch anyway. (half a day off wasted)

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I know I said I'd avoid this thread until I completed RE5, but I got it through the post earlier, and just feel like posting some thoughts on it.


I've got to the start of chapter 2-1, and it's brilliant so far! In my opinion it's on par with RE4 at the moment. The cutscenes are sublime and the action is relentless, I've actually died twice already! The enemies seem a lot more brutal than they were in RE4, and even moreso than the RE5 demo. I'm amazed by the ammount of unlockable content too, this'll deffinitely keep me occupied for a long while!


However, the "History of Resident Evil" segments seem pretty pointless to add during loading screens, being as the game loads so fast. There's hardly any time to read them! I'm just thankful there's a library where you can read them at your own pace. But then I already know most of it anyway, though it's a good addition for anyone needing a recap.




... I'm suprised at how quickly some of the characters have been offed in this game. Your informant, the blonde girl and the entirety of Alpha Team are already dead, and that's only in the first chapter! It doesn't annoy me, it's just a big suprise, since the trailers made them out to have bigger roles.



And does anyone else feel that this game seems a tad MGS4-esque, or is it just me? Not that that's a bad thing, it's just something I've noticed.

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I got my copy in the post this morning but can't play it because my 360 is currently on its way back to me from being repaired. My brother has his own 360 but is being a complete asshole and not letting me near his machine so looks like it'll be tomorrow (hopefully) til I can play it. Its killing me that its here in front of me and I can't give it a go!!!!:(

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I got my copy in the post this morning but can't play it because my 360 is currently on its way back to me from being repaired. My brother has his own 360 but is being a complete asshole and not letting me near his machine so looks like it'll be tomorrow (hopefully) til I can play it. Its killing me that its here in front of me and I can't give it a go!!!!:(


I'm sorry but that's more than a bit funny lol. Hopefully the wait should make the actual experience all that better. Still not too hyped for this really but it's probably sitting at home waiting for me right now.

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I've played so far, most of? the first chapter... I loved Resi 4 and this is... well a retread (there is no avoiding it) but with bigger setpieces etc, the co-op orientated aspect while a very welcome addition when playing with another human does kind of segment the gameplay when playing alone as Sheva's A.I wanders between helpful and non-responsive, while it's true that you can call her to your side (which you will do frequently) that doesn't stop her from getting killed from time to time and creating moments of frustration.


Also the whole thing about you're not 'alone' anymore making it less scary, to an extent maybe but the atmosphere is still there, it might not be 'true' survival horror like the first few games were (whatever that is) but it's more action-survival-horror just like Resi 4 which is both it's biggest strength and it's largest weakness depending on your viewpoint (but people who don't like the 'new' style can always play the older ones) Imo though it is true, if you loved Resi 4 you will most likely still like Resi 5, a lot.


Putting it simply, bar the inclusion of co-op gameplay, it's not as revolution, merely an evolution but a highly welcome one :smile: it's excellent to see them try a new angle with proper co-op gameplay (yes I know Resi 0 had you controling two characters but it's not quite the same) I'm not sure if they will keep the co-op aspects for the next game though, or if they do it will be done with a serious overhaul once again.


Anyway with all that said, I am still really enjoying it so far, the visuals and sound are spot-on, the controls while 'clunky' work as well as they always have and it's reasonably well paced for what little exploration there is in the way of deviating from the main path, thouroughly enjoyable so far and I would reccomend it, just don't expect the earth from it.


Oh one thing I forgot to add though, I love the quick select feature in the new inventory, one of the better 'small' additions to the game Imo. ^^

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Just under half way through so i thought id post some impressions.


As many said it's very simlar to Resident Evil 4, when you get on i hope people agree with me and say it's actually just RE4 with a new skin some bits even levels are that similar.


Am i bothered? Hell no, this game is fantastic. So far one of the best games this gen, Resi 4 was one of the best games ever made and even playing that again in HD would of suited me fine and this is even better.


One good about this is the AI partner, i was worried that she would ruin the game for me and well to put it blunt she hasn't, hell she hasn't even done anything wrong really apart from eating ammo a little.


All in all it's amazing, very very similar to RE4 but i honestly don't care one bit, it's not like this is this third of forth game that it is like it.

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And I just want to say that the PS3 version is a bit disappointing. It looks great, don't get me wrong, but the framerate is worse than it was in the demo! Ah well, c'est la vie.


I decided to start on Veteran and it seems about equal to Professional in RE4, so Pro in this should be a nice challenge; one that I'll save for co-op, I think. I'm playing through solo at the moment and whilst Sheva kept standing in front of the chainsaw guy like a lemon, other than that she's been pretty good. Nowhere near the level of a decent human player, of course, but then I suppose they couldn't make her too good or she'd play the game for you on the lower difficulties.

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Japan Sales - 2 to 8


01. [PS3] Resident Evil 5 (Capcom) 319,000 / NEW

02. [NDS] Seventh Dragon (SEGA) 80,000 / NEW

03. [360] Resident Evil 5 (Capcom) 79,000 / NEW

04. [PSP] Shin Sangoku Musou MULTI RAID (KOEI) 63,000 / 283,000

05. [PS3] Yakuza 3 (SEGA) 53,000 / 425,000

06. [NDS] Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (Nintendo) 44,000 / 351,000

07. [NDS] Aibou DS (Tecmo) 43,000 / NEW

08. [PS2] Super Robot Taisen Z Special Disc (Namco Bandai) 28,000 / NEW

09. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best) (Capcom) 17,000 / 467,000

10. [NDS] Tennis no Oji-Sama: Doubles no Oji-Sama - Girls, Be Gracious! (Konami) 14,000 / NEW


RES 1st week (% of LTD)


PS1 Resident Evil - 149K (12.5%)

PS1 Resident Evil 2 - 1.39m (64.5%)

PS1 Resident Evil 3 - 1.01m (72.7%)

PS2 Resident Evil 4 - 235K (51.6%)

GCN Resident Evil 4 - 146K (65.9%)

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Verses Mode

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- Available in a few weeks.







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