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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I've only used the Remote + Nunchuck combo, I wouldn't even consider using the wheel. After Excite Truck I just don't think it works well enough to be able to do what I want when I want. Done pretty well online using the pad, pretty much always beating people using the wheel.

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After playing this offline I was of the opinion that the wheel is decent


After playing this online I think otherwise...


I won some matches to begin with but mostly I've just ended up making silly mistakes near edges... >>


Is it just me? or is the motion control a bit "off"? or a combination of the two?


Which is better in your opinion? wheel or pad?


As atm I'm undecided again :/


*tries it with a pad*


I've only used the Remote + Nunchuck combo' date=' I wouldn't even consider using the wheel. After Excite Truck I just don't think it works well enough to be able to do what I want when I want. Done pretty well online using the pad, pretty much always beating people using the wheel.[/quote']

There's nothing wrong with the wheel. I can make perfect turns with it and I beat a lot of people online. I'm usually miles ahead of everyone on Dry Dry Ruins, my favourite track.

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There's nothing wrong with the wheel. I can make perfect turns with it and I beat a lot of people online. I'm usually miles ahead of everyone on Dry Dry Ruins, my favourite track.


Agreed, there isn't anything wrong with the wheel, it works perfectly well for controlling, just not quite as well as the pad imo as I just find out, but for tricks and items the wheel does seem better, especially for wheelies...


hmm looks like I may be going back to the wheel. :/


*gives up for now and starts playing brawl again*

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I've found that boosting off the edge of ledges could be seen as the new "snaking". More accessible though. Yet with the wheel you can lose stability of your racing line when performing the motion. Using the D-Pad or shaking the wiimote doesn't affect your race-line so I've started using other options. The wheel is a great ice-breaker though and really does hold up well..As does the automatic mode.

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Guest Jordan
Are there that many people in the Shetlands? I mean, out of the three who bought it could you not track one of them down...?


They were all "allocated" even though i could blantently see one at the back of the damn store.



Blue Falcon is in:

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I love the Wheel! and i feel like i have more control than i had in excite truck! :)


It just works for me! I was unsure at first particularly with the Bike but i worked at it and soon got the hang of it and love drifting with it. :D I use manual.


Played some more online today and really should play more single player but online has me hooked!

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So far i've mainly used the wheel. Tried out the Cube pad which to me seems the easiest so far, then Wii-mote and Nun-Chuck since they're more 'precise' but the wheel is more fun.


Also I would of had jump as the Z Button and fire as the B button for Wii-mote and Nun-chuck, just seems easier that way.

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I still haven't seen the need to use anything but the wheel. The lack of precision I've heard about hasn't really bothered me.


My fave new courses:

-Coconut Mall

-Wario's Gold Mine ('Cause it's a rollercoaster! :D )

-DK's Snowboard Cross

-Koopa Cape (Probably my fave at the mo)

-Toad's factory

-That autumny level. The name escapes me, but it's got a cannon, and wigglers, and bushes that give out either shrooms or bananas.

-And I think there's another 2 or 3 that I can't think of now.


Am I the only one that doesn't like the way they've edited DK Mountain? It just seems a bit too easy to get round most of the corners now, and those corners seem less tight too.

Also, why have they added Dry Dry Desert from the DS and not Waluigi Pinball or Yoshi Circuit from GC? You could argue that both characters already have a themed track but, hell, DK's got 3!!!


But apart from that I'm really enjoying the game. :)

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I thought you had the wheel icon when I saw you online the other night. Have you been just using the remote without the wheel? I did that once in a one player GP... felt weird!


Nope. Never used anything but the Cube pad.


Just unlocked all the expert staff ghosts from all the new tracks, just Retro to go. Rainbow Road time trial took 45 freaking mins to do and thats without me falling off. You have to pretty much use all the boosts and take a cheeky shortcut or two.

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..it amazes me that three of the DS tracks chosen for this game were Yoshi Falls, Peach Gardens and Dry Dry Desert as they had much better levels to choose from. I never liked any of those 3 :hmm:


Having said that, Dry Dry Ruins, for a sand track, is actually very good for the Wii version :smile:


I like a lot of tracks from the 16 new stages.. including:


Mushroom Gorge

Toad's Factory

Coconut Mall

DK's Snowboard Cross

Wario's Gold Mine

Koopa Cape

Maple Treeway

Grumble Volcano

Dry Dry Ruins

Bowser Castle

Rainbow Road


And the rest are far from bad.. I actually like every new track in the game!


And from the retro cups I enjoy:


SNES Ghost Valley 2

N64 Mario Raceway

N64 Sherbet Land

GBA Shy Guy Beach

DS Delfino Square

GBA Bowser Castle 3

N64 DK's Jungle Parkway

SNES Mario Circuit 3

N64 Bowser's Castle


Looking back, I can't remember any Double Dash tracks I remember fondly.. apart from maybe Baby Park for its simplicity and weapon-filled madness..

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..it amazes me that three of the DS tracks chosen for this game were Yoshi Falls, Peach Gardens and Dry Dry Desert as they had much better levels to choose from. I never liked any of those 3 :hmm:


Having said that, Dry Dry Ruins, for a sand track, is actually very good for the Wii version :smile:


I like Peach Gardens if I'm honest. And yeah, Dry Dry Ruins is actually pretty decent, for a desert track. Still not one of my favourites though. :indeed:


Yeah, I thought Baby Park was superb on GC because of the weapons. Chain Chomps and giant Bowser shells flying around... Fantastic fun.


Yoshi Circuit and Waluigi Stadium were the best tracks on DD for racing on. The only other notable DD track for me would be Wario's Colloseum for it's vastness.


As long as I never have to return to Dino Dino Jungle I'm happy. :)

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‘Mario Kart Wii’ has overtaken Sony’s ‘Gran Turismo 5: Prologue’ at the top of the All Formats Chart as ‘Mario Kart Wii’ records the 8th biggest launch week ever in the UK. ‘Mario Kart Wii’ is far and away the biggest launch of any Nintendo published title. It’s also bigger than the launch weeks of all 5 other Mario Wii games combined (Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Strikers, Mario Party 8 and Super Paper Mario).

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