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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I f***ing well hate these n00bs who, after selecting a track, and being picked, keep selecting it over and over (there was one time where I played on Mushroom Gorge 3 FUCKING TIMES because of the same n00b choosing the same track and getting voted each time)


Yeah I tend to just vote for a random level, makes it fairer.

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I like to vote for Moonview Highway because hardly anyone chooses it despite it being a really fun track.


The cars are impossible to miss most of the time in my opinion! I try keeping to stay on the white line, don't work.

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I f***ing well hate these n00bs who, after selecting a track, and being picked, keep selecting it over and over (there was one time where I played on Mushroom Gorge 3 FUCKING TIMES because of the same n00b choosing the same track and getting voted each time)


Annoys the crap out of me too. I will keep voting the same track, till it gets selected then I will change my vote , I really don't see the fun in racing the same track endlessly.


Just got the game and i love it :D but man am i crap with the wheel, also noob question inc, but how the hell u change to GC controller settings? XD


Just press A on the GC controller on the start-up screen and then it will automatically select that as your control method.

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I have played Luigi's Circuit so mnay times today! :o Everyone votes for it!!!


I usually go for random or Rainbow road!


I had a bad night last night and dropping back into the 5000's...


I got disconnected twice today and so lost about 400 points in total which was annoying. :) having just reached 6000 again!


Also i CLEARLY came 1st by quite a way a few times and it had me coming 2nd and then the same thing happened i came 2nd and they put me 4th...? :wtf:


Still love the multiplayer though! I don't think there is a course in this game that really gets to me or i can't do! :D

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Annoys the crap out of me too. I will keep voting the same track, till it gets selected then I will change my vote , I really don't see the fun in racing the same track endlessly.


This is what I do too. I usually have a few courses in mind that I want to have a run through so I vote for them until they are selected.


Whats the hidden corner in Rainbow Road? At first, I had problems seeing the very last corner before the finish line, due to the way the track was actually curved. For some reason it looks to me like its going to head left and come back round to the finish line, but I've since gotten used to the track so its no longer a problem. Is there another corner that has given people bother too?

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i dont care fof dk snowboard pass, the half pipe always seems me take a hit and lose time in the snow.


also dont like the snes thacks, i always end up with a gold mushroom thats no help, stupid corners.


just got the last retro cup on mirror 2 go, then its the sad task of getting stars on every cup. not fun.

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Finally got 6000 points online, but had to disconnect. Bloody door.


When online, I usually vote for Koopa Cape; Maple Treeway; DK's Snowboard Cross; Wario's Gold Mine; Coconut Mall; Toad's Factory, then random. In that order. :)


Whenever I play on Bowser's Castle online, the person in first place always seems to have a gargantuan lead. Is this the same for anyone else.

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Heres a useful tip I discovered today - If you dont like the voice of your Mii - go to your Mii channel and change his colour - each colour is a different voice!


Oh and dont choose dark blue for your Mii he sounds retarded!


Damn, thats my colour and i won the Mii thing today! I only heard his voice a couple of times and it sounded like Waluigi but deeper? :D

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This is what I do too. I usually have a few courses in mind that I want to have a run through so I vote for them until they are selected.


Whats the hidden corner in Rainbow Road? At first, I had problems seeing the very last corner before the finish line, due to the way the track was actually curved. For some reason it looks to me like its going to head left and come back round to the finish line, but I've since gotten used to the track so its no longer a problem. Is there another corner that has given people bother too?


I'm pretty sure the hidden corner is the one you're talking about.

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This is what I do too. I usually have a few courses in mind that I want to have a run through so I vote for them until they are selected.

Me too. I always start with Dry Dry Ruins then Daisy Circuit, from there I pick any of the new tracks.


Some my stat:

7814 points

Race count 355

Tricks 2173

WFC 1196 win 325 lose

Friends WFC 279 win 137 lose


Has anyone ever disconnected and still got points? Usually I'm sent back to the main menu and lose tons of points, but sometimes the match ends like it would when everyone reached the finish goal and it gives me first place with points regardless of what spot I had during the race.

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I'm pretty crap, but I should practice the GP's more.. Have only done up 'till the 3rd cup of 100 CC. Don't even know all the shortcuts, but it's better to watch the time trial runs of the champions for tips & tricks on each track. Nice feature. But in any case, I barely managed to scrape together 1000 points (making my total around 6000).


About getting disconnects and your points, I disconnected twice so far I think, one time I was expecting it, but I can't recall what it did to my points, I don't think it did anything. One time I disconnected from a friends game, or maybe they got disconnected.. I don't know their side of the story yet, so I don't know what really happened. I thought people who disconnected got replaced by AI, or was that Smash Brothers? Anyway, it was a 3 player game, 1 disappeared completely, and one other still remained, I won the race and got the points.


About the tracks I choose.. I've only voted random. I think I'll keep that policy.


Oh, and I have yet to try out the wheel! :D

Haven't tried the Cube controller and nunchuck / remote combo yet either, but I find the classic very comfortable.

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Heres a useful tip I discovered today - If you dont like the voice of your Mii - go to your Mii channel and change his colour - each colour is a different voice!


Oh and dont choose dark blue for your Mii he sounds retarded!


Sort of the subject, anyone else feel like DK's voice is too human? It sounds like a guy trying to make a gorilla sound (though obviously that is what it is...) but in the past it's always sounded alot better.

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Gizmo, you're right. I first noticed they had started down the path of brutalising DK's voice in Mario Footy on the GC. When you pick him and he says his name, its "RONKEY KONG!" in a weird goofy voice. I was hoping it would be back on track in Mario Kart Wii but sadly it isn't. :(

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I cannot use the Wii Wheel for my life. Drifting/whatever is practically impossible for me. Not only do I go the wrong way half the time, when I go the right way I end up turning far too much.


The horrors!



You don't happen to live on a steep hill do you? :D

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Thanks to SCG i have this game and it is fucking awesome. I love it, even with the ai cheating. The wheel is the place to go. Was awful with it at first, coming dead last on the second course of the first cup! and on 50cc! but a little time in time trial and now i cant see myself trying anything else. Due to no net at my new place, have been forced to 'borrow' so cant play online yet due to some semblance of respect.

Anyways heading to the online board to add you lot and see your times. Oh and I hate rainbow road with a passion. I get absolutely annihilated with items causing me to fall of all the time. Otherwise its fine to dry on. Just need a kart with good handling.

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Maybe the competitions will feature stuff similar to mission mode from the DS as I swear that I heard that this mode would be making a return (barely played this mode anyways so not bothered if it isn't in the game somewhere. They will probably start with the compos after the americans get the game too.

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I just had to gloat a little bit... I had my most satisfying win today online. I was playing GBA Bowser's Castle 3, was in front, almost at the finish line, with one guy right behind me. All of a sudden, someone used a blue shell! Just before the shell exploded, I used a mushroom that I had saved...and I actually escaped the explosion!! And ended up winning the race safely.


I had no idea that it was possible to escape the blue shell (other than when you're shot by the cannons). Anyone else know other ways to escape the blue shell?

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