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The 2007 Summer Job Hunt


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Ok, all you students, or just general job seekers out there, how are you finding this year's job-hunt?


Have you started? Don't know where to begin? Are CV woes getting you down?


Well this is the thread for you!


So, report back. What is getting you down, or have you finally got an interview at that damn call centre place that you wanted?




Ok, today I thought "hmm, something has to be done." So, I've rang up about 3 agencies in the last half hour, and got 3 lots of feedback.


Reed have told me to apply online, and then they'll take it from there.

Adecco have given me an email with job-listings.

Global Resource Solutions have given me an email address to send my CV off to.


I plan to ring more later. I AM determined to get a job this summer, because I need the damn money.

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Sainsbury's: Decided not to re-hire any of returning students who have valuable insight into the company, don't need any training etc. Or anyone for that matter. Reslimming = understaffed bullshit. Mummy works there and she's being made to do all this training for all this other stuff. So basically it seems that they're training everyone on everything just so they can delegate to other staff [spread thinly as it already is] so the manager can get a bigger tasty bonus at the end.


Daddy's Pub: Sent him a text asking for a job, failing that at least some training so I can use the experience elsewhere. The reply: I'll see what I can do. Translation: No. However Sunday night after closing he got me to pull a few pints, albeit I already know how to pour a cracking pint of Fosters and much more.

This Gentleman's shop opening in Beeston: Once was a "Gilesports" shop which closed down whilst I was at uni. They had a phone number on the window for those applying, phoned I did. Gave me an email to send a CV to. To do this I actually had to make a CV, considering I've been working at Sainsbury's for around 6 years [Or was.] Didn't hear anything from them and the shop has recently opened.


Cadland Pub: Got an application form, filled, returned. Got a phone call from them a few days ago asking if I could come in for a chat [Which I'm optimistically calling an interview] on Monday [sooner would be better, but I'm not complaining] This appears to be my best bet.


In the meantime I have been painting walls/ceiling in my house for cash.

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Good work, Eevil.


I am so stuck for cash, it's unbelieveable. I have to pay two sets of rent this week (don't ask) which will set me back around 650. Just checked my bank, and I'll be about 40 quid short. Meaning, PANIC. Ahhhhh.


I miss you student loan. :(

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I was offered a job at the cafe right next to my house again this year (no one else would want to work there), even though I left, and hate the only other emplyee (well, self employed), and the place itsself.


I accepted too :(

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Guest Stefkov

All these places want experience, but where am I meant to get this experience?!?

I applied for, what was, a new Currys online. Sent of fmy application, the next day I get an email saying you havn't got enough experience.

I got angry so I gave up on looking for one.


Not long ago my friend told me there might be some places at the Iceland near me, my mum goes in and asks about it and says there isn't any vacancies.


I did get to an inteview stage once in GAME, I think because of me being in Holy Cross, literally miles away and not being able to work in the day etc might not have done me any good.


I will still try though, and I realise that I've put a load of paragraphs spread out, I'm sorry.

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as most of y'all know i have a job in a shoe shop

4.45 an hour about 8 hours a week

this is going up till like 20 hours a week during the summer (WHHOOPA).. so im getting muchos of money


but unlike most students i dont have the money problem - im only getting the student loan which is paying off my accomadation next year and my parents are paying the tuition loan so my wee jobby here in the shoe shop is my spending money

plus i have this job all year - not just in the summer which means constant monies

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as most of y'all know i have a job in a shoe shop

4.45 an hour about 8 hours a week

this is going up till like 20 hours a week during the summer (WHHOOPA).. so im getting muchos of money


but unlike most students i dont have the money problem - im only getting the student loan which is paying off my accomadation next year and my parents are paying the tuition loan so my wee jobby here in the shoe shop is my spending money

plus i have this job all year - not just in the summer which means constant monies


Lucky, it'd be a lot easier for me if i didn't have to cycle between 2 major cities.


I swear this whole bi-city living thing is harder than it seems *sigh*

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So, report back. What is getting you down, or have you finally got an interview at that damn call centre place that you wanted?


Funnily enough, a guy just rang me today about a job I applied for at this call centre!!! Got an interview on Monday!! YAY!!!


Also got another job interview for Chelsea FC (Booo) on the following tuesday!


You might think that I'm really lucky but this time last week I had given up hope on finding a job. I looked everywhere, online, locally, and central london and no one got back to me. Thats what really gets me down, when u apply everywhere but they don;t give a shit to call u back or even e-mail.


Just stick with it people. I have been looking for a job for the past month or so and only now am I getting somewhere (getting calls and interviews - aint even got the job yet!) But yeh...::shrug:


P.S good thread linky boi!

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What about temping? Or pub work? They're usually busy during the summer.


Anyway I have my job so I'm set. Although when I get back from America I'm going to be in a similar sitch. Am going to try and get my way into Nero though. Just need to like coffee first...

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i have a job in a call centre. it's crap but easy enough and it pays quite well.

i ride my bike to work and that is the best part of everyday. summer jobs are awesome.


What's it like working in a call centre? I've got a job interview at one next week and want to know what it gonna be like....


Sabotage their season ;)!


Will do mate!:wink: :wink:

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Just spent the last 30mins searching the Job Centre website, and only found 2 possible jobs for me....a despatch operative at a meat factory, and an admin assistant somewhere else. Will look into them tomorrow. Had a waiting-on job, this time last year, and the manager said that I could return there this Summer if I want. I really liked working there, but I despise the head waitress, and now that I drive, she would pester for a lift all the time probs. Will check it out next month tho, if the other 2 don't go anywhere.


Did apply to join an agency, but they said they could not take me in, as I did not have enough experience...

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Ive had a fairly decent job for the last year or so, with a sizeable rate of pay for a 17 year old, and to be frank, its the easiest as feck job on this planet.


Is it wrong that i want another job that involves the outdoors for the summer? I dont know, wouldnt even mind Dog walking, anything that gets me away from the warehouse, no chance of getting a good old Brittish summer tan/rash in there.

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Well My Dad Can't Get me in the following places


Anfield On a Match Day-Need to be 18 Requirement of Law...Apparently


Virgin Media-Job Freeze




I was meant to be getting one in Liverpool Lewis's but the person has left


So I am jobless in Liverpool....(No Jokes You Fags);)

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