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Ok N-E, I need you to decrypt something for me...


Short version: I asked a girl if she wanted to go see a movie on Sunday. Her answer was "I'll let you know". Earlier, I texted "so I still haven't had a real answer for you about tomorrow", and after her dodging and talking about something else for a little while, I brought it up again and the conversation went like this:


Me: "Still waiting on a straight answer"

Her: "There is no real answer"

Me: "What does that mean"

Her: "I have no idea"


Wtf? I've never been great at these things but that has just left me completely baffled. I know from other sources that shes almost certainly just playing hard to get, but what am I supposed to make of that? :/

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Ok N-E, I need you to decrypt something for me...


Short version: I asked a girl if she wanted to go see a movie on Sunday. Her answer was "I'll let you know". Earlier, I texted "so I still haven't had a real answer for you about tomorrow", and after her dodging and talking about something else for a little while, I brought it up again and the conversation went like this:


Me: "Still waiting on a straight answer"

Her: "There is no real answer"

Me: "What does that mean"

Her: "I have no idea"


Wtf? I've never been great at these things but that has just left me completely baffled. I know from other sources that shes almost certainly just playing hard to get, but what am I supposed to make of that? :/


Leave this girl alone man, you're barking up the wrong tree and a reply like 'There is no real answer' is just stupid and childish.

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I know women are crazy but that sounds ridiculous.


A) She doesn't know what you actually asked, and its one big misunderstanding.


B) She does and she is simply as mental as she seems, and I personally wouldn't want to get involved with her in any way, shape or form. Cut all contact.






Unless shes hot. Obviously.

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I know women are crazy but that sounds ridiculous.


A) She doesn't know what you actually asked, and its one big misunderstanding.


B) She does and she is simply as mental as she seems, and I personally wouldn't want to get involved with her in any way, shape or form. Cut all contact.






Unless shes hot. Obviously.


She's hot alright. As in, I didn't believe she was interested in me at first because I thought she was out of my league.


Pretty sure now that shes just messing around, think shes at her friends house drinking and whatnot. Shes the sort that enjoys playing hard to get, or "the thrill of the chase" as my friend put it. But I think I have her sussed now, and it oughtta be fun playing this game...

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I think I have a crush!


But she's 18 :/


And I think she has a boyfriend :/


And lives near London (but will be going away to uni elsewhere when I move down there) :/


But we met at a fun. gig, befriended on twitter and shared our love for the BBC's swing-o-meter during the election.


I dream of spending evenings drinking red wine and listening to Rufus Wainwright (as apparently that's what she was doing last night).


Oh well. Nice to indulge eh?


(and apparently I've turned into Wesley)

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Pffft, age isn't that big of a deal.





But seriously, as long as they're older than like.....17 (or 17 up) I think thats the true age people start to turn into who they are as adults, and although maturing still happens (not in me looooool) then....yeah thats fine. No matter the age. Thats my opinion.

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Ok N-E, I need you to decrypt something for me...


Short version: I asked a girl if she wanted to go see a movie on Sunday. Her answer was "I'll let you know". Earlier, I texted "so I still haven't had a real answer for you about tomorrow", and after her dodging and talking about something else for a little while, I brought it up again and the conversation went like this:


Me: "Still waiting on a straight answer"

Her: "There is no real answer"

Me: "What does that mean"

Her: "I have no idea"


Wtf? I've never been great at these things but that has just left me completely baffled. I know from other sources that shes almost certainly just playing hard to get, but what am I supposed to make of that? :/


She sounds like a complete waste of time. Are you hoping to get into a relationship with her, or is it just a quick fiddle and a fumble?


I never understand why women or men feel the need to play "games." Stop fucking about and just keep it simple. I remember a few years back a friend of mine said that she would "test" her partner by flirting with other men, to see if he reacted or not.


I think I have a crush!


But she's 18 :/


And I think she has a boyfriend :/


And lives near London (but will be going away to uni elsewhere when I move down there) :/


But we met at a fun. gig, befriended on twitter and shared our love for the BBC's swing-o-meter during the election.


I dream of spending evenings drinking red wine and listening to Rufus Wainwright (as apparently that's what she was doing last night).


Oh well. Nice to indulge eh?


(and apparently I've turned into Wesley)


Ask her if she has a boyfriend, first of all. If she says no, then...well...you're halfway to bagging a young ladyfriend. 18 is a hot age. But then, any age caaaaan be a hot age, depending on how hot the person is whose age we're talking about.

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LOL at flinkys '18 is a hot age' comment, so fucking true. I'm literally surrounded by 18 year olds at Hollister it's so good. Age shouldn't be an issue though if you go by the rule that your age limits begins by dividing your age in 2 and adding 7 (so being 20 my limit is 17....brilliant!).

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Well by that rule its...18 and a half. Oh wait she's not 18 yet, she couldn't vote.


Anyway I know its not right for many reasons, more personal. And I'm not sat here pining by any means. The attraction is often fleeting.


Its just nice to know I can still have these feelings.

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re: the age thing.


I'm not sure I could go for an 18 year old now. 18-22 is such a defining period that changes so much- I'd barely recognise myself at 18, looking back- and now 18 year olds just look like kids to me. I'd much rather be with someone my age, probably older.

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Ok N-E, I need you to decrypt something for me...


Short version: I asked a girl if she wanted to go see a movie on Sunday. Her answer was "I'll let you know". Earlier, I texted "so I still haven't had a real answer for you about tomorrow", and after her dodging and talking about something else for a little while, I brought it up again and the conversation went like this:


Me: "Still waiting on a straight answer"

Her: "There is no real answer"

Me: "What does that mean"

Her: "I have no idea"


Wtf? I've never been great at these things but that has just left me completely baffled. I know from other sources that shes almost certainly just playing hard to get, but what am I supposed to make of that? :/



She's Probably Gay!



and referring the age conversation.


me and my current girlfriend have a 3 year age gap between us, she was 19 when i started going out with her. She turns 21 next month, then that makes me realize i'll be 24. fucking hate!


anyway yeah.

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