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Rome was awesome. It had lots of random sex.


Haha yeah. I'm still going through season two at the moment, since they're only showing that here now. But it has more of Agrippa/Allen Leech than season one, so yay. =P

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Yes I'm a manc by birth I live in cheshire though :heh: Nah don't go jillies, I don't go anywhere in manchester but shopping.


I miss manchester, I need go back to holier than thou at somepoint.


I went back for the first time in years recently and saw the new Arndale. Holy shit has that thing grown! It used to be tiny, the biggest thing was that giant Next. So weird.


Anyway, if you go to the triangle, be mean to the staff in Pizza Express for me will you ;)


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Maybe you just havn't seen the right guy yet Eenuh, or maybe you're just not looking. I couldn't care less about girls until i started Uni 4 years ago, now i sometimes wonder if i'm a pervert as my eye is often caught by a nice looking lady in the street.

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You don't seem asexual to me Eenuh, I think you're just a more discerning kind of lady. It's a quality which I suspect some others could do with more.

I don't know, I'm just never really interested in sex, and sometimes even disgusted by it. >.>;


I -do- love hugs and affection though. Kisses would depend on my mood.


Meh I don't know if I'm asexual or not. Not sure it really matters at the moment, since I'm single anyway and probably will be for ages. =P

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I only like sex when I'm drunk. Otherwise its just a disgusting foot note and I wonder "why the fuck am I doing this stupid repetive movement?". Maybe Zizek was right and I need some sort of fantasmatic element.


Perhaps I've just watched too much porn in my life and have exhausted my metaphorical penis. My real penis is fine though, I can urinate quite swiftly.

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I don't know, I'm just never really interested in sex, and sometimes even disgusted by it. >.>;


I -do- love hugs and affection though. Kisses would depend on my mood.


Meh I don't know if I'm asexual or not. Not sure it really matters at the moment, since I'm single anyway and probably will be for ages. =P


I used to be the same eenuh, until last year with my ex, I thought sex was disgusting (even though I wasn't a virgin anyway)!

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Does anyone else have a really inconsistent sex drive? I go through periods of about a month where i'm not feeling the vibe at all and for obvious reasons it makes me feel a little, hmmm, non-sensual. I'm usually a very physical contact friendly kind of person but there are times when I'm really just not bothered at all.


Nah, Im pretty much consistently horny all the time.

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Nah, Im pretty much consistently horny all the time.


I'm not....


I think i've said this before but i have almost a non-existant drive. (i think)


I find the thought of sex very scary.... o____0


Though i find women attractive and would love to have a girlfriend. :)




Also why do men keep hugging me? :wtf:

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These days? haha


That sounds funny lol like its a new fashion to be horny oh also where are all these women!


I was mostly referring to the ''omg women can't do this and that'' and can now be more open about things and whatnot.


Equality and all that shizzle.

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I was mostly referring to the ''omg women can't do this and that'' and can now be more open about things and whatnot.


Equality and all that shizzle.


Oh damn ok I was hoping some hormone had been leaked into fanta or something that made women mad and horny!




Hmm id like some fanta now I think of it.

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wow, this is great! I have been feeling for ages like how how some of you, particularly Eenuh, are saying, but didn;t think any 'normal' people felt like that. I want companionship of sorts but not sure if i really want more. sort of. i'm not being too clear. maybe a nintendo furm isn't the best place to be clear.


My friends when they first met me all assumed I was gay, as i suppose i do have camp moments. I know i'm not gay, and i know that i find women attractive, but I also kinda think 'hang on, normally if there is something I want I get it - surely if i did really want a GF I'd have one by now'


who knows. Maybe I am asexual. Or maybe i just have a mammoth ammount of fears, hang ups and neuroses about sex. I know I do have neuroses and issues better talked to a trained therapist than a forum, but I dont know if they are whats stopping me.


I have been thinking about this for ages, but never ever put it into words before, which is why it probably seems like a train of thought rather than a properly consructed post. I think I should speak to someone, i definitely have issues, and I think it would be healthier if I talked them through - you know the simpsons episode where ned's house gets destroyed by the hurricane and he cracks, i worry that that will happen one day, as I am unnaturally placid and bottle stuff.


wow, long, rambling and probably pointless. Thanks for reading!

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wow, this is great! I have been feeling for ages like how how some of you, particularly Eenuh, are saying, but didn;t think any 'normal' people felt like that. I want companionship of sorts but not sure if i really want more. sort of. i'm not being too clear. maybe a nintendo furm isn't the best place to be clear.


My friends when they first met me all assumed I was gay, as i suppose i do have camp moments. I know i'm not gay, and i know that i find women attractive, but I also kinda think 'hang on, normally if there is something I want I get it - surely if i did really want a GF I'd have one by now'


who knows. Maybe I am asexual. Or maybe i just have a mammoth ammount of fears, hang ups and neuroses about sex. I know I do have neuroses and issues better talked to a trained therapist than a forum, but I dont know if they are whats stopping me.


I have been thinking about this for ages, but never ever put it into words before, which is why it probably seems like a train of thought rather than a properly consructed post. I think I should speak to someone, i definitely have issues, and I think it would be healthier if I talked them through - you know the simpsons episode where ned's house gets destroyed by the hurricane and he cracks, i worry that that will happen one day, as I am unnaturally placid and bottle stuff.


wow, long, rambling and probably pointless. Thanks for reading!


(1) Hows that script going?)


2) I think it happens to everyone at some point. Theres all this pressure to know what you want to do with your life from a young age and it can be overwhelming at times.


Personally at the moment im in one of those off periods. At times (ie today) I feel like I would like to be with someone, but then know if im in a good mood tomorrow I wouldn't want to. Im selfish like that. Plus I want what I can't have, if someone shows interest in me I run. Similarly, if they show faith in me I run.


I think I've pretty much given up for this academic year, I can't be bothered to meet new people so I'll stick with the ones I know. I'm hoping September will bring a fresher me. (although, considering I am going to countless weddings this summer I may crank up the seriousness :P)

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I always have a dilemna when it comes to people assuming I'm hetero.


Like a few weeks ago my guitar teacher was like "You'll be able to play this to your girlfriends", and I could have either have just agreed (or whatever) or have said "Actually it would be boyfriends in my case".


In the end a guy knocked on the door and we were interrupted, so I didn't get to say anything.



Still, I don't like it when people assume.

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