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Do true Bisexuals exist? Is it just a preference for whatever you fancy determined by the person themselves or some would say taking the 'easy route' out of picking a sexuality? Have any bisexuals been lambasted by the gay or lesbian communities for this preference?



Quality thread, lol.


Do true bisexuals exist ?

I reckon so, why shouldnt a person end up being attracted to any person they liked the look of ? It would be a bit shit to say the brain was only capable of liking and being stimulated by one gender image.

I do think a lot of is how a person socially proofs themselves though.

What do I know though ?

Im straight and only worn dresses on a few occasions :heh:

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I haven't strictly come out to my family yet. They know I'm gay (well my sisters do) but I've made a point of not announcing it them. They didn't tell me they were straight so I figured if they had half a brain they could figure it out. I'm not the butchest guy in the world. Old home videos are so embarrasing to watch. I work in one of the most gay friendly environments and I'm really thankful for that. On another note I keep seeing this symbol on some peoples signatures 3>3>3>3>3> - What does it mean? Sorry for my ignorance.

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I haven't strictly come out to my family yet. They know I'm gay (well my sisters do) but I've made a point of not announcing it them. They didn't tell me they were straight so I figured if they had half a brain they could figure it out. I'm not the butchest guy in the world. Old home videos are so embarrasing to watch. I work in one of the most gay friendly environments and I'm really thankful for that. On another note I keep seeing this symbol on some peoples signatures 3>3>3>3>3> - What does it mean? Sorry for my ignorance.


(sorry to have nothing to say on the topic at hand, but: )


<3 = :heart: !

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I was really confused about my sexuality for a long time mostly because I just couldn´t accept the fact that I was different from others. I tried to make myself believe I was straight with all kinds of lies and evidence and it all seems pretty stupid now. :heh:


Then one day something just clicked in my head and I realized that being gay isn´t really the end of the world or anything... I haven´t come out to everyone yet, and in fact, I don´t really see the point why I should inform everyone about me being gay. If they don´t ask about it or figure it out themselves, I´ll leave it like that..

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grown men who prance about cross dressing, moving in female-like movements and referring to people as hunnie - really deserve to be smacked...


Is it really any different from people who cosplay?

I don't think so and how does it affect you that you feel the need to be violent?


i know some1 will try to flip what i just said and say im insecure, that shit is obviously whilst i type this lol... but any male pretending to be a paris hilton like member of another gender, is a retard...


Paris Hilton as a transgender role model?

You don't have a clue.

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Then one day something just clicked in my head and I realized that being gay isn´t really the end of the world or anything... I haven´t come out to everyone yet, and in fact, I don´t really see the point why I should inform everyone about me being gay. If they don´t ask about it or figure it out themselves, I´ll leave it like that..


I think there comes a point where you just want to be honest with your mates and talk to them about your life, ask their opinions and advice and so on. Least that happened for me.


So i came out to some of my school friends before i started college, when i met my college mates, the third question one of them asked me was if i was gay and i was just honest.

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Guest Jordan

People who are gay on this forum... and theres alot. Do you think that some people are gay just to be popular or just for the sake of it?


Being gay for some people is more like a fashion statement imo.

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grown men who prance about cross dressing, moving in female-like movements and referring to people as hunnie - really deserve to be smacked...


i know some1 will try to flip what i just said and say im insecure, that shit is obviously whilst i type this lol... but any male pretending to be a paris hilton like member of another gender, is a retard...


Never mind the "Being gay to get attention" theory, this guy's got the whole "Being an obnoxious tool to get attention" thing nailed.

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People who are gay on this forum... and theres alot. Do you think that some people are gay just to be popular or just for the sake of it?


Being gay for some people is more like a fashion statement imo.


I knew someone who did that once. He pronounced he was gay and then basked in the attention. Later he said he was bi and only said he was totally gay to see the reaction.


It really makes me sick when people so this. They don't understand the confusion and bullying you go through at school being gay.

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This thread moves like crazy. O.o



Anyway, I've been very confused about what sexuality I am. Thought at one point maybe I was lesbian or bi, but now I'm more inclined to say I might be asexual, though I'm not really sure. So eh, yeah. How -do- you find out really? =O


I would have thought one of the most obvious ways is to just experiment a little to find out what your turn on's and turn off's are, although this can open a whole other set of problems. I guess it's just a case of getting to know yourself.


Anyways, I kissed a couple of blokes, kissed many more girls, decided that the girls were generally more fun and got me in the 'mood' while guys just didn't feel right. So there it was laid out straight as it were. I think there is only one guy I would turn for, Thierry Henry. Woo yeah, just his accent is to die for.

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I think there comes a point where you just want to be honest with your mates and talk to them about your life, ask their opinions and advice and so on. Least that happened for me.


So i came out to some of my school friends before i started college, when i met my college mates, the third question one of them asked me was if i was gay and i was just honest.

Of course it´s good to tell your friends and relatives what you really are so you can stop acting something you aren´t.


But what I meant is that if I meet some new person, my first words for him/her aren´t something like "Hello.... And btw I´m gay!". I´m not ashamed of my sexuality in any way but I don´t like to make big deal out of it either. It´s a natural thing and not some kind of infectious disease.

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Of course it´s good to tell your friends and relatives what you really are so you can stop acting something you really aren´t.


But what I meant is that if I meet some new person, my first words for him/her aren´t something like "Hello.... And btw I´m gay!". I´m not ashamed of my sexuality in any way but I don´t like to make big deal out of it either. It´s a natural thing and not some kind of infectious disease.


Yep, if anyone asks, you tell, but to announce it makes you in need of a slap.

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;465567"]If there is problematic people in this thread someone (anyone...) PM me and I'll ban them from the thread.


Not if I rip them to pieces first, you wont. :wink:


I knew I was at least not gay (not sure about bi then, pretty sure I'm not now) when a female friend told me she was just wearing her underwear when I was talking to her on MSN.

Let's just say it's lucky the desk my computer is on is quite high up...:indeed:

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Hmmm, I'm feeling kinda lonely in my asexuality. Makes me wonder how many people are asexual... probably not many.

Actually just found a forum about it with lots of friendly people; think I'll go check it out for a bit. =3



There's a lot of gay people here though; a lot more than I expected. =O

Diversity, wheee!

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There's this mix in real life, the thing is on a forum people can be open about their sexuality whereas in the real world, some can't.


Yeah. They say 10% of males are gay.



If only there were 8 openly gay guys in my year of 80 boys... :hmm:


I'd be having a field day lol.

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How many are there...is it just you?


Also whats asexual Eenuh? I thought it was when plants reproduce with themselves.


Asexual is no sexual interest in either gender. Though there are different definitions. Wikipedia reference-linkasexuality should explain it.


I think I'm the type of: no sex, a ton of affection! Though stuff like kissing seems to be an in between kind of thing; still not sure it's something I like. D:

Actually, I'm still not sure if I'm really asexual or if my non-interest in sex is because of different reason...

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